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bill20 (0) 02-02-18  05:32am
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Now using Epoch Billing

Went to the billing page trying to find out the upcharge for 4K video and was directed to an Epoch screen. So now BangBros doesn’t directly get your credit card info. I seem to remember that if a site wants to add a new charge through Epoch, you get a screen from Epoch to confirm. Also, you can search for all your open billing accounts, and cancel any you don’t want directly through Epoch. So there shouldn’t be any more unwanted web sites that you don’t know how to cancel.

Are the bad days of BangBros billing over?

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) This is big news! This is great news! I'm certain that the BB site will still be a minefield of links that may lead to unwanted add-ons and charges, but holy crap...
02-02-18  02:09pm

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bill20 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Tried this again and was directed to st-secure.com which appears to be the internal bangbros biller. Not sure what changed. Thebestporn review claims that Epoch is the secondary biller. If you want Epoch, I’d try entering an invalid credit card number and it will give you some more payment options. You can choose Epoch/Paypal and then select Epoch. The page then says Epoch, but the address is still st-secure, so it might be bangbros collecting your credit card number and then sending it to Epoch. Not good. Another billing choice is a gift card. I think I’ll stick to that.
02-03-18  10:14am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - bill20 :

Agreed. I have to figure out a payment method other than a credit card. I'm looking at pre-paid cards but I've had trouble with those before.

Then again, for as little as I trust Bang Bros, my issue with them has never been billing. It's their use of links that automatically generate a membership and a charge.

02-03-18  11:27am

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malikstarks (0) Your mistaken they still use the same in house biller, with epoch as the backup, though there are ways to manipulate the transaction to get to epoch.
02-14-18  04:36pm

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Wraith0711 (0) PayPal is an option now too
05-02-18  06:15am

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