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Visit Ed Powers.com

Ed Powers.com (0)

Wraith0711 (0) 03-06-20  11:27am
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Doesn't have all of his content at all. Loved his stuff when he was producing new stuff. Always had an eye out at the video store for new videos lol. I was really happy I stumbled across his site and quickly joined. I wasn't happy with the video quality at all. I was not expecting 4k mind you, but add in the fact that It's missing a sizable amount of his content. I canceled my membership the same day I joined.

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rearadmiral (0) It's disappointing when you find a site with some classic porn and it doesn't offer the best quality or even the entire catalogue. I had a similar experience with JM Productions a few years ago when I joined their site. They have some amazing stuff but not all of it was available there and a lot that was available was so low resolution that it wasn't worth downloading. I recall that I later found a more JM Productions stuff on another site (Bang.com, I think) and they had more of it and it was a better quality too.

I wish more classic porn would be made available. I know I'd buy it.

03-08-20  07:27am

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rearadmiral (0) It's disappointing when you find a site with some classic porn and it doesn't offer the best quality or even the entire catalogue. I had a similar experience with JM Productions a few years ago when I joined their site. They have some amazing stuff but not all of it was available there and a lot that was available was so low resolution that it wasn't worth downloading. I recall that I later found a more JM Productions stuff on another site (Bang.com, I think) and they had more of it and it was a better quality too.

I wish more classic porn would be made available. I know I'd buy it.

03-08-20  07:27am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Thanks Admiral, will keep bang in mind as I love their stuff. About Ed Powers though, This was soooo disappointing. He is a particular favorite as I discovered him during my mid-teens lol and I loved his stuff and he had two of my all time favorites very early in their careers, Cherry Potter and Christine Young. He shot with video tape and it just did not age well. Main stream media is in the same boat as the xxx studios in that it's almost impossible to restore anything of quality from video tape.
03-08-20  11:04am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - Wraith0711 :

You and I share an interest in Cherry Potter and Christine Young. Even though most of the stuff I have with them are low resolution I won't delete them.
03-08-20  01:42pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

NEVER!! lol I posted a new thread in the forum asking about where to find import dvds french/canadian content or french digital content, if approved I would love to hear from you!
03-08-20  01:46pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

Good luck with that! I can't imagine a lot of that older Quebec stuff would be easy to find. Maybe you could buy used DVDs though.
03-09-20  04:59pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

yeah i know deep sigh but Cherry's worth it lol
03-09-20  05:01pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) I used to see Ed Powers videos when I was renting DVDS in the store. The women on the covers looked fresh and natural.
05-23-20  05:32am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #8 - Homegirl :

Yes they were, most were complete first timers which is what I loved. Another was seeing future pornstars having their first scene ever here. Sadly the content just isn't here.
05-23-20  06:20am

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