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Visit I Feel Myself

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RagingBuddhist (0) 09-04-09  12:07pm
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Just an update

With what I'll call the down slide of AbbyWinters, it seems I'm down to two staples - IFeelMyself and AllOver30.
Since it doesn't make too much sense to me to keep reviewing the same sites over and over, I guess I'll be sticking to comments when I see something noteworthy on those sites.

On May 7th of this year, IFM rolled out some really nice crystal clear mp4 files. Starting with the hi-res files, they've changed the page layout slightly so you no longer have to set your media preference for the file type you want. Each preview picture has all the download options available right below it - 1280 resolution mp4 (If available), 640 resolution mp4 and wmv, and lower res wmv and m4v files. I don't know the specifics for the lower res files as I've never downloaded them.

There is one curiosity with the new files though. I don't know if it's just because the hi-def is relatively new on the site, but some of the files they have tagged as HD have mp4 files that are no higher resolution than the 640 wmv files. And some of the videos still aren't available in HD mp4 yet. It remains to be seen if this is just their running out material they had already shot, or if the truly HD files are going to hit or miss from now on.

I have a love/hate relationship going here. The content's great. Some of the responses their reps have left on here leave something to be desired. Telling someone it's none of your business why they've done something they've done or that the download limit "only bothers people who are sucking the site dry" is just the kind of thing that reminds me that porn is a business, nothing more. So it seems these days - Buy my product, take what you get.

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Msg # User Message Date


messmer (Disabled) Man, I was really shocked by the webmaster's answer you got re. Download Limits. HD files are not small and 3 Gigs a day are easily used up without even blinking. I just got finished downloading four scenes from VideoBox and altogether they came to about 3 Gigs and they are not even HD. I might have been tempted to subscribe to this site, given all the good reviews, but rude webmasters I don't need. What if I ever made a suggestion or complaint as a member? I sure wouldn't want to be bombarded with sarcasm.
09-04-09  03:04pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - messmer :

Sarcasm I can handle - in fact, I think I thrive on it. It kind of goes hand in hand with the cynicism. I would go with boorish and callous. The way some of these webmasters are with the people who are paying their bills does nothing but up my cynicsm another notch.
09-04-09  03:39pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - RagingBuddhist :

I had a quick look where the webmaster/site was located because boorish responses seem (sadly) common in the U.K. and in Europe where the customer is not always King. I was surprised that the site is in Australia because Abby Winters and Girls Out West webmasters were unfailingly courteous with me in the past. I was so outraged by the fecklessness of this man that I started to read all the other comments. "Withdrawing two videos" is not a subscriber's business? I guess that means they don't really need your money, you are being allowed into an exclusive club by their benevolence and grace. Lucky you! Being a peasant who objects to their high entrance fee I guess I'll never get invited. :-)
09-04-09  03:51pm

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FeckAdmin (0)
There are still a few videos left that were recorded on tape in SD, and they're being released in the smaller sizes. They'll soon run out. One was labelled incorrectly as HD but it's fixed now.

Your asserion: "Telling someone it's none of your business why they've done something they've done or that the download limit "only bothers people who are sucking the site dry" is just the kind of thing that reminds me that porn is a business, nothing more"

is incorrect and logically flawed. If we were 'just a business', if we ran our site like the vast majority of porn sites, then we wouldn't ever remove content for personal reasons of the contributor, and you wouldn't have needed to ask the question. You can probably guess as to some of the reasons that might apply, and the welfare and privacy of the contributors is our first concern. If we lose you as a member because you're offended that we won't share that info with you, so be it. Precisely because we don't run this site ruthlessly as a business, we aren't subservient to your almighty dollar, even though you do give us a great review (thanks for that!)

The download limits allow you to get about 8~10 HD videos a day. If you can use more than that, you should put yourself up for scientific study. Without the limit we would have to raise our prices because we have a huge amount of video, not subsidised by advertising, and you can thank the people who plug in, suck out a hundred gig then cancel.

09-07-09  07:11pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - FeckAdmin :

Here I go again. Another webmaster who doesn't agree with me so, once again, I'm incorrect and my logic must be flawed.

The issue with your saying that it was "none of your business" was a question of timing and tact, not the statement itself. As I'd said earlier on here, the emails I'd sent the site about missing videos and my silently removed forum post about those videos went unanswered. I got the response I was looking for on here, at Pornusers. And "none of your business" is about as tactless a response as I could've imagined without being overtly cussed out. A simple response to my first email with something to the effect of "the videos were removed for personal reasons" or "at the model's request" would've sufficed and put an end to the matter. I wouldn't have felt the need to post on your forum asking about them and it never would've been mentioned here at Pornusers.

But now you've even topped that. Someone downloading more than 8 videos a day should be put up for scientific study? Do you not see that there's something wrong in telling your customers and potential customers something like that? Your files average somewhere in the 7 minute range. It's not like they're full length movies. And, before you hit me with another claim of be illogical, I'm not saying there's no need for a limit. I can fully understand the need to guard against someone downloading the site in one shot then cancelling. Again, it's your responses that concern me. I'm old enough to remember when the customer was always right and you had to smile in their face even when you wanted to wring their neck. It was called "tact" or "diplomacy" All you're doing is showing me another example of how business ethics today don't seem to see the need for any of that.

Yeah - it's a very nice site with unique material. So my love/hate relationship will probably continue and you'll get $30 from me every once in a while. You're welcome.

09-07-09  11:46pm

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