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Wraith0711 (0) 03-05-18  05:36am
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Great sites bad editing

I love this site and all of it's sister sites. my only complaint is the editing out of the initial penetration and shifting from one position to another and again the insertion. It's all edited out. Also I don't know what is up with their 4K videos, 1/3 of them will play on my pc only, not my 4K tv with a external drive plugged into it, DRM maybe?

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Onyx (In-Active) I'm not familiar with the site, but I think DRM is unlikely. If the videos don't play on your TV I'm guessing it has to do with the container format or video encoding not being supported by the TV.

I think MP4 is the most widely supported container so that's likely what you'd want. You could re-encode the videos but it's a pain.

03-05-18  12:26pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Onyx :

Thank you for your reply Onyx. I've tried both re-encoding with nero and burning the files to bluray both failed. there are a few comments in the comment section of said videos about this being a problem with other people so I know I'm not the only one.
03-06-18  05:25am

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Onyx (In-Active) REPLY TO #2 - Wraith0711 :

You failed to re-encode the video or you re-encoded it successfully and then it still did not play on your TV?

What I'd do is look at the video/audio codecs that were used on the 4K videos that do work for you. Then compare with what they are on the videos that do not. That would tell you how they need to be re-encoded to work on your TV.

An easy way to do this is to play the video using PotPlayer http://potplayer.daum.net/

While it's playing press Ctrl + F1 to view the video/audio settings that were used for the video.

Should look something like this: https://imgur.com/a/PLfJU

03-07-18  05:18am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Onyx :

Thank you for the reply and advice Sir. They only played on my PC, no where else so it wasn't that they were unwatchable. It doesn't matter any more lol. my old pc died and I got a new one that I connected to my 4k tv and use it as a monitor. Like I said before there are comments on the videos, I believe that the videos in question were specific to older tiny 4k & exotic 4k, maybe a couple povd. It's been a while and I got a newer version of nero so I just may take a crack at it again just to see if it works.
03-07-18  06:11am

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