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Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of HairyPotter's Review

Thanks for your very positive review! It's great that you really understand what you're doing here.

A couple of things - indeed we do have photosets! We started publishing those in May this year. They go up on Mondays.

Download limit - it's set to way more than 15GB. Nobody should be hitting the limit unless they're using a bot.

I'm not sure where you're seeing girls in hotels, we sure don't use that cheap fallback of porn producers who don'r really care. All shoots are in the girl's home or on location.

"There’s nothing to talk about with the videos except the 1080p download option." Not sure what you're referring to there. Most new releases are in 4K, and all videos can be downloaded in their native res, either 4K or 1080p (except for very old videos, they're smaller but we're currently restoring them to HD over a period of time).

Carry on!

07-13-23  04:35pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of KayTBuffs's Review

Thanks for your review, which I *think* is positive. You have correctly identified that we're an alternative to mainstream porn, so there is no fake moaning or cheesey stepmom scenes. If that disappoints anybody, they have definitely come to the wrong place :) But everyone eventually gets sick of fake, and comes to content like ours. (See what I did there?)

We are in fact in 4K now, and only the very early videos are 720p, we've released everything in 1920p since 2017.

The short videos you mention are bonus content :) They're pretty scenes that haven't fitted elsewhere but we want the members to enjoy them :)

Also there is no download limit but we don't permit sweeps of the site (over 6000 videos) for the cost of a 1 month sub.

Cheers and hope you enjoy your subscription :)

08-09-22  04:38pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of exotics4me's Review

Thanks for your great review. We put a lot of care into our production methods to get the most natural orgasms from our contributors and it's great that you have the discernment to appreciate that!

We're a little confused though by your mention of videos showing only the face - that's what our other site, beautiful Agony is about, but all videos on IFM show the full body. Some do start with a face closeup, but it soon switches to a full body view, so it pays to be patient :)

04-08-20  07:01pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of kiwijoe's Review

Thanks for your mostly positive review - we need to correct you on some points though, most of your negatives aren't actually correct!

1. It is easy to search by name for contributors (we don't call them models, as they are not) using the Search box on the front page. You need to type their name exactly, as with any search function. But part matches work too.
2. Streaming quality is very high, if you have a decent connection. We film in 4K and encode at 5Mb/s. But we don't advertise HD streaming (even though it works for most people), you should DL the videos and play off your PC if you want guaranteed uninterrupted streaming at the highest quality.
3. It is true that where multiple contributors appear in a video, the poster appears 3 times in the index, however it is not counted 3 times. The number of multi-girl shoots quoted on the site is accurate.
4. 20 videos can be displayed at once if you select Thumbnail view. The rest are available simply by going to the next page, the same way all sites operate.
5. We have a Forum where all members can comment on any video or contributor they like, there are vibrant active discussions there.
6. What you read as a 'funny name', 'lubrications' is actually 'lucubrations' (google for definition).

When you say the "models don't look at the camera", you're possibly missing the point that these are genuine unscripted natural masturbation videos with real orgasms, not directed porn shoots. That's our ethos.

03-02-20  03:11pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of Alybator's Review

Thanks for your positive review Alybator! We're glad you're enjoying the videos we put so much care into.

We actually update the site with a new video every day. To see the list of models (we prefer to call them contributors), select "Video Profiles" from the 'view' menu on the left.

When you say "Most of the videos are shot in an empty room", that's the Studio. Most contributors do their first shoot in the studio, which is designed to be quiet, with atmospheric lighting, to make them feel comfortable so they have the most natural, intense orgasm possible. If their studio shoot goes well, we offer other categories, which include outdoors (very difficult to film!) and in their own homes. Or we give them a video camera to take home and shoot themselves.

The Duet (girl and girl) content falls under the topic of masturbation because almost all of the videos finish with a mutual masturbation session. And watching women pleasure each other, is just as exciting - or more - than pleasuring themselves, we think!

And thanks for mentioning the audio, that's my field and we spare no expense and effort to get perfect sound so you feel like you're right there!


09-17-19  05:30pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Comment

Ourr bandwidth limit has now been increased to 10GB, which allows you to download hundreds of hi-def videos with a 30 day subscription. Compare that to a DVD where you might get 4 or 5 scenes for $30.

01-22-14  02:21am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of Ergo Proxy's Comment

We share similar values in terms of fresh, healthy, sex positive amateur women but after that the style differs. Their videos are more documentary style, with bright, fairly even lighting. We focus a lot on production style and lighting to create a mood, and our videos have sometimes been described as artistic (while still very explicit). They focus more on young (-23) women, and highlight their youth - we cover all ages. They are friends of ours and we recommend their site but a lot of people join both, as they get different things from each.

01-22-14  02:18am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of Ergo Proxy's Reply

With respect, you guys misunderstand our message. We don't deny we're porn - but we're GOOD porn. No faking, no lies about the quality and quantity of our content, genuine amateurs (mostly, a couple of our girls do mainstream porn as well), and high production values. And to the original poster, our stand on ethics isn't related to the content - it's how it's made, how the women are treated and paid, and the values represented. We don't judge people for their sexual perversions and in fact we dabble in them on the site from time to time, where the restrictions of the laws in our country allow. And we certainly aren't intolerant of any sexual act or flavour, you're quite wrong about that. Any consensual sex is fine with us (animals and children aside) but a lot of gonzo porn purports to show non consenting women, and we'd put that in the 'bad porn' basket as well, notwithstanding that it's fake. It's educating our kids, after all.

04-13-13  06:22pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of Ergo Proxy's Comment

You say "Joining is like to be getting a member of some special community which despises the watcher of "common" porn." That's partly true - Ifeelmyself IS a special community because the people you are watching masturbate are just ordinary girls and women, they aren't porn actresses (though some do appear on other sites we refer them to). When you watch a porn actress masturbate to simulated orgasm, you're keeping her in a job. (If you pay for your membership that is). On our site your'e privildeged to watch what these girls let you see, which is their real masturbation to genuine orgasm. And then, you can chat with some of them on the forum. They are not professionals but they are paid (more than ost pros for a similar shoot) and part of your membership fee also goes to paying per-click bonuses.

It's true that ours isn't a porn fantasy site, so you won't see a frustrated milf fucking herself with the mixmaster on the kitchen bench, or the hot co-eds molesting the pizza guy. That stuff is all over the internet, we're here to provide an alternative. If you want a caffeine fix you go to Starbucks but if you're a real coffee lover you find a cafe with a good barista that roasts their own beans. It's the same with porn.

But actually we do fantasy sometimes, but we do *thier* fantasy, not yours, and we think that's much more interesting. Like Strawberry masturbating while suspended by ropes, or Emile fantasising about being examined by an old school gynaecologist.

If you've observed so far that there isn't much variation then I guess you haven't seen the girl fucking herself with her deodorant, or on the railway bridge at sunset, standing by the window watching somebody outside, at her office desk watching porn after hours, on the train (which she filmed herself) - these things really do happen, these girls told us so, so we recreated them and here they are. No apologies for some same-ness of location, we have a studio for the first shoot with each girl and it has a darkened background so you can concentrate on watching the subtle things that comprise real masturbation and orgasm.

I especially like what you say, "I've never seen such glorification on any other site" - but it's the way it should always have been.

03-20-12  05:41pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of nickN's Reply

Now you're putting words in my mouth - I didn't attribute that maxim to you.

ITV is funded either by advertising or taxpayers and leverage a huge audience off their TV broadcast base. They have a massive economy of scale, including other networks who are sharing the production costs. It's a completely different (and much larger) business model, which is why porn sites have to charge subscriptions. And we are by no means at the upper end of the rate scale - in fact for 100% exclusive, HD content update almost daily, we're cheap. There are of course networks which steal content and make their money from obnoxious advertising, a lot more money than we make.

If your speed problem was a network issue it should have resolved itself by now. Please contact me again through our Help system, or reply to a previous support email, and we'll run some tests from our end.

05-17-11  06:36pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of nickN's Reply

If you read my replies you'll see that I am not disregarding anyone's opinion; I am correcting the facts.

We (and that includes the editors, administrators, production assistants) are dedicated to our customers needs. But if you don't like reality, I mean actual reality rather than gonzo, then you probably shouldn't be a customer. I keep saying this - if you don't like our content, if it's not what does it for you, then you are better off at a mainstream porn site. But we have huge repeat business from people who like what we do, and appreciate our effort to keep the standards high.

05-16-11  07:10pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of graymane's Reply

Thanks for the update to your review, but it still contains some inaccuracies, e.g. that the 'digging' technique is done for effect. That's what some girls do. We film what they do.

05-16-11  07:03pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of nickN's Reply

Well if you re-read your review, you will have to agree that all your criticisms of our site are in fact related to your own expectations, based, most probably, on your extensive experience in mainstream porn. Your review was ill-informed on every front, as I pointed out in my reply at the time. So the maxim "the customer is always right" is nearly always wrong - you made incorrect statements because you commented without first acquainting yourself with the site's mission, or looking thoroughly at the site. I'm not going to piss in your pocket for your holy dollar dude. If you like to see real women having real orgasms, then join pour site and be assured of consistent quality, high speeds, good customer service and 100% uptime. (As close as you can get). If you prefer to see actresses who have been artificially enhanced to look like some 'ideal' woman, trying to impress you with more squeals, groans and bigger dildos, then stick with mainstream porn.

05-16-11  06:49pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of graymane's Reply

I'm not a diplomat I'm a pornographer. Nor do I work for ifeelmyself, I own it. It's my passion and my livelihood and I spend the largest part of my life producing the best website with the best videos on this topic, on the whole internet (not really disputed by anybody). So when an ill-informed self-appointed expert on female masturbation comes along and says our site is only worth 3/10 because (a) he had a temporary network issue not related to our site and (b) he doesn't actually know anything about how women actually masturbate, let alone anything about video delivery and networks, then I have nothing positive to say to him. I am not here to be liked, I am here to make the best erotica on the internet.

05-16-11  01:23am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of nickN's Comment

The reason clips play and buffer so quickly on Tube sites is because they are resampled and compressed to make the files much, much smaller - and the quality obviously far inferior.

We have well connected servers in the USA and NL running way under capacity and no ongoing complaints about speed. Occasional network blockages affect every web site from time to time and they are specific to certain users due to the chain of computers between the two sites. Typically you will go through about 8 to 20 computers when you connect to any site. If you have experienced such a connection problem you shoudl have reported it to your ISP, though typically they will wait for the problem to resolve itself. That is the internet.

As for your criticisms about the 'pose', this is due to your steady diet of fake porn. Most girls masturbate quietly on their backs. Our contributors are not models, they are not directed; our clips document the real thing. If you would rather see models or actresses squirm and squeal, get up on all fours while looking back to the camera and inserting a huge dildo, then stick with acted porn, as that is not how anybody masturbates for pleasure. As we point out utterly clearly on our site, we are in the business of presenting reality. And life does not always imitate 'art'.

Thanks for tipping us off to the copyright infringement, we will deal with that.

05-14-11  08:38am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of graymane's Reply

Ok it's fine to have personal preferences, we all do, but in writing a pub;ic review it's more useful to others if you describe the content objectively and then you can discuss your tastes. Otherwise you're coming from the point of view that some girls are "correct" and some are "incorrect". These are people you're talking about, and what might be "badly proportioned" to you is "ideal" for others.

In this post (para 3) you have non specific criticisms of some technical features, where it would be much more helpful if you outlined what they are, preferably using our Contact form to give us some constructive feedback.


01-02-11  04:47pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of graymane's Reply

Not all girls are most comfortable on their back. On Ifeelmyself we film girls doing it their way, so if you see a girl on her tummy, or standing, then that's what she prefers, it's more natural for her. We don't instruct them.

01-02-11  04:40pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of graymane's Review

There is a "disturbing" deficit of glamor because that is exactly our purpose. Our contributors are not models. Our site is about real people as relief from mainstream porn. This is explained in the "about" section so you need not join looking for the same old cliche. That is all over the internet.

"There are an annoying number of other promoted sites splashed about" is in fact TWO static advertisements to OUR other sites on the front page sidebar. I think you would struggle to find a porn site with less advertising!

Also we do not pair girls together. The couples on our site are friends or lovers who have requested to do a shoot together.

As far as dicounts go, you could have taken a 90 day subscription at a hefty discount off the 30 day rate. I don't know what other discount you'd expect unless you join with a promotional offer, which for obvious reasons are not given away on the site itself. The update schedule you can't figure out is actually daily, at exactly the same time, and all releases are dated so you can verify that.

Thanks for a mostly positive review but if you had read our credo and understood our purpose, and been a bit more thorough with your exploration, you would probably have no criticisms at all.

01-01-11  04:40pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Comment

There are still a few videos left that were recorded on tape in SD, and they're being released in the smaller sizes. They'll soon run out. One was labelled incorrectly as HD but it's fixed now.

Your asserion: "Telling someone it's none of your business why they've done something they've done or that the download limit "only bothers people who are sucking the site dry" is just the kind of thing that reminds me that porn is a business, nothing more"

is incorrect and logically flawed. If we were 'just a business', if we ran our site like the vast majority of porn sites, then we wouldn't ever remove content for personal reasons of the contributor, and you wouldn't have needed to ask the question. You can probably guess as to some of the reasons that might apply, and the welfare and privacy of the contributors is our first concern. If we lose you as a member because you're offended that we won't share that info with you, so be it. Precisely because we don't run this site ruthlessly as a business, we aren't subservient to your almighty dollar, even though you do give us a great review (thanks for that!)

The download limits allow you to get about 8~10 HD videos a day. If you can use more than that, you should put yourself up for scientific study. Without the limit we would have to raise our prices because we have a huge amount of video, not subsidised by advertising, and you can thank the people who plug in, suck out a hundred gig then cancel.

09-07-09  07:11pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of ChuckW's Reply

But they aren't models and they aren't posing. We ask them how they like to do it, and film that as best we can. There have been other videos of girls standing, not nearly as popular and never get mentioned so perhaps it's becuase Cle is unutterably gorgeous :) However check out Chica's latest contri, I think you will like that.

08-14-09  06:26pm

Visit I Shot Myself

I Shot Myself
Reply of Xororos's Reply

The "Shoot Yourself" link is where users submit - we ask for samples first to weed out the dross, guys pimping out their girlfriends or sending pics downloaded form other sites. If you follow the link and read the procedure you'll see it clearly isn't an invitation to 'model for us'. All the folios are shot by the girls themselves, though obviously we aren't there to see if any might be getting a little help om their friend. We presume it happens occasionally.

08-11-09  01:04am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of nygiants03's Reply

If you mean we don't have pussy closeups with a ringlight around the lens, then yup, we don't. But if you think we aren't showing you the orgasms, I'm not sure what you're looking at!

08-11-09  12:53am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Comment

I think you're missing the point, that IFM is about authenticity. We get that by respecting our contributors and filming them the way they actually masturbate. A few have unusual techniques and those are the often the most interesting videos, I agree. But we're not going to tell a girl to hump the dishwasher or get off with a coke bottle, if that's not what she does. What we look for are genuine, intense orgasms, and I believe we're the only site that delivers that nearly all the time (who can make 100% guarantees after all).

If a video was removed you can be sure there was a very good reaason and actually it's not the business of any of our members. Nor will we tell you any lies, we ignore such requests as a matter of policy and that's not inconsistent with a high level of customer service. Thanks for your very positive comments, we hope to see you back.

08-11-09  12:51am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of ChuckW's Comment

Chuck, the point of IFM is to show us how girls really masturbate, and the orgasms are real. We don't tell the girls how to do it, we film them doing it their way. There are plenty of sites out there with girls playing with themselves in all sorts of wacky setupps but if you think they're actually masturbating or having orgasms, I hate to disappoint you...

However it is not true that 99% of girls are on their back on our site. It's probably more like 80%. That's just what girls do.

08-11-09  12:43am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Comment

The WMV files aren't the highest res, use the MP4's which are a universal format. Teh file sizes are given, you don't need to join to see that. the 3G limit is per day, which is a hell of a lot of data so it only bothers people who are sucking the site dry.

08-11-09  12:38am

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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