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VideosZ (0)

Dan Tanna (0) 01-03-20  08:18am
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Don't go to Videosz.com

I click the link to get the discount. I paid and the biller was RocketGate. There is no cancel link or button anywhere on bang or Videosz. I wrote to support and I got this stupid reply:

I'm Alison and I can help you with your cancel request.

We would like some more information about why you've decided not to proceed with your membership with Videosz.com! We value you as a customer, and we would like to know if there's anything we can do to keep you as a member. First, can you tell us why you'd like to cancel today?

As a note, Rocketgate is our in house biller and we don't send receipts from it.

Feel free to ask any other questions, as we're always happy to help.

I never received an e-mail confirmation for my subscription. And now they are giving me the runaround. After that, those same people complain about torrent and piracy. Well they ask for it don't they. I hope this forum will be able to fix my problem and cancel my subscription.

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Comment Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) The staff at PU (Porn Users) used to help members who had a problem with a site.

Freddie is the staff member at PU who interacts with most of the members.

The hot link to send her an email does not work at the PU site.
But her email address is:


If she's back from holiday (it should be any day now), she should be able to help with your cancellation.
And if the membership was renewed, she should be able to get you a refund.

The rocketgate site is not as easy to cancel a membership as CCBill, Epoch, or Vendo.

But send her an email, you can copy what you posted in this comment, to her.
She should help fix the problem.

01-03-20  12:06pm

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Dan Tanna (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Thank you for the quick and kind reply. I was able to find the cancel link in bang.com, not videosz.com. They do make it difficult. They just don't get it. It's so easy to get free porn now, they are not helping their cause by acting this way. Thanks again.
01-03-20  12:42pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Dan Tanna :

Cancellation should be easy. Anything less is a dishonest turn off.
05-26-20  06:33am

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