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Wraith0711 (0) 01-27-19  03:52pm
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Is this just POV video or is it Virtual Reality? There is no clear answer on their site or in searches. Also are all the scenes online only or do you get to download them?

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Toadsith (0) Not sure why no one answered this, but simply put: Nope, they aren't VR, just POV. I think you technically can download the videos, but you wouldn't want to because you'd lose the interactive functionality. The website is token based, so you own videos for life once you buy them. No need to download, just hop on the site and rewatch. It would make sense for them to switch to VR, though I imagine they'd need a specific Oculus or Vive app to make that happen, and I have no idea what the official stance on porn is for those companies. Since Facebook owns Oculus, I'm guessing it's not a positive stance.
02-08-19  11:37pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Toadsith :

Thank you for your reply sir. I hate token based systems as they are a freakin ripoff.
02-09-19  02:57pm

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