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Visit Ed Powers.com

Ed Powers.com (0)

Wraith0711 (0) 03-08-20  02:58pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 03-08-20  03:51pm  (Update History)
Reason: New vital information in the bottom line/cons area
Pros: 1. True amateur Content
2. Some (at the time) big stars
3. Good Interviews
4. models that went on to be stars
5. Rare here only moments (See below)
6. Updates once a week (with older content, nothing new is being produced)
Cons: 1. Being shot in the late 80's early 90's everything is extremely low res (I did kind of came up with a solution for this, see below)
2. For this old of content, I feel the member price of $30/month is a bit high
3. Doesn't include His whole catalog
4. Includes access to 5 other low res sights
Bottom Line: I was just goofing off one day when I saw a site listing for the good 'ol Ed Powers. He was one of my favorite producers back in the day and I loved his "Art". I immediately signed up. The site is pretty functional, Model index is pretty good. Some rare moments are here too, IE: The tiny pornstar Kitty does a super rare anal scene (If not the only anal scene she ever did) with her boyfriend.

Now here's the problems:
Being that the content is so old (some is 25-30 years old or more) the videos are extremely low res. I knew going in that the scenes would be from movies shot and released on video tape, but wow they didn't age well at all. I kind of came up with a solution that does makes the videos at least watchable, I lowered the resolution on my 1080 monitor. This does make them in my opinion watchable, just sucks that I have to do this every time.

Another major con here is this isn't his Complete catalog, not even close, and with him only updating at one scene (SCENE NOT DVD) a week he'll die long before he completes uploading his catalog. He had tons of videos, his dirty debutantes series went upwards of 400 volumes by themselves. So this con is a huge consideration to think about before joining. Another super rare moment he captured that is not included here was the famous lesbian only pornstar Felicia Danay giving her then real boyfriend a blowjob.

Site includes access to 5 other sites: Sexy mommas, Latex Pussy Cats, Bruce Seven, Luke Hardy, and 3AM. Sites are mostly 360X480 res (with scenes added in 2019!) with very few 720 or 1080 which for me makes their addition completely worthless.

Bottom line, would I recomend this site? Only to the most diehard of his fans. I bought some of the same clips from a digital store and they look a bit better than what is offered here. I would recommend you do the same, either way Ed gets paid. PAY FOR YOUR PORN PEOPLE!

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mbaya (Disabled) It doesn't show, but I did an old review of this site something like 2010. I always liked him, but his site is just not up to my present standards.

Getting his whole catalog up is probably a lot of work and wouldn't add much value to the site.

I see on TBP that other sites were included. Were they any better?

I agree $30 is ridiculous. This should be at about $10.

03-08-20  03:08pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

To tell you the truth, I didn't know anything else was included. At the the very top of the page is a little network sites block (That I never noticed before, on my 32" monitor it's freakin tiny! )that said ed powers, click on that and a drop down menu with 5 other sites included: 3AM, Bruce Seven, Latex Pussycats, Lacey Star, And Sexy Momma. I never noticed this before today. will peruse and report back to my review. I really should've done a little recon instead of just going "oh ed powers!"
03-08-20  03:18pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

I checked out the other sites and no they weren't any better, Mostly older low res content and the stuff that was 1080p was of models that I've never even heard of, I don't even know if they're US/UK/RU models lol and I'm pretty familiar with them all. The 3AM site has newer models but is still adding them at 480, Cindy Starfall in 480X360 is blasphemy!!!
03-08-20  03:58pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Wraith0711 :

I love Cindy Starfall. I thought I was the only one.
03-08-20  04:24pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #4 - mbaya :

Love me some Cindy lol I use her in the crack picture sets as desktop wallpaper
03-08-20  04:50pm

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