Just joined this site after seeing a special and suddenly my bank notifies me of potential fraudulent charges. Sure enough $600 disappears from my account. Thankfully I got it back after canceling my debit card and disputing the charges, which was easy to prove as they were all out of my state. But be warned about joining anything with probiller
Went to all the trouble of buying bitcoin to join this site and found out the site is no longer updating, last update was in April 2023. That was no problem at all, site has excellent content and wanted to add to my collection of their site. I downloaded maybe six models with 2 videos each and thought I hit a download limit. so I tried waiting to the next day, same thing "403 Forbidden". I have contacted support and have been ignored. Wasted $54 for a 3 month membership.
Your best porn review says no downloads are included with initial membership but can be purchased at an extra cost after membership is bought. You didn't say how much it is. I just visited the site and it clearly says NO DOWNLOADS available. Maybe update the review?
This site has way to much filler. The entire month of July they updated everyday BUT only 4 videos were actually new scenes. The rest were pulled from the Porn Pros network and outside partners. I wouldn't be so opposed to reposting older content if they would at least remaster it. Current technology being were it's at would make this a very easy undertaking but they are just to lazy. Even reformatting the old .wmv files to .mp4 would be an improvement. Everything being digital nowadays it is literally drag, drop, & enter.
I hate that this network starts sites out so hot and heavy then just fizzles out. The site posts top notch videos with the newest and top tier models so it's sad that they rarely post more than once a month any more.
No downloads through site but can download through Playa' app
VRBangers doesn't have downloads through the site despite saying it does. But YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THROUGH THE PLAYA' APP. Now here's the thing, the download loads folder is hidden in your windows files. BUT FEAR NOT! Here is where it is:
Windows 10:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\.PlayaContent\STR\NAMEOFVIDEOVRSYSTEM: Example: VR Vacation\ssv
Windows 11
In windows 11 YOU MUST HAVE HIDDEN FILES ENABLED! if you don't then appData and .PlayaContent will not be seen as they are hidden.
Your welcome
It's a pain to have to wear the vr headset to download stuff but hey at least you get what you want. You can only download one version of the video unless you move and delete it. Also it is much faster to download for me this way for some reason.
Every time I try to sign up it throws an error. Tried changing my email/payment method and no dice. Tried paypal (through segpay) and it says "error: invalid packet"
I discovered this site a while back and decided to give it a try. There's no real preview so I wasn't sure of the content but it had a video on it that I saw on a clips4sale site that I had my eye on and thankfully it has a lot of the videos from that channel. It has stars like Cadey Mercury, Aften opal, Kylie Rocket, Kyler Quinn, Chloe Rose and so on. When I get a chance I plan To write a quick review of this fantastic site.
This site has become a video for video clone of Bang!.com. I have both pages open side by side and have scrolled multiple pages and they are completely identical.
Site is no longer affiliated with Met-art, so don't bother submitting a support ticket there. The site is now closed with absolutely no notice and merged with barelylegal.com which is also closed and rolled into hustlerunlimited.com. Login doesn't work and no replies from support. They just stole their subscribers money and ran.
So it appears that Hustler.com and barelylegal.com WITH NO NOTICE WHATSOEVER have closed up shop and dumped everything into hustlerunlimited.com. They tell you to use your previous login info but it doesn't work. Waiting for support to return email to find out wtf is going on
Update: support emails have so far gone unanswered
Further update: I contacted epoch.com the biller for them and they are also waiting for a response so they are now being ignored too.
Still no response to emails and epoch has now escalated the case against them what ever that means. Hustler just shut down their sites and ran with the customers money.
After almost a week, still no response. They have not responded to Epoch either. AVOID ANYTHING HUSTLER RELATED!!!!!!!
I rejoined this site after a 2 year gap. The site is always down, connection says "site is unavailable" other times I get a splash page saying the site is "undergoing maintenance". So far in this membership I have only had a couple days of access in about 3 weeks. Worst part is is I can't get the customer service without getting on their site!
Just wondering if there are any current members here? It's coming up on a year that they stopped updating. I haven't been a member in a couple months and I was wondering if they have resumed production. I don't understand why only one out of six sites were updating......
ADMINS any chance you guys have a working login to check and maybe update your best porn review?
The content is top notch but the freaking downloads are just ridiculously slow. Download manager has to be set to only one connection or the download will slow to a stop and timeout. Constantly have to refresh the page or you will get unauthorized download error. Some of the file sizes are (4K) in excess of 12gb and take around 15 minutes or more to finish. I have comcast xfinity blast speed and on other sites a file of this size would take less than a couple minutes with multiple connections allowed. Good thing I got the 3 month option as it gonna take that long to maybe get just my favorites. I wish I had never joined this site.
A couple years ago there were two lethal hardcore sites, one was vod and the other was a normal pay site. I just joined the lethalhardcore.com and it seems like the vod with limited downloads that I remembered but can't find the other pay site. I hope they didn't merge them because this site sucks, no pictures zips and most newer vids are extra $$.
Edit: I found the other site, it's called lethalpass.com. not sure which is which.
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