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Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself (0)

kiwijoe (0) 03-01-20  12:52pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 03-03-20  03:21am  (Update History)
Reason: Score was updated as site webmaster cleared up some details
Pros: -Countdown timer till next release and the next 3 releases are shown with release dates. It looks like they release one video a day
-Advertise 5300 videos and as far as I can tell, over 450 models
-Videos have upload date
-Can download videos and add to favourites
-Have an advanced search option
-Great mics for picking up the little sounds like pants zips and vibrators
-Models don’t look at the camera, they are too busy having a good time with themselves which is sexier than trying to please the camera
Cons: -Videos were not as clear as they should be with HD. Unsure if it was my connection though
-No photo sets
-Only 12 videos are displayed on a page at a time
-Can’t comment on videos or models
-Videos with multiple models are on the site multiple times. If it’s a threesome it’s there three times, which pads out content a lot. (their ‘friends’ category has 660 videos but they’re all copies so they maybe only have 350 separate videos) - edit: I have since been told that listing the same video multiple times doesn't affect the total video count
Bottom Line: IFM is a site dedicated to the female orgasm. A lot of the videos are shot in their studio, which is a bed with white sheets. Their camera shots are good and they have a camera on the ceiling looking down on the model on the bed. Their mics are high quality and so you can hear all the sounds like zippers, buttons, moans, vibrators, those juicy wanking noises..

The videos are quite short at around 10min and are organised into different categories which are displayed on the left sidepanel. The categories have odd names like unseen (videos I haven’t yet seen, you can mark videos as ‘seen’), lubrications (model interview), loose ends (extra footage), friends (pair and group sex). Others are ‘studio’ and ‘homemade’ (obvious) and ‘fantasy and adventure’ ie in places that are not bedrooms. Not all models have a lubrication video but as far as I could see, most have a model page which you can find through ‘video profiles’. Here each model has a video of them talking about themselves, and the profile links to all their videos. A good touch. You can’t comment on models or videos but they have a forum that is very active and the moderators and contributors are also active on it.

Although it’s very nice to see women getting off by themselves enjoying some alone time, by the nature of the site it’s very same same and I am more likely to watch only a few videos at a time than spend hours because of this. They also have quite a few videos of GG or group sex. There were even some videos with GB. I enjoyed this as it was something different but it was unexpected because of the site’s name.

All in all it’s a nice site that's videos are focussed on personal intimacy, connection with the models, and the little details.

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Review Replies (7)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) Your first two reviews are very impressive. Welcome to PU.
03-01-20  04:27pm

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exotics4me (0) On the third con, "No option to download". Are you sure about that? I have been a member here multiple times and they have downloads available for their videos. They are known to have a download limit after you've downloaded so much in a day but that would be a major con if they've removed the download feature. When I click on a preview scene there it says, "Login or Join to Download High-Res Versions"
03-01-20  10:36pm

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kiwijoe (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

thanks mbaya, glad to hear
03-02-20  12:35am

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kiwijoe (0) REPLY TO #2 - exotics4me :

thanks for that. I'm not one to download much so I didn't see the small text, I think it's easy to miss and I just resigned myself to the fact it was a non-downloading site. I've updated the review
03-02-20  12:37am

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FeckAdmin (0)
Thanks for your mostly positive review - we need to correct you on some points though, most of your negatives aren't actually correct!

1. It is easy to search by name for contributors (we don't call them models, as they are not) using the Search box on the front page. You need to type their name exactly, as with any search function. But part matches work too.
2. Streaming quality is very high, if you have a decent connection. We film in 4K and encode at 5Mb/s. But we don't advertise HD streaming (even though it works for most people), you should DL the videos and play off your PC if you want guaranteed uninterrupted streaming at the highest quality.
3. It is true that where multiple contributors appear in a video, the poster appears 3 times in the index, however it is not counted 3 times. The number of multi-girl shoots quoted on the site is accurate.
4. 20 videos can be displayed at once if you select Thumbnail view. The rest are available simply by going to the next page, the same way all sites operate.
5. We have a Forum where all members can comment on any video or contributor they like, there are vibrant active discussions there.
6. What you read as a 'funny name', 'lubrications' is actually 'lucubrations' (google for definition).

When you say the "models don't look at the camera", you're possibly missing the point that these are genuine unscripted natural masturbation videos with real orgasms, not directed porn shoots. That's our ethos.

03-02-20  03:11pm

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kiwijoe (0) REPLY TO #5 - FeckAdmin :

Thanks for your reply. It's good to know the quoted no. of shoots are accurate, and thanks for setting me straight on a few things.
Not sure what was up with the search function before, but it does work now for me.
The 'models don't look at the camera' point was a pro, I get it.

03-03-20  03:11am

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - FeckAdmin :

I like that you come to PU and get involved. It shows a good attitude and respect for your customers.

I will review this site after I join. Not today though.

05-18-20  04:38pm

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