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Visit VR Bangers

VR Bangers (0)

Anth (0) 05-05-20  02:52pm
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Too many spamming adverts all over the site

I recently signed up for a lifetime $250 membership for this site after being a member two years ago. The quality seems to have dropped right down since then. My biggest annoyance is the site seems to be filled with adverts for other VR sites. There are so many adverts its almost like going to a "free" adult site.

When I sign in there are a stream of adverts for all of the major players in the VR scene with claims of high discounts but really they are just the standard price of them.

I click on a video to watch, there are banners at the top and bottom for other sites to join.

The one that is really annoying me causing me to post this comment is if you see a girl you like and you click to see more videos of her. It won't take you to more of her videos on VRbangers. It will take you to either WankzVR or BadoinkVR at random (you click refresh on the page and it will alternate between the two sites). This would be fine of the girl was actually on either one of those sites. But the girl is not even on those sites. So this whole "click here for more videos of her" you are taken to a competitors VR site and the girl isn't even on them.

VR Bangers has the worst layout of all of the major VR sites and I think it needs to be looked over again as this high score on TBP is definitely undeserving in comparison to the likes of CzechVR, MilfVR or NaughtyAmericaVR

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LKLK (0) Thanks for the warning.

I'm not into VR yet, lack of funds, but oldfizzywig gives it a high recommendation and some other PU members also seem to be into it heavily, as a great advancement in porn.

So if I get some extra money, and gain some courage and the needed equipment, I will give it a try.

I'm sorry you paid such a high price for a disappointing VR site, but warnings like yours can be very useful to the rest of us, even if we aren't into VR yet.

There are a few other PU members who comment on VR sites, but most of them don't comment or review very often.
For whatever reason.

I think PU member participation at the site has dropped considerably, from the days of Khan. A shame. But it's still a useful site for valuing porn sites.
And the raffle is a nice feature, even if it's only once a month.

05-05-20  03:42pm

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Anth (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

All you need is an Oculus Go that can be bought for £150 now (you only need the 32GB one, the 64GB one that I bought, I wish I didn't).

Once you've tried VR you likely won't go back. I remember the first VR video I seen it was one of the Sorority house videos on this VRBangers site and I actually almost said "sorry girls got to go" before it hit me, what am I doing. You do get immersed into it. And thus its good while the whole planet is on lockdown for Covid19.

The OculusGo is great, as you can also get either the Netflix or Pigasus player and I just use it to watch movies on it also and it feels like I am in the cinema and looking at a huge cinema screen.

I would suggest signing up to CzechVR to your first site as that is easily the best.

VRBangers, the Soririty Girls videos are amazing on here. But they have went insane with the amount of adverts.

05-06-20  12:18am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #2 - Anth :

Thanks so much for the generous advice.
Oculus VR devices seem to be in high demand, maybe because of the coronavirus.
Best Buy and Walmart (local stores) are out of the different versions of these devices.
And Amazon is charging a premium of maybe $80 to a few hundred dollars or more for used versions of these devices.
I guess this is price-gouging at its finest.

I live in Los Angeles County, California, but there don't appear to be any sites where I can try these devices. Again, maybe it's the coronavirus that is part of the problem, but there are no local stores or sites that have these devices within a 70 miles or more, as far as I can tell.

I'll probably go for the Oculus Go, but I really wish I could try it out first.
But if I can get it for $150 or so, for the 32GB version, it seems like a nice entry-way into the VR experience.
Trying for the more expensive Oculus Rift S seem chancy, because my PC is not a gaming PC, and the device probably wouldn't work well (if at all) with the desktop PC I have. Which is a low-end, non-gaming PC.

I'm not into games anyway. I don't think I've ever played a computer game (what are called computer games today). Never bought a computer game. Though I've seen hundreds of ads for them.

But thanks again for the advice.

Note: at Best Buy (an electronics chain in my area), it says the Oculus Go is not available within 250 miles of my location.
There are cases for the Oculus Go that are available in my local area at Best Buy, but it doesn't make sense to buy a case to hold something I don't have yet, anyway.

05-06-20  11:42am

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