Bottom Line: |
Wowgirls and its bundled sister sites, Wowporn and Allfinegirls, might just be the, um, motherlode of porn. There's a huge amount of high quality porn here. Wowgirls seems to have acquired sites like Ivanafukalot, Younglegalporn, and some other fantastic solo porn star sites. So I was amazed to find Sasha Blonde b/g scenes, along with Ivanafukalot, Chasey Case, and others. Sadly, a lot of the earlier stuff acquired from YLP has that crude monster dude with the shaved head and all the sensuality of a pile driver working the machinery -- I mostly can't bear to watch those scenes. Still, there's a huge amount of high quality content here, from softcore METArt stuff to group/anal and the rest.
Negatives: Search by key words for example simply doesn't work. You can't limit your results by using two key words, say, hairy and hardcore.
Navigation itself seems clunky. Hitting the back button winds you up where you don't expect to be.
While the production values are good, the content itself is pretty ordinary. There's not a lot of imagination in the scenes. I was surprised by how quickly I got bored. Other sites, like SexArt and X-Art are doing a better job I think.
And finally, it took me 20 minutes, several google searches, and an email to cancel my subscription. There is simply no excuse for that. It's dishonest. A cancel button or a clear link ought to be very visible in an account section. There is nothing at all anywhere on the website. 5 points deducted just for that. |