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Wraith0711 (0) 09-15-23  07:26am
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Any new members here?

Just wondering if there are any current members here? It's coming up on a year that they stopped updating. I haven't been a member in a couple months and I was wondering if they have resumed production. I don't understand why only one out of six sites were updating......

ADMINS any chance you guys have a working login to check and maybe update your best porn review?

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pat362 (0) Not a member but as far as I can tell Mike more or less stopped creating content for all his sites (it includes this one) and concentrates on OF if anything at all. There was a mention on a different forum that his most recent site dirty auditions is using content that was taken from his OF account. Can't confirm but it's the only site that still dates it's content. I don't know that I would invest any money even if he were to add the odd video ( unless you really want those) because until I hear otherwise. I assume that he is retired from shooting content for his sites.
09-16-23  09:56pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Long time since we last spoke and thank for the reply Sir! That sucks I love his network. I goofed when I signed up for dirty auditions, I ended up with a year long sub instead of 1 month. It all stopped around the time his contract star Logan Long passed away so it makes sense.
09-17-23  07:02am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Wraith0711 :

I'm sorry to hear about that but ultimately this is less about you making a mistake and more with the owner having a year long membership available in the first place. Especially when they aren't updating with new content or so rarely doing it that it doesn't justify offering any long term memberships. In fact I would argue that offering year long membership to any of Mike's site at this moment is illegal or should be.

P.S: Glad to talk to you as well.

09-18-23  03:39am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

The year long sub was to dirty auditions which is the only site still updating so I happily just took the loss. Was devastated when I saw that the new layla jenner scene was just bj lol.
09-18-23  08:17am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Hey pat362, just read on reddit that these sites have been suspended for failure to pay his LLC taxes for the sites.
09-27-23  07:34am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

Thanks for the info. You might want to mention it to Rabbit and the crew at TBP seeing as they are still linking to the sites.
10-08-23  11:02am

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