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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

Anth (0) 12-28-19  01:39pm
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Warning - These lot are theives

I signed up to this site for a whole year last New Years Eve as they had a Christmas discount on their yearly membership. And therefore I signed up solely based on the incredibly high score this website scored here on TBP so trusted the review and expected to like it.

To be honest I didn't really like the content at all so have only logged in about (literally) three times in the last year and largely forgot I was even a member. I was worried it was going to be charged again so went on Boxing Day to look over the site and also the videos again to see about downloading some to make the membership at least somewhat worthwhile. And on first login it says "account is banned" I looked at the billing company and it says account active and they are going to take another $89 on December 31st 2019 for another year. But I cannot login to the account at all claiming its banned.

I have sent a tech help request email two days ago and it has been totally ignored. I sent another this morning and still ignored. The billing company is useless with no way to contact them that I can see.

This is a total joke. I have tried resetting my password, and it sends a new one to my email to login. But then when I do it says "account is banned". I had an incredibly difficult password set by a password manager so I know for a 100% fact nobody has guessed it.

It mentions on their FAQs on their webstie if you sign in by multiple different IPs it will ban your account and you need to contact customer service for them to reset access to your account. Virtually no ISP in the UK has static IPs so you will get new IPs from them over the year and they are just ignoring all requests to let me get access to my account that I have paid them for.

These lot are a total joke and just theives. This is the stupidist system I have ever heard a webstie implement. And if they are going to implent a system as strict as this where they ban you if you sign in with a different IP. Then they should not ignore peoples requests to gain access again due to their silly system.

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Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) I have been a member of the network numerous times.
I do like the content.
I'm a customer, just like you. Not employed by the site, or by any porn site.

I suggest you write to customer support, and explain your problem.
I've written to customer support a few times, when I had problems, and their customer support was helpful.
(They gave me a free membership to the Teen Mega World network, since I was paying for a membership to one of their sites, Teen Sex Movs. And the search engine for Teen Sex Movs is limited to that site. The search for the Teen Mega World site covers the entire network.

The customer service rep I dealt with, who was very helpful was:

Sandra Smith (royal-cs.com)

That was the email address and the customer service rep who helped me in the past.

I hope this helps.

(Give your login details, username and password, and any details about your membership, to identify that you are a current member.)

12-28-19  03:09pm

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Anth (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

As I mentioned, I did all of this. And they have ignored it completely.

This is the automatic response email from the first email

"##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (7895) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. To add additional comments, reply to this email."

This has been totally ignored. So I sent another, this has also been totally ignored.

I have filled out all of the information I have in their customer service form, however their signup email in 2018 did not give me any subscription ID at all. I have looked it over again now and thats a definite. And yet their customer support page asks for it. And their list of billing companies you need to put in as a drop down to receive customer support. It doesn't even list the one they used in 2018 to sign up for them with "FXBilling".

In their support request form they have 6 different billing companies listed in their drop down (Epoch, 2000charge, Segpay, WTS, Vendo, verotel), all except for the one they actually used in 2018 to signup with "FXbilling".

FXbilling is a terrible billing company with no way to contact them.

Everything about their website screams mismangaed. And at the end of it is customers not getting what they pay for and just being ignored totally.

12-28-19  03:29pm

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LKLK (0) Many of these membership renew automatically.
So you need to cancel before the renewal date, which is one year from your signup date.

It should be easier to cancel, if you contact customer support.
Or, you can deal with your credit card company about the renewal charge.
Your choice.

But since you joined on New Year's Eve, you need to contact customer service immediately.
Some companies demand that you give a few days notice before the cancellation will take effect.
I don't know what the policy is at Teen Mega World on this.

12-28-19  03:30pm

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LKLK (0) As I said, I'm not connected to the site except as a member, just like you.

But you have to grit your teeth and send a message to the support address I gave you, or you will probably be charged for another year's membership, which you don't want.

Explain the problem.

Or, just copy the posts you made at the PU site, explain that you are frustrated by the problems, and ask that your membership be cancelled.

But send an email to
Sandra Smith (royal-cs.com)

If she's still there, she should help.

12-28-19  03:40pm

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Anth (0) REPLY TO #4 - LKLK :

That was actually where the auto email was from.

"sandra@royal-clubs.com "

So therefore I suspect she has gone on holiday for Christmas as she is definitely not replying to emails.

I will send one direct to this email address to see if that does better than filling out their dreadful webform.

In terms of the content I was not happy with it. I signed up solely for the VR section and it was not of the best quality at all. The regular 2D stuff may be ok but I was after the VR.

Poor interaction, usually a girl who didn't speak almost any english and thus it felt like robots on the screen.

BabeVR and MilfVR are night and day better as these feel like what VR should be as these girls full on converse in the videos.

12-28-19  03:49pm

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LKLK (0) The staff at PU (Porn Users) used to help members who had a problem with a site.
They seem to be on holiday currently.
But when they return, send a private email to Freddie.
If your membership was renewed, ask her to help you get a refund.

The hot link to send her an email does not work at the PU site.
But her email address is:


12-28-19  03:55pm

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elephant (0) Whos the biller company out of interest?
12-29-19  01:41am

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Anth (0) REPLY TO #7 - elephant :


And like I say, their own billing company they used in 2018 is not in their own drop down menu to receive customer support from them.

I will also say, just woke up now at 10am on Sunday and still no response to my emails to them. The whole thing is calamitous.

I sent further emails to them last night direct to the address given here.

12-29-19  01:48am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #8 - Anth :

So did you try putting in email and password on cancel membership on this fxbilling.net site or wouldn't it let you.

FXbilling is a company I can't say I remember ever using to be honest, I tend to never join a site if it isn't Epoch or ccbill.

Sounds a nightmare, only thing I'd do is phone credit card company and say you lost your card, don't want anyone to use it if they find it so can they cancel that card and send you a new one.

12-29-19  01:58am

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rearadmiral (0) I don't want to minimize your issue but I checked my records (I keep track of subscriptions going back to 2012) and I've been billed through FX Biller approximately a dozen times. If I had problems with them as a biller I would have made a note of that and I have no such note. I'm with others here who definitely prefer known billers like Epoch and CC Bill, but my records show I've been okay with FX.

For whatever reason the site itself seems to be your problem. It wouldn't have been the biller who banned you from the site, though whether you've been banned or not the biller should still cancel your membership.

Please don't take this as anything but an honest attempt to help, but it does appear that FX has some form of online cancellation service. https://www.fxbilling.net/profiles/subscription.php I don't have any memberships billed through them now so I can't enter information and see what pops up.

Finally, I should mention that I've had experience with one biller that seemed to work fine with many subscriptions but became a hellish experience with one specific site. That pair is German Goo Girls and Centrobill (also doing business as Westbill.) That was such a shitshow that I had to cancel my card. But, oddly, I've used Centrobill/Westbill for other sites and had no problems.

Good luck with this. Please keep us updated as one of the real advantages of Porn Users is the ability to share important information like this.

12-29-19  06:24am

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Anth (0) REPLY TO #10 - rearadmiral :

I agree, the billing company has done absolutely nothing wrong. This is entirely an issue caused by Teenmegaworld and nobody else.

I have finally just now had an email back from Sandra Smith. And it has infuriated me even more.

No apologies from her, nor nothing. She claims they banned my account as I used a download manager to download a video from them.

They did not issue me with extra days in compensation, no anything just "I have changed your password, let me know if you still cannot log in" and that was it.

I have now signed in and cancelled the account from being billed another year.

I have also replied back to this email, this time demanding the lost days returned back and added onto my subscription. I paid them for a year. Their silly system banned me for no good reason whatsoever. And then they ignored me for days on end when I tried to gain access to my account they banned for no good reason. And yet not even a sorry nor nothing from them.

The issue is now resolved. But not in anyway to a level of basic satisfaction. I would say to anyone reading this. Do not use TeenMegaWorld at all. They are not a professional outfit in anyway.

There are way better VR sites; CzechVR, MilfVR, BabeVR are all way better.

12-29-19  07:19am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #11 - Anth :

Thanks for reporting back on this. I'm glad to hear that things got resolved in time for you to cancel the membership. That would have been terrible to get stuck for another year.
12-29-19  02:20pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #12 - rearadmiral :

I have to say these are the reasons I love this community. We may bicker and have disagreements, as all thinking people do. But there is a level of comradery and care that is hard to find on the internet.

I post this in reference to rearadmiral - but I mean it for everyone on this thread. It makes me happy to have found this place 😃

12-30-19  06:44pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #13 - marcdc1 :

I know this reflects my thoughts about this forum and I'm confident that others feel the same way.
12-31-19  05:35am

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