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Visit Bare Maidens

Bare Maidens (0)

LKLK (0) 09-24-19  09:08am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Note: I've been a member of Adult Time since October 2018. But the Bare Maidens channel was only recently added to the Adult Time network, probably in the last month. So when PU asks me to list how long I've been a site member, I'm not sure if I should enter 11 months, or 1 month. No big thing, just a trivial issue.
-Part of the Adult Time network. The Adult Time network is probably the finest harcore network available. This is due to:
-the massive backlog of content (videos + photosets). Over 50,000 videos covering a wide variety of niches.
-The excellent sites/networks included in the Adult Time network: 21 Century sites, Devils Film network, Girls Way network, as well as formerly stand-alone sites like Pure Taboo, Analized.
-A low membership price. PU has a discounted price of $19.85 (recurs at $14.95/mo.) for Bare Maidens.
But if you wait for a holiday special, you can probably get a year-long membership for under $90 to the Adult Time network.
-Site features exclusive content. The videos are fantasies of gorgeous girls satisfying themselves or other girls in a role-playing mode, where the girls are warriors, enchantresses, fairy-tale maidens in a sexual situation. A lot of the video time is spent on the plot, instead of the sex. So if you're not into stories, fast-forward to the sex, which is softcore or mid-core. The site is for fans of fantasy, so if the story does not appeal to you, the site is probably a waste of time, in spite of the lovely models that are featured.
-The models range from attractive to very attractive.
-Can stream or download the videos in 160p through 2160p.
-There is a trailer for each video, to show you what the video is about.

-The version of Bare Maidens that Adult Time offers is a slimmed down version of the actual site.
Adult Time has 9 Bare Maidens videos, with a new upcoming video loaded every 7 days.
So the Adult Time version is like a sample of the original.
The standalone Bare Maidens site is small, with about 140 videos.

-As part of the trend of Adult sites dumping on previous members, if you are a new member to Adult Time (and many other porn sites) you will be eligible for many membership discounts. But if the site software recognizes you are a previous member, then the discount will not be available to you, and you will be presented with a higher membership price. That's common for many porn sites.
I've clicked on many discounted offers to a porn site, and, because the site software recognized (from a cookie or my email address) that I was a previous site member, the discounted price was not available to me, but a higher membership price was shown.

The Bare Maidens site was started in early 2006. It's now 2019, 13 years later. But the site is still small, with only 140 videos. This is because of a slow, irregular update rate. I'm guessing the site never made a lot of money, to support the site. The site is focused on fantasy themed content for adults. The videos have a short plot leading up to a sexual encounter, either a woman by herself, or a woman with another woman or woman-guy encounter.
The role play element is what sells the site: the models are attractive to very attractive, and the videos in the last few years are shown in 1080p up to 2160p.
There are also 102,523 high resolution photos.

The site seems to have been bought by the Adult Time network, which currently features 9 Bare Maiden videos, with one new video to be posted to the Adult Time version every 7 days for the next month or more.
Hopefully, Adult Time will support the Bare Maidens site, so that both old and new videos from the site will be posted at the Adult Time version.

What do you get at the site?:
Videos featuring erotic fantasy plots. The budget is limited, so this is probably a labor of love by the site owners. But they are able to hire attractive models who dress up as female warriors, enchantresses, whatever, who have a short sexual encounter with another female or male.
The sex is kind of mild, lesbian or straight, but the fantasy element, the costumes, locations (in woods, or castles), the professional photography, create an interesting vibe to the sex.

I've said it many times, but to enjoy most porn, you have to let your brain accept the fantasy or plot or you get no enjoyment from the porn.
The models are lovely, and this is a nice take on worlds of wonder with a bit of sex thrown in.
Watch the sample preview video at the site to see if the content is to your taste.
The site owners have put a lot of time and effort into making these videos and photosets.
They've drawn maps, arranged costumes, swords and daggers, and found a lot of very attractive models to film in these settings of forest, castle, dungeon.

As an add-on the Adult Time network, the site adds a nice fantasy element to the network.
I hope the Adult Time network supports the site, by adding more backlog videos, and creating more future videos for the site.

I'm giving the Bare Maidens Adult Time version of the site a score of 85.
The idea of fantasy erotica is nice, but this site, because of the small size, is only a taste.
The models are attractive.
But the content needs to grow a lot before the site deservers a higher score.

If you are a member of Adult Time, you can use the network to view about 9 Bare Maiden videos.
If you like the videos, then you could subscribe to the Bare Maiden site itself.
However, I would suggest a monthly sub. A yearly sub would probably be wasted money, since the past update rate was very slow and irregular, and you have no idea how many new videos would be posted during a year-long membership.

But since I got the truncated version of Bare Maidens free as an Adult Time add-on, I was more than happy with the Bare Maiden videos that I had access to.
The models are mainly attractive to very attractive, the videos are professionally shot, the fantasy element adds a nice flavor to the videos.

I'm giving the abbreviated Adult Time Bare Maidens site/channel a score of 85.
That is very subjective.
If you're not a fan of softcore fantasy, the site would have less value for you.
If the Adult Time site loads more content from the Bare Maidens site, the score would rise.
Or, over time, as the Adult Time Bare Maidens channel adds more videos, the score would rise.

Note: I am calling the Bare Maidens channel of Adult Time a softcore or midcore site: because the sex is mild. But there is lesbian activity, there is man-woman sex, so someone new to porn could call the site hardcore porn.
Or you could just call it a hardcore porn site, with very mild sex.
Note: A listing of the current models appearing in videos at the Bare Maidens channel on the Adult Time network appears in the first reply to this review.

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Review Replies (10)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) Listing of models currently appearing in the Adult Time network channel, Bare Maidens, as of 2019-09-24:
Anya Olsen
Audrey Noir
Bree Daniels
Danica Dillon
Dolly Leigh
Gracie Glam
Jenna J Ross
Kelly Glass
Raven Rockette
Sasha Heart
Uma Jolie

09-24-19  09:09am

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tangub (0) So do you get access to the 102,000 Bare Maidens photos through the Adult Time membership then?
09-24-19  10:29am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #2 - tangub :

The 102,000 photos are located on the original Bare Maidens site.
The Adult Time membership channel only has 15 photos for each video on the channel.
And the photos are not good quality: they can be very dark, so it's hard to see the model clearly.
It's more like a screen shot instead of a regular photo, for each photo.
Which is very disappointing.

09-24-19  10:55am

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #3 - LKLK :

So this is not really a review of the actual Bare Maidens site then. It's just a review of a handful of sample or promo videos within Adult Time which is rather misleading in my opinion. This review should be deleted.
09-24-19  12:18pm

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #4 - tangub :

I believe my review makes clear that I was reviewing the Bare Maidens channel of the Adult Time network.
Please read the review again, if you think the review was unclear about what I was reviewing: the Bare Maiden channel of Adult Time, or the Bare Maiden site itself.

I stated the Bare Maiden channel on Adult Time currently has 9 videos.
While the Bare Maiden site itself has about 140 videos.
So the distinction should have been clear.

"The version of Bare Maidens that Adult Time offers is a slimmed down version of the actual site."

The Bare Maiden site is supposed to have 102,523 high resolution photos.

When you asked in a reply "So do you get access to the 102,000 Bare Maidens photos through the Adult Time membership then?"

I answered no. The Bare Maiden channel on Adult Time has a very limited photoset for each video, consisting of about 15 photos for each set.

So there shouldn't be any confusion: the Adult Time channel of Bare Maidens is a slimmed down version of the Bare Maidens site.

If you believe that is false or deceptive advertising, you can email the Adult Time network, and complain directly to them.

But I think that I made clear that my review is mainly about the Bare Maiden channel on the Adult Time network, although I do add facts about the Bare Maiden site.

Do you want to justify why you think my review is misleading?
Please point out where I stated facts or opinions that were misleading?

09-24-19  03:48pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - tangub :

I just asked Freddie if this is proper.
09-24-19  05:00pm

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #5 - LKLK :

I can read what you wrote. If I click on the visit site link on this Bare Maidens page where you have placed your review I am taken to the Bare Maidens site and not the Adult Time site therefore I think it is misleading. This is not a review of the Bare Maidens site and from what I can gather you don't have a membership at the Bare Maidens site therefore you are conning people with this review. If I'm reading a review of Bare Maidens which is a site i'm quite interested in I want to know things like the photo resolution and do they have zip downloads, are they still adding new content.

This review serves no useful purpose in my opnion and if anything reads more like a review for Adult Time and should be placed on the Adult Time page.

Maybe I'm getting cynical in my old age but putting up a review of a site you're not a member of based on a few sample videos on another site just seems like a cheap way of gaining raffle entries. Personally I've only written one review in the last year as I've got to the stage where I'm thinking what's the point when you've got certain people attempting to monopolize the raffle by churning out the same old reviews week after week of different sites in the same network.

09-25-19  10:02am

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #6 - mbaya :

I'd be interested to know the answer on that. It just seems like a cheap attempt at gaining raffle entries to me, almost as bad as writing reviews of the same site under two different user names. If this is the standard PU has fallen to I can see myself disabling my account in the not too distant future.
09-25-19  10:11am

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PU Staff
REPLY TO #8 - tangub :

Hey Tangub and everyone,

So there's been an update on our stance regarding reviews based on Adult Time channels (and similar content hosted on third-party sites).

Going forward, these reviews will not be admissible to the Weekly raffle based on the fact that they do not cover website and navigational issues (search functions, website layout, download speed, etc)

I hope that you all consider the reviews are written BY USERS FOR USERS. Keep it clear and transparent; we're all here because we don't want to waste money by paying for gimmicky site.


09-26-19  05:50am

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #9 - yujin :

That's good to hear. Thanks for the update yujin.
09-26-19  08:48am

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