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lk2fireone (0)
They are all hard to break.
It's like when you see a doctor and they tell you to describe the level of pain you are experiencing: from 1 to 10.
I can tell if a pain is mild, moderate, or severe.
But breaking it down to 3.4, or 8.8, or 10.0 seems like a waste of time.
I know it hurts, but I don't have a fucking thermometer to tell me the exact level of pain.
The same with breaking an addiction: I stopped smoking many times (for brief periods), before I finally stopped for good.
And now, about 13 years later, I still crave a cigarette every once in a while.
But it's been 13 years, no cigarettes, and maybe a doctor might say I broke the addiction, but I don't agree.
I stopped smoking. But like I said, I still crave a cigarette every once in a while.
Even though I know how much damage it could do to my body: not just my breathing, but possible cancer and other diseases as well.
Thank God I never got into heavy drinking or coke or whatever.
Lack of willpower. Put that on a thermometer.
03-23-18 07:18am
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merc77 (Disabled)
Heroine is physically addictive so that is hardest hands down. The others are all mental and can be controlled that way.
By the way, cigarettes add nicotine to their product which is the addictive part. I think they should be listed separate than Mary Jane.
03-23-18 09:54am
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Loki (0)
Cigarettes by far. They're sold practically everywhere and you can see people indulge in public, so temptation to relapse is everywhere.
And I agree with merc77, marijuana should be listed separately from tobacco.
03-23-18 11:50am
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nineinch (0)
I also agree with merc77. I found pot to be easy to quit. One day, after years of smoking dope every day, I said to myself I don't need this and stopped. No cravings, no sense of loss. Easy.
03-23-18 05:12pm
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Loki (0)
REPLY TO #2 - merc77 :
Heroin and nicotine are both physically addictive, and about the same strength. A lot of the addictions listed here are not physically addictive and range from mildly to moderately psychologically addicting.
03-23-18 05:13pm
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pat362 (0)
While I am certain that many of the other drugs named in the poll are as addictive if not more than cigarettes. In my opinion cigarettes are still by a huge margin the most addictive drug today for a few reasons.
1-They are easy to buy.
2-They are reasonably cheap.
3-They are legal.
4-They still get regularly promoted on TV and in movies to the point where I think it's time that someone look into it because for a time you stopped seeing gratuitous smoking on TV and in movies but I have seen a significant increase of it in those two types of media.
03-25-18 11:28am
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skippy (0)
Did you really think anyone on this site was going to say Porn? :-)
03-30-18 05:05pm
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qvtta (0)
Voted for crack cocaine. But is has been said porn addiction gets as strong of stranglehold on you as does crack cocaine and I have my personal experience with this porn..
04-15-18 09:05am
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