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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

RagingBuddhist (0) 03-15-20  06:09pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: + Lots of high quality content
+ Good looking, (just about) all natural models
+ New content available in 5 resolutions
+ Flash also in 5 resolutions
+ Minimal tattoos
+ Updates 5 days a week (see con)
+ 33 sites
+ Decent search function (but see con and bottom line)
+ Pictures better than before
+ Zip files for pictures
+ No open upsells/ads!
+ Super discount of $7.48/month offered at cancellation
+ Vendo billing processor - confirmation emails on sign up & cancellation
Cons: - Picture quality varies, not surprisingly on older material it's down to screencaps
- Some sites have file renaming issues
- Pictures all named numeric
- Model search brings up unwanted results depending on name (see bottom line)
- Category search misses some episodes
- Almost no ethnic diversity
- Most sites aren't updating
- Updates overwhelmingly favor TmwVRnet
Bottom Line: I jumped back into TMW after a break of over a year and I'm still pleased with the site even though the updates are skewed to one site. I also thought I remembered them having more sites in the network. Then again, the 33 they have now are more than enough to keep you busy for a month or two.

The landing page is what I think all sites should strive for. The usual headers at the top - Videos, Girls, Sites, Categories, Special Deals, Live Cams and Search. I like it when sites keep their additional money makers behind a link and out of sight, leaving it up to the individual whether or not to check them out. The rest of the page gives you short lists with large thumnails that give you a good idea of what the episode's gonna be like. First is their latest videos from all of the sites, listed by date, followed by the latest models, then their most popular scenes and lastly, the top rated girls. On any of them you can click on View All get the full list.

Video quality is top notch on any of the newest sites. As always, the oldest stuff is way lower than the average 1080p and 2160p they're putting out on the latest sites. The pictures are better than I remember, too. 5000+ pixels long side is way better than the 2500 average I was seeing last time in. There are icons below each video where you can rate it with a thumbs up, mark it as a favorite, see how many times it's been views, see how long it is, check the photos and download it. Below that is The-story-of-the-video-I-never-bother-to-read followed by a list of clickable niches covered in the video so you can see other episodes in the same vein. All in all it's well layed out and mostly easy to find what you're looking for. Unfortunately, of the 33 sites online, it seems that only 13 are still updating and, of those, the updates are almost all for the VR site. I've dropped a tally of the updates in replies.

I'd quickly run out of room trying to detail every site, but that heavily touted VR site does need mentioning. TmwVRNet is for those with VR headsets. As someone who likes his Dumbphone (aka Flip phone - yeah - I said it!) I have no use for those videos, but it needs mentioning that they offer different files for various headsets along with non-VR files. The rest of the sites cover what I'd call all the usual goings on in porn these days. Anal, Toys, Nylons, Massage, Medical, Creampies, Girl on Girl, etc.

I probably should leave this alone, but I've never been one to keep too much to myself. If, as has pointed out, they're using software to hide the use of condoms, I sure as hell couldn't spot it. I only checked out the first two mentioned but even on a 40" 4K screen and zoomed in, I just didn't see it. Even if they are, I congratulate them on a job well done. The action's hot and I like the big picture anyway.

Minor annoyances:

If you click on a model, you see up to 6 of her videos. If her name is common, like Tanya, clicking 'View All' results in seven different Tanyas episodes being displayed. And, in the case of one girl with the name Less (who in the HELL is named Less?), you get every episode that includes the word 'less' in the description and every name that has 'less' in it, like Alessandra, and over 270 videos that must have the word less in the description.

Yes, the site has definitely matured, so it's only with the older sites that files have the renaming problem, with file names that make no mention of the model or describe it in any way.

For those looking for ethnic diversity, this isn't your site. It's Ivory soap here - 99 and 44/100 white.

The flat versions of the TmwVRNet videos still have a somewhat odd angled view to them.

The wrap up:
If you like teens, you'll probably like this site. I've rated it a 92 for first time signups. Past members of the site looking to add to their collection might rate it a bit lower due to the lack of across the board updates and the skewed attention to the VR site. But, even with that, I know I'll go back from time to time. Thank God for 10+TB hard drives!

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Review Replies (9)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


RagingBuddhist (Disabled) Updates from 1-1-20 to 3-4-20
AnalAngels 3
Anal Beauty 4
Beauty4K 1
Beauty Angels 8
CreampieAngels 2
FirstBGG 2
Fuck Studies 2
Old and Young 2
TeenSexMania 2
TeenSexMovs 1
TrickyMasseur 2
TmwVRnet 16
X-Angels 3

And zero from the rest of the sites

03-15-20  06:10pm

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marcdc1 (0) Great review! And good to see you - I haven't seen your reviews in a while. Glad you're back!
03-15-20  08:49pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - marcdc1 :

Thank you. I did put up a review a couple of weeks ago, but for the most part I still join the same few sites over and over again, so reviewing them doesn't seem reasonable. In fact, I think I'm really getting bored with it all. Mass produced porn doesn't seem to vary much from site to site and network to network anymore. Even the amateur sites that have been my mainstay seem to be pretty much repetitive and routine. That doesn't mean I'm still not on a constant search for something new to look at, it just means I won't be rattling off reviews on a regular basis. I guess that's kind of obvious since I've been here since 2007 and still haven't grabbed my 100 point badge.
03-15-20  09:07pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #3 - RagingBuddhist :

I see it now - you did a review of Teen Tugs. Sorry I missed it. Regardless you write great reviews I'm glad you took some time to add these.

I'm with you about the current state of porn. While I hate to use the word "borning" it sure does seem like most mainstream sites have fallen into a too predictable pattern.

I agree with you the ameteurs are where it's at. While neither of these are listed on PU I really like LeluLove.com and sexysaffron.com.

Lelulove is expensive - but to me it's worth it because she kills it with quantity, without pulling away from quality. That along with strong member interation has made that the only site I never rotate out of.

I haven't joined sexysaffon yet - but it's on my short list. She new but seems to be doing all the right things.

Who are you favortite ameatures right now?

03-16-20  07:03am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - marcdc1 :

Amateurs for me basically means sites with lots of no-names, not necessarily a site dedicated to one model. It used to be a rotation between sites like the different ATKs, AbbyWinters, GirlsOutWest, IFeelMyself and Yanks. But, like I said, they've all become predictably routine - and now feature a lot of well known faces. After digging through AbbyWinters my last time in, and finding out how strict their "gotta haves" are for photoshoots, I doubt I'll ever go back. It made it very clear just how scripted and uniform everything is on the site.

As far as single models go, I remember joining LeluLove only to be disappointed in the content (reason forgotten), MayasHandjobs (repetitive as hell) and CravingCarmen (also pretty much scripted scenes) and CreampieCathy (predictable and not much to look at).

With not so much to pick from these days, what I wind up doing now is to wait for months and months for sites like the ATKs to build up new content so I can sign up just to pick and choose enough episodes that I feel I'm getting my money's worth for the month. As much as I hate what porn's become I really shouldn't complain. With somewhere in the vicinity of 100 terabytes of porn stashed on dozens of drives, I get more enjoyment from going through everything and make themed compilations with my video editor. I'm saving a lot of money now and still coming up with new material.

03-16-20  05:15pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #5 - RagingBuddhist :

Thanks for giving me your top picks I appreciate it.

I don't mind solo sites if there is some imagination. I think these sites work best when they follow member suggestions.

I've seen CreampieCathy before (maybe even had a membership a long time ago? 🤔) - but I hear you her selling point is her personality.

Your point about reviewing your collection is a good one. My porn budget has grown considerably over the years and I too am at the point that I've collected more than I would ever truly watch (if one were to never fast forward 😜).

Perhaps that is the best take away from your comment. I would spend more time looking through the collection I've amassed these days much of what I do is review into three big categories (highlight it as particularly good, delete it as not worth keeping, or file because it's "good enough"). - of course, there's then a whole idoysyncric file structure.

03-17-20  06:05am

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LKLK (0) Excellent review.
You put a lot of time and effort into making the review a good overview with lots of nice details.
Nice to see you contributing again.

03-17-20  10:19am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - LKLK :

Thank you. Unlike my last review, a good site definitely makes it easier to wrap up with better details.
03-17-20  10:26am

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sonofzog (0) Over the years I've gotten a lot of videos from this network but once they introduced VR the trend I noticed was that all of the really attractive models were exclusively (or nearly so) in VR--and I like regular porn, thank you. I can't get past that. It's not that the network is expensive but if I keep seeing all the hotties as essentially unavailable, I'm not interested in joining again.
03-22-20  10:36am

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