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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Kinky Family

Kinky Family
Reply of avgazn86's Reply

site is dead anyway, going on two years since last update. Probably lost their payment processor and this was the only option.

03-25-25  01:45pm

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Just wanted to say thank you for the Gift card Sir

03-15-25  05:13am

Visit 18 Eighteen

18 Eighteen
Reply of 2Cigars1Woman's Review

This site has been a favorite of mine for a while. I love the photo sets which sadly is a rarity anymore. This site is almost always a models first scene which is why I feel that it's pretty vanilla, or "paint by numbers" as you put it. They know they are just starting out and don't just throw the girls into a super hard core scene their first time out which is why I think this site has been around so long. This can be a problem for long time porn viewers lol where just plain porn just don't do it anymore. I like this site (FTV girls also) because a fair amount of the girls go on to become big stars in the industry, we get to see their first scene here.

03-12-25  05:41am

Visit Hustler HD

Hustler HD
Reply of Do Not Bite It's Review

I am actually surprised they allow downloads and in that high of resolution. The main hustler site always had crappy 480p videos, even the newest scenes were 480. I'm also surprised that this site is still updating. After the new flagship site hustler unlimited launched I thought everything was integrated there. I was a member to barely legal for just a couple days when with no notification it was shut down and and no refund given. I was on the site when suddenly a download was dropped and the site refreshed with "site is undergoing maintenance" and after a couple hours site is unreachable. Login info was supposed to work on the new site but it didn't and all support requests were ignored. They just took all currant subscribers money and ran. They ignored all emails from both me and epoch who said they were aware of the problem but couldn't do anything because they couldn't get a response from the webmaster. They will never see my money again.

03-12-25  05:23am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Good interface, navigation is pretty easy.
Model index is easily sorted in multiple ways
Fast downloads
Updated almost every day
Fun goofy videos
Cons: Model index is bloated with other site entries with some models entered with no RK content.
Not divided into sites anymore everything is RK Prime
Canceling is an absolute nightmare
Picture sets have dwindled to just a few screenshots
Card fraud after joining
Bottom Line: I joined this site for the first time since they were bought out by mindgeek. I found a special through here with the price of $19.99 with downloads included and went with it. The site itself is fantastic. With navigation a breeze you can quickly find whatever your looking for. The model index itself is impressive in itself, the sheer size of it. It can be sorted in multiple ways: Male/female, recent, rating, vid count, and by name. A major gripe here: The model index has sometimes up to 6 intries of the same model, You have to click each one to find the reality kings page as the other entries are for their sister sites and not accessible unless upgraded. There are also some models listed with no RK content at all. Videos can be sorted by date, upcoming, and be sifted by category.

Site is HEAVILY bogged down with ads.

I love picture sets and sadly that is a feature that is slowly dying throughout the industry. The sets used to feature small little glamour shots of the models but have been reduced to just a couple dozen screen shots.

Another gripe is every scene is thrown into the RK Prime label. Sites used to be in their own page, sites like we live together, sneaky sex, and so on.

Cancelation is an absolute nightmare! No self service page to just cancel and leave. No you have to chat, email, or call them and deal with extremely aggressive agents who almost refuse to cancel and shove and push up-sales and promotions to the point that you almost disconnect out of sheer frustration. Right after joining this site I experienced card fraud. I can not with absolute certainty solely point the finger at probiller but that was the only charge in that time period then 36 hours later charges started popping up all over the USA, Uber/lyft and fast food charges and one idiot tried to pay his/her cable bill with my card. Yeah talk your way out of that mess lmfao.
I didn't have to cancel the membership as the card on file was canceled but I didn't want another bounced charge notification on my account and attempted to cancel it. The agent just refused to cancel my membership, countless upsales and offers. I finally had to stop him with "dude there is no card to charge it to! it has been cancelled and flagged as hacked!" then he finally relented and cancelled it. I now have a pre-paid visa that I use for sites as an added layer of protection from this. Again, I can't directly accuse probiller with certainty but the timing is certainly suspicious......

Aside from the cancelation, it was a pretty pleasant experience. I Love the content, their story lines and set ups. Yeah it's cookie cutter but honestly what site isn't anymore. I love the goofy comedy scenes where you can see everyone is just having an absolute blast. It just makes for a hotter scene when they are at ease with each other.

03-06-25  06:53am

Replies (0)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of elephant's Reply

Yeah it was crazy! Someone tried to pay a massive satellite bill, then I had uber and lyft bills both all over $100 from texas, Deleware, and California. Plus Fast food places too.

02-22-25  08:28pm

Visit Porn Fidelity

Porn Fidelity
Reply of Trump2020's Comment

now it's 15 per month. never going back

02-14-25  07:03am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Card fraud after joining

Just joined this site after seeing a special and suddenly my bank notifies me of potential fraudulent charges. Sure enough $600 disappears from my account. Thankfully I got it back after canceling my debit card and disputing the charges, which was easy to prove as they were all out of my state. But be warned about joining anything with probiller

02-13-25  07:51pm

Replies (2)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of elephant's Reply

Still using probiller but honestly since they got sold and went to ANYO they have been so much better than they used to be. Hopefully they are transitioning to normal practices.

02-05-25  07:24am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Do Not Bite It's Review

When you paid for the downloads Sir, did they have 4k available Or just 1080p hd? Once they got sold and went to ANYO they have been so much better at customer service. I joined through this site and they have a $20 option WITH downloads and rebills at $20 until cancelled but no 4k videos available. I thought the last time I joined before they went to mindgeek that they had 4k. I know that brazzers does, not sure about mofos either.

02-05-25  07:12am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of benmar51's Reply

FYI, I tried the link here for reality kings and got the same offer

01-31-25  08:06am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of benmar51's Comment

Wow that is actually shocking from a mind geek site, appreciate the heads up Sir

01-27-25  02:19pm

Visit Kinky Family

Kinky Family

Rip off AVOID

Went to all the trouble of buying bitcoin to join this site and found out the site is no longer updating, last update was in April 2023. That was no problem at all, site has excellent content and wanted to add to my collection of their site. I downloaded maybe six models with 2 videos each and thought I hit a download limit. so I tried waiting to the next day, same thing "403 Forbidden". I have contacted support and have been ignored. Wasted $54 for a 3 month membership.

01-14-25  08:40am

Replies (0)
Visit Kinky Family

Kinky Family

No credit cards accepted

Site is strictly bit coin. what a freakin pain!!

01-13-25  11:35am

Replies (2)
Visit Bad Family POV

Bad Family POV
Reply of 2Cigars1Woman's Review

I joined this network almost two years ago and if the splash pages are the currant video then they haven't updated very much at all. most are re-posts. Network itself is pretty much dead, only the slut inspection site and another with the same people was still updating. Sad, three years out and some of these indie studios are still trying to pick up the pieces after covid.

01-01-25  12:13pm

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of BatorAly's Review

I love this network, I joined when it first came out and then went for the full year option, I think I'm in my forth(?) year.

12-17-24  08:11pm

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Do Not Bite It's Review

I stopped joining the site when mindgeek bought it and will never join any mindgeek site do to probiller. Shame, I loved this site so much and mofos too. They are flat out crooks and jip you out of as much as they can shamelessly. Be forwarned: save ever every email they send you especially the cancelation ones. Be sure to cancel every upgrade you bought in turn to. If you don't you will continue to be charged for them even though you no longer have access to this site.

12-09-24  07:53pm

Visit VR Porn

VR Porn
Reply of sean68's Comment

Also forgot to add that most videos I downloaded here would not play correctly. They stuttered really bad, I download the same vid close to the same size on povr or slr and they were fine.

11-28-24  05:59am

Visit Sweetheart Video

Sweetheart Video
Reply of tilcyrella's Comment

Anything probiller is a mindgeek site and is no downloads. Keep track of everyupgrade you did and be sure to cancel each one. Very important fact here, cancelling the initial membership does not cancel the upgrades. Again keep track and keep all receipts. Check my forum post on probiller.

11-22-24  09:16am

Visit VR Porn

VR Porn
Reply of sean68's Comment

Give sex like real a shot too, but I also agree, povr is the absolute best vr site going.

11-01-24  05:22am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Scoot Tatum's Comment

This is by their design. They also have a iron clad zero refund policy. So go directly to the probiller (probiller.com) site to cancel. If you have any upgrades then they all must be canceled too, cancelling the initial membership does not cancel the upgrades and you will be continue to be charged for these upgrades for a site you no longer have access to. It's best to avoid any Mindgeek (now known as ANYO FYI) site as they are by far the shadiest MF'rs in the business. Also keep all email receipts from them. See my Forum post on them and what they did to me.

10-27-24  07:55pm

Visit Private Society

Private Society

Sister Site

This site has a sister site called Midwest Freaks, honestly it pretty much is the same content from here. Private has way more content though.

10-23-24  04:51am

Replies (0)
Visit Porn Plus

Porn Plus
Reply of avgazn86's Reply

I don't know why sites neglect their content, speaking only for myself here, if a site remasters scenes then it's not recycling content. Having a large amount of remastered content for me is well worth the price of admission. This site pulls from the porn pros network and calls it exclusive which is a flat out lie.

09-24-24  06:09am

Visit Club Sweethearts

Club Sweethearts
Reply of 2Cigars1Woman's Review

I love this site and network. They have a lot of the early scenes from the now allfinegirls.com. They got rid of a lot of stuff when they changed the name from young legal porn. This site should come with a warning though, be prepared for a multi month stay!

09-16-24  05:32am

Visit Kink.com

Reply of HairyPotter's Review

I love this site and have joined it multiple times over the years. I wish they'd start fucking machines up again. There have only been a half dozen or less scenes over the past few years. Another favorite is device bondage. I never did like the public disgrace channel. A favorite model of mine did a scene for it and then quit the business because of it. There is such a huge catalog that it takes months to even scratch the surface, you go through and then keep going back as something else catches your attention.

Great review!

09-12-24  05:47am

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