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Visit Squirtalicious

Squirtalicious (0)

lk2fireone (0) 05-01-18  09:29am
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Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -First month is $14.95 with PU discount. Recurs at $29.95 for future months.
-Join page is secure.
-Login page is secure.
-Member pages are secure.
-Can choose your own login details: username and password.
-Daily scene and photo set updates to the network.
-Access to the Devils Film network of around 28 sites included with membership. I call it the Devils Film network, since that is the site I use the most. But it's also called Fame Digital network, which is part of Gamma Entertainment.
-The same login details work to enter each site in the network.
-But once you are inside the member's area of any site, you can switch to another site in the network without re-entering your login details.
-Files download with the video title, model name, file definition, file type.
-Unlimited downloads.
Cons: -FAMEHELP.COM is the billing agent. I prefer CCBill or Epoch, which are reliable, easy to use.
But I've been a member of this network several times, and never had a billing problem.
-Pre-checked cross-sale on join page.
-The last network update they did in 2017 provided a brighter, fresher look.
At the same time, it made navigating the sites and network harder and more time-consuming.
Instead of a simple drop-down menu to switch between sites, you now have a clunkier version of a drop-down menu that makes you search for some of the sites you have access to, because those sites are hidden on a second level of q drop-down menu.
Also, searching the content of each site is more difficult after the network update.
-The search is site-specific: you do a search on a model's name, it only returns her content at the site you are currently logged in to, instead of the whole network. This makes finding the network content of a model difficult and time-consuming.
Bottom Line: Site theme: girls who squirt when they reach orgasm.
Squirting is a niche that is not well served.
There is a squirting site at Teen Mega World (Squirting Virgin), that hasn't updated in almost 7 years.
And there is this squirting site at Fame Digital (Squirtalicious), whose last update was 08/25/2017,
and this site had an irregular update schedule before then: posting 3 or 4 videos in a single month, then going for months without an update, then posting a few videos in a month, then another dry spell for months.

The videos are unusual: they put a back story in the video, to make the scene more meaningful and intense, the videos are professionally shot: good focus, good lighting, good sound control.
Some of the plots are amazing.

The last video, posted 08/25/2017, is about a woman who squirted so much the first time, that her husband freaked out, and fell through a glass door; the husband then required 250 stiches to sew him back up.
The wife feels remorse: the sex was so great, so intense, that she started gushing all over her husband, which led to the accident, and now the wife feels like a mutant in the X-Men series.
A male friend tells the wife this is amazing, and she has to harness the power of the squirt.
(Maybe they could make a comic book and movie adaptation from the video.)
The wife is full of grief, that she almost killed her husband because of her powerful squirting.
(I know this is amazing, but no less amazing than the comic books-movies that are being made.)
The male friend says her squirting should be a joyful moment, that she should embrace this powerful gift;
the male friend says he had a girlfriend that was a powerful squirter: the first time the ex-girlfriend squirted during sex, her fluids ran out until they covered the entire second floor of their dormitory.
(You see why this scene could be part of the X-Men series: the power of a woman-squirter, combined with the power of the Me-Too Movement, could boost the X-Men series into the heights of Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War.)

Not only does this scene have a powerful woman, exploring her sexuality, but it also has sex, which the Marvel Comic movies lack: maybe you get a kiss or two, but those movies are basically sex-less heroes who have not yet discovered the joys of raw sex.

The site offers multiple choices in video definition downloads:
160p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 540p, 720p, 1080p.

The same video definitions are offered for streaming.
160p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 540p, 720p, 1080p.

The videos are professionally shot: good lighting, good focus, good sound control.
The videos are clear and crisp: even the 540p definition looks good on a 14" laptop monitor.

The site will appeal to fans of squirting and peeing.
Squirting, because this is what the videos are classified as.
Peeing, because the distinction between squirting and peeing is blurred: some people consider squirting as separate from peeing, other people think squirting is a form of peeing.

The site is a worthwhile addition to the Devils Film network.
But what gives it even more value is the access to the entire Devils Film network of about 28 sites, covering a variety of hardcore niches.

Giving the site (and network) a score of 85. The 85 is more for network access, than a reflection of the site-only value.

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