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Visit 666 Bukkake

666 Bukkake (0)

rearadmiral (0) 05-24-18  03:39pm
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Possibly the worst site on the internet

Normally I’d write a full review of any site I joined but I won’t waste my time writing one or your time in reading it. 666 Bukkake is possibly the worst porn site I’ve ever joined. Why? Here are some, but not all of the reasons:

• There is some unholy alliance between the John Thompson sites (666 Bukkake and German Goo Girls) and Centrobill that makes it impossible to cancel any recurring charges. If you must join either of these sites you MUST use a pre-paid card with a low limit or these fuckers will continue to charge you until your card balance is gone. (Oddly, I’ve used Centrobill on other sites and had no problem cancelling. The cancellation page even looked different.)

• The site looks like it was designed in the 90s. Sure, it’s reasonably easy to find stuff, but it is in desperate need of a reset.

• The download speeds vary between zero and dial-up. My membership is coming to an end and I’ve tried different days of the week and different times of day and the speeds are worse than terrible. How’s this for bad? In a month of membership I managed to successfully download two, yes, TWO full scenes. I attempted to download many more but they downloads started at about one-fortieth of what I normally get and slowed down from there. Honestly, some of the download speeds I saw would be slow in 1995 on a dial-up modem. But don’t worry, I didn’t have to wait for hours for the scene to download because it would crash within a few minutes.

My advice is that if you feel compelled to join this site then go mow the lawn or something. If you have the subscription fee burning a hole in your pocket then find another site to join, though, admittedly, there really is nothing like this site elsewhere. If that doesn’t work then PM me and send me the money. If you’re looking to waste money with no value to you then I’ll be happy to take it off your hands.

All joking aside, avoid this site like the plague and if you absolutely must join then use a disposable pre-paid card with just enough balance to pay the fee.

(If you want more information about this site my review of German Goo Girls mostly applies here too.)

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) I am suggesting that Amanda should give you 1 and 3/4 points for this comment/review.
You would have qualified for 2 full points if you had included the pros section of this site.

But this comment is really worth more than 2 points for anyone reading it and avoiding this site membership.

So, thanks for the heads up.

(But I would never have joined anyway, since the site-niche is not my cup of tea.)

05-24-18  06:43pm

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