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VR Bangers (0)

Wraith0711 (0) 07-17-24  03:22pm
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No downloads through site but can download through Playa' app

VRBangers doesn't have downloads through the site despite saying it does. But YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THROUGH THE PLAYA' APP. Now here's the thing, the download loads folder is hidden in your windows files. BUT FEAR NOT! Here is where it is:

Windows 10:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\.PlayaContent\STR\NAMEOFVIDEOVRSYSTEM: Example: VR Vacation\ssv

Windows 11

In windows 11 YOU MUST HAVE HIDDEN FILES ENABLED! if you don't then appData and .PlayaContent will not be seen as they are hidden.

Your welcome

It's a pain to have to wear the vr headset to download stuff but hey at least you get what you want. You can only download one version of the video unless you move and delete it. Also it is much faster to download for me this way for some reason.

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Comment Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


Collins (0) I've only once successfully downloaded a video this way, every other time it stops part way through with a download error.
08-12-24  05:34pm

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Collins (0) I've only once successfully downloaded a video this way, every other time it stops part way through with a download error.
08-12-24  05:35pm

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Collins (0) I've only once successfully downloaded a video this way, every other time it stops part way through with a download error.
08-12-24  05:35pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Collins :

Yeah when I first started trying this it wouldn't do it either. I started the play'a app then logged into vrbangers through the app and it started to work after a few tries.
08-15-24  01:04pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Collins :

Totally forgot to add, delete the videos that have errored out. For what ever reason, they will not finish downloading once they have errored. Delete and restart the download and it will finish, at least they did in my experience.
08-18-24  07:35pm

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