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Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself (0)

nickN (0) 05-14-11  06:35am
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I agree with the positive comments others have made about the concept, models, artistic presentation and skilful editing and presentation of the content.

But, and it's a very big but: having been encouraged to subscribe by seeing Ifm videos on xHamster (where downloads are very simple, and quick, and allow you to jump about the clips immediately within seconds of downloading) I've found the site is absolutely spoiled by tediously slow download speeds, apparently un-openable and incomplete clips and the inability to hop about the clips with a mouse-click.

Although I have a modern laptop and I'm reasonably competent with it I acknowledge I may not have the skills to get the best out of the Ifm server, but if xHamster can provide a slick presentation with nearly every video for free, why can't Ifm do it for a substantial subscription???

And as others have said, the 'formula' looks and pose (NB singular!) become boringly repetitious very quickly.

3/10 Very Disappointing

Best Wishes,


PS Many thanks for a very useful review site :o)

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Msg # User Message Date


FeckAdmin (0)
The reason clips play and buffer so quickly on Tube sites is because they are resampled and compressed to make the files much, much smaller - and the quality obviously far inferior.

We have well connected servers in the USA and NL running way under capacity and no ongoing complaints about speed. Occasional network blockages affect every web site from time to time and they are specific to certain users due to the chain of computers between the two sites. Typically you will go through about 8 to 20 computers when you connect to any site. If you have experienced such a connection problem you shoudl have reported it to your ISP, though typically they will wait for the problem to resolve itself. That is the internet.

As for your criticisms about the 'pose', this is due to your steady diet of fake porn. Most girls masturbate quietly on their backs. Our contributors are not models, they are not directed; our clips document the real thing. If you would rather see models or actresses squirm and squeal, get up on all fours while looking back to the camera and inserting a huge dildo, then stick with acted porn, as that is not how anybody masturbates for pleasure. As we point out utterly clearly on our site, we are in the business of presenting reality. And life does not always imitate 'art'.

Thanks for tipping us off to the copyright infringement, we will deal with that.

05-14-11  08:38am

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graymane (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - FeckAdmin :

I gotta hand it to you, Feck. Your unswerving loyality and steadfast determination to protect IFM from negative reviews and comments are indeed commendable. Your bosses should be proud.

Having said that, might I suggest a few classes in diplomacy, which, having myself recently perched on the receiving end of one of your combative rebuttals, might serve to improve your attitude.

Whether you know it or not, your somewhat history of grating replies and counter-productive attitude is getting attention amongst the crowd here at PU.
I went to great lengths to rewrite and post another review to patch up some things you disliked and remarked unfavorably on ... even giving IFM a respectable rise in my score.
Considering your initial energetic display of discord over my review, one would think the sweetened overhaul I gave it would at least get me a "thank you."......the silence is deafening.

05-15-11  11:12pm

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FeckAdmin (0)
REPLY TO #2 - graymane :

I'm not a diplomat I'm a pornographer. Nor do I work for ifeelmyself, I own it. It's my passion and my livelihood and I spend the largest part of my life producing the best website with the best videos on this topic, on the whole internet (not really disputed by anybody). So when an ill-informed self-appointed expert on female masturbation comes along and says our site is only worth 3/10 because (a) he had a temporary network issue not related to our site and (b) he doesn't actually know anything about how women actually masturbate, let alone anything about video delivery and networks, then I have nothing positive to say to him. I am not here to be liked, I am here to make the best erotica on the internet.
05-16-11  01:23am

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nickN (Unverified) REPLY TO #1 - FeckAdmin :

I wasn't expecting your response, but, sadly, it's about what I would have expected had I done so. I can't think why.

I'm not surprised you have no ongoing complaints about speed, I imagine that your dissatisfied customers resolve them, as I will, by taking our money elsewhere.

I'm always less than impressed when I comment about goods or services and am told by the supplier that it's someone else's fault; followed by an assertion that I should have done something different to what I have chosen to do. I have few problems with downloads from other sites so see no reason to suspect my ISP is at fault - they are one of the highest rated in the UK.

My remark about 'repetitiveness' was a comment about me and human nature rather than your content. So I don't need your assumptions about what my diet of porn may be like thank you very much, you don't know and it's not your business.

But again, you suggest that my assumed criticism arises from my faults and those of your contributors! I suppose Ifm's contributors decide amongst themselves that they are all young, slim, educated, middle-class white Australians? (Far be it from me to suggest any hint of racism here) And I expect they insist on identical studio set ups, camera positions, lighting etc. too. And that a subcommittee of them edit the footage from the shoots and select what content goes on your server.


05-16-11  07:39am

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nickN (Unverified) REPLY TO #3 - FeckAdmin :

Please don't put words in my mouth Feck.

You are certainly right in your statement that you are no diplomat, and some of us might think that you are not much of a pornographer either - they usually consider their customers needs.

I find your denigration of my considered personal opinion and knowledge very offensive.

I am sure that ability will ensure your success in not being liked.

And in my experience an inability to see anyone else's opinion as valid, even when you disagree with it, usually brings a good deal of unhappiness.

Enjoy your self delusion while it lasts!

05-16-11  07:51am

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graymane (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - FeckAdmin :

I won't argue that the fruits of your labor hasn't paid off. Indeed, despite how much it pains me to say so, I have to agree with the merits you so proudly give this site. The proof of that lies in the the number of times I've returned myself as a member.

Thanks to your taking the time, This recent reply has scored on two fronts: 1) You've convincively reaffirmed your dedication and hard work at making IFM the best of it's genre....certainly a commendable value and worthy of the popularity it's gained.
2) You've made it clear that you don't give a rat's ass about what people think nor what their issues might be. You've got a caustic approach to critism and you let it be known.

I don't doubt your business is thriving, but make no mistake, the stuff I'm getting about your irascibility is inexorably biting into your volume.

Oh, and about those "self-appointed experts"... if you're referring to our member-reviews....then let me give you some good advice: don't sell them short, lest it comes back and bites you in the ass.

05-16-11  04:54pm

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FeckAdmin (0)
REPLY TO #4 - nickN :

Well if you re-read your review, you will have to agree that all your criticisms of our site are in fact related to your own expectations, based, most probably, on your extensive experience in mainstream porn. Your review was ill-informed on every front, as I pointed out in my reply at the time. So the maxim "the customer is always right" is nearly always wrong - you made incorrect statements because you commented without first acquainting yourself with the site's mission, or looking thoroughly at the site. I'm not going to piss in your pocket for your holy dollar dude. If you like to see real women having real orgasms, then join pour site and be assured of consistent quality, high speeds, good customer service and 100% uptime. (As close as you can get). If you prefer to see actresses who have been artificially enhanced to look like some 'ideal' woman, trying to impress you with more squeals, groans and bigger dildos, then stick with mainstream porn.
05-16-11  06:49pm

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FeckAdmin (0)
REPLY TO #2 - graymane :

Thanks for the update to your review, but it still contains some inaccuracies, e.g. that the 'digging' technique is done for effect. That's what some girls do. We film what they do.
05-16-11  07:03pm

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FeckAdmin (0)
REPLY TO #5 - nickN :

If you read my replies you'll see that I am not disregarding anyone's opinion; I am correcting the facts.

We (and that includes the editors, administrators, production assistants) are dedicated to our customers needs. But if you don't like reality, I mean actual reality rather than gonzo, then you probably shouldn't be a customer. I keep saying this - if you don't like our content, if it's not what does it for you, then you are better off at a mainstream porn site. But we have huge repeat business from people who like what we do, and appreciate our effort to keep the standards high.

05-16-11  07:10pm

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nickN (Unverified) REPLY TO #7 - FeckAdmin :

I won’t recite my previous comments in the face of your further posts Feck, they are there for all to see despite the veil you are now attempting to draw over them.

But, for accuracy, I don't recall saying 'the customer is always right' - you are putting words in my mouth again!

And, I’d just like to pick up on these comments of yours:

“We have well connected servers in the USA and NL running way under capacity ... “ and “... high speeds, good customer service and 100% uptime.”

If this is true, I’m left wondering why I’m having problems, and why you have recently imposed a download limit on your subscribers (as another reviewer here has mentioned ). I would normally have accepted your point about the lower quality of ‘tube’ sites – and would have said so had you not been so offensive - but I’ve just watched a half hour soap opera (in brilliant quality) on ITV Player, for free, without any problem and I can jump about that footage at the click of the mouse. Again, if ITV can do it brilliantly for free, why can't Ifm do it adequately for a hefty subscription?

05-17-11  03:17pm

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FeckAdmin (0)
REPLY TO #10 - nickN :

Now you're putting words in my mouth - I didn't attribute that maxim to you.

ITV is funded either by advertising or taxpayers and leverage a huge audience off their TV broadcast base. They have a massive economy of scale, including other networks who are sharing the production costs. It's a completely different (and much larger) business model, which is why porn sites have to charge subscriptions. And we are by no means at the upper end of the rate scale - in fact for 100% exclusive, HD content update almost daily, we're cheap. There are of course networks which steal content and make their money from obnoxious advertising, a lot more money than we make.

If your speed problem was a network issue it should have resolved itself by now. Please contact me again through our Help system, or reply to a previous support email, and we'll run some tests from our end.

05-17-11  06:36pm

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nickN (Unverified) REPLY TO #11 - FeckAdmin :

Thanks for the belated offer of 'tests' Feck, but I'm way past caring. I was disenchanted when I wrote my review, hence the title.
05-18-11  02:00pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) The replies here are funny every time I read them. Yeah, I have a bizarre sense of humor. (Humour to you Brits)
12-31-15  11:58am

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