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Wraith0711 (0) 11-27-18  06:23am
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Photographers need some lessons on posing

These guys really need to spend some time with a photographer like say Peter Hegre. All their galleries are the same, turn this way and pussy spread, turn that way and pussy spread. They need to learn to POSE the model!! So many beautiful settings/models and all these guys try to do is late 80's Hustler mag shoots. Get them a membership to metart, femjoy, ang hegre.com, places that know how to shoot a beautiful woman/women.

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Msg # User Message Date


Loki (0) I've always liked the photographic style of ATK sites. I'm sure it's not to everyone's tastes, but I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who do like it. Partly it's because they have lots of spread shots, and few really artsy poses.

To each their own.

11-27-18  05:56pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Loki :

I don't dislike their work, far from it. Imo it could just be so much better. Taking it from mediocrity to fore-front of the industry. Thank you for your reply sir, it's a rarity to have a real honest discussion about this stuff lol
11-28-18  05:19am

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Loki (0) REPLY TO #2 - Wraith0711 :

Honest discussion about porn is why I'm here.

I know several of the photographers used by ATK over the years also photograph for other sites. AllOver30 and WeAreHairy come to mind immediately. Maybe you might want to avoid those sites as well if that style of photography irks you.

11-28-18  05:16pm

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PinkPanther (0) While I wouldn't expect ATK to emulate the art-y sites like Met Art, etc, the point about the sameness of their galleries is a valid one, in my opinion. The thing I most like about ATK is the personality of their work - the directness of their shoots is a big part of that aspect, to me, and I wouldn't be in favor of them losing that. But having more variety in their galleries - oh, yeah, I'd definitely be in favor of that. I feel like they must be giving lists of requirements to the photographers that contract them - every set must have so many pussy shots, so many ass shots, so many spread-asshole shots, etc.

They're got the engagement with their models. If their shoots get less formulaic, they'd be even better than they currently are.

11-29-18  09:33pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #4 - PinkPanther :

I agree wholeheartedly sir. thank you for the reply
11-30-18  06:14am

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