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Visit Private Society

Private Society (0)

UMBA8 (0) 04-09-20  06:37am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Genuine pro-amateur porn. Some of the best pro-am content on the net, and you wont find many in the way of well known stars.

- Top notch performances, if the girls aren't genuinely enjoying themselves in these scenes, they've got me fooled!

- Great variety in body type of models

- Great variety of content for an amateur style site - solo, girl/girl, boy/girl, threesomes/moresomes

- Great download speeds, with no limit on number of downloads, and all included in base membership price.
Cons: - Lack of information about each scene on front members page (more about this later)

- Scene editing takes away the natural flow in some scenes (position changes cut for example)

- Not particularly diverse ethnicity wise.
Bottom Line: I've joined this site a couple of times before, and have to admit on previous occasions I haven't grabbed too much content from the site. This is mostly down to the fact the members page that lists all the scenes, simply gives you 1 screencap from the video, and the location it was filmed. On some occasions the screencap they choose might be, for example, a close up of a girls face - however the scene itself ends up being a 6 person orgy! Not very informative!!

This poor members page design is what really lets it down, as the only way of telling if a scene is one you're going to be interested in, is clicking in to each one and reading the description and looking at the pictures there. The site's tagging system leaves a fair bit to be desired too.

Due to the current lockdown situation we all find ourselves in, I've actually had the time to click in to each of the scenes to see if they're worth checking, and I'm in the process of downloading 3/4 of the site, because this is genuinely some of the most amazing content catering towards my tastes that I've found!! All the scenes seem to be depict a lot of genuine enjoyment, with the majority of the ladies quite clearly on their first rodeo, or very new to the industry in any case. It's just a shame that a poorly designed members page didn't reveal all this content to me sooner!

If they put a bit more effort in to the members page, I think this would be close to my favorite site. As it stands, the content alone gets it a 90.

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Review Replies (13)

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pat362 (0) You are entitled to your score but a site that has only one preview page and 8 tiny trailers should probably not get a score above 80 regardless that the content might be good because all potential customer should not have to fork over 25$ to discover if it is or it isn't and that is exactly what you have to do with this site.

You couple that with the fact that one of the available trailer is for an Heidi Cummins video that has been on her MV account for a year and that adds to the problem. Granted there is no date associated with the trailer but one would assume that if it's there then it's a recent one.

We're in 2020 and that site looks like the kind of stuff I used to see in the late 90's and early 2000's.

We all have our favorite and you can be forgiven for looking at the site with rose colored glasses but giving the site a score in the 90's tends to make your review less believable than if it had been scored closer to previous ones.

Things not necessarily a must in a review but really help to flesh out what potential customers will get are things like.

-How many videos are there?
-Are they dated?
-What are the available resolutions?
-How many Models?
-Can you search for content?

04-09-20  08:07am

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UMBA8 (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Pat - with respect, you are spot on - I am entitled to my opinion.

To me, as a video collector, content always wins, and I have very particular tastes (always favouring amateur style). Perhaps I got a tad carried away with the score, but I was very clear on why this was the case, while also using a large chunk of my review to criticise the website, which indeed is a chore to trawl through - so whether you agree with my score or not, please don't make out I'm trying to pull the wool over people's eyes.

Being honest - I wasn't even aware of the preview situation on the site. They have a fair bit of preview content on pornhub, which is what's always drawn me in to purchasing.

To answer your questions as best as I can:-

Videos - 33 pages in members area, 12 per page, a few less on very last page, so roughly 540 vids

Dated - yep. Last update on 8th April, and they consistently deliver 1 or 2 a week

Models - it's a drop down list so hard to say without counting. Definitely over 100, possibly just under 200

Search - can only be done by model, location, or a few tags (action/type of girl). Their search options are poor in my view

Resolution - only 1 download option for each, the majority seem to be 1280 x 720. Might be lower for older content. Certainly nothing in the way of 4k etc.

04-09-20  09:36am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - UMBA8 :

I'm sorry if you thought I was implying that you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes because that's not what I think. I think that your review lacked the important info to justify the score and seeing as the site design isn't just bad but it is horrible then how can we judge the value of the site if it isn't from an actual member.

Pointing their potential members to tube sites like they actually do on their twitter feed is a terrible business decision because if the people can get it for free then will they also want to pay for it. Especially when they don't know if what they are seeing is all there is.

P.S: The info in your reply would be great things to add to your review as this is what we want to see to know if the site has any worth.

04-09-20  09:48am

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UMBA8 (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Pat - in that case please accept my apology. Questioning my review being believable threw me off....but with your reply I understand the point you're making, and will keep in mind for future reviews.

Tube sites is an interesting one. Of course there's no excuse for their poor marketing of what membership actually gets you....but I bet in this day and age, far more people have stumbled across private society by accident by finding one of their clips on a tube site, than finding it via some review site, or their Twitter feed, or any other way for that matter. Membership site enthusiasts are a dying breed

04-09-20  02:40pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - UMBA8 :

Count me in as one of the people who has a general idea of what the content is because I have seen some of their videos on tube sites but I don't know if these are new or old videos or if they are complete scenes since I try to avoid Tube sites as much as possible. It would be nice if they used tube sites to their advantage but only if they also improve their site because the first thing people see is the site itself and no matter how great the content might be. I will never join a site that as such a poor design.

P.S: Sadly the people who pay for porn are getting rare but luckily there are still a few like us who understand that if you don't pay for it then they will stop making it.

04-09-20  04:15pm

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Kody (0) REPLY TO #2 - UMBA8 :

I agree with the "content matters most" things. There are currently other sites who have priority on my wish list. But I must say, from the few screen shots on their landing page they look like genuine amateurs. It definitely turned me on.
04-10-20  04:30am

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UMBA8 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Kody :

Kody - I think you'll likely enjoy this one then. Check out some of their content on the tube sites if you're in doubt. It only touches the surface of what they offer inside (longer vids and plenty of them), but the action is nicely summarized in their previews on the tube sites, so will help you decide if it's for you or not.
04-10-20  11:58am

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Kody (0) REPLY TO #7 - UMBA8 :

Great, thanks for the tip!
04-18-20  01:30am

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Justok55 (0) I enjoy Private Society mostly because I’m a fan of real people not overly made up porn stars. The more I watch the vids I can’t help but feel a lot of these women/girls are Street walkers that were picked up and paid to make the vids. Can not really find any info or reviews from people involved if it is for real.
05-22-20  04:13pm

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UMBA8 (0) REPLY TO #9 - Justok55 :

I think if you want 100% genuine amateur porn, you're only going to find that from what people have uploaded to tube sites etc.

Private Society is more amateur in the sense that it doesn't feature well known/well established porn stars. But most people willing to have their video plastered all over the internet are likely already involved in the sex industry in one way or another, or are at least looking to go that way, and are using this site to break in to it. I still think it makes for some hot content though (performers who aren't already jaded by filming hundreds of previous scenes etc.)

05-22-20  11:56pm

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Trump2020 (0) I've subscribed to PS several times before, but been a while and was kind of thinking about signing back up, so I came here to see if there were any recent comments or reviews. I was delighted to see that there was a fairly recent one, and I do think that your review was pretty good. I don't agree with the 90 but that is what makes pornusers so great imo, the diversity of opinions. I understood why you went 90, this is your kind of porn. I know it's an amateur site and the regular hd (720) adds to that feel, but I do kind of wish they would step it up to at least 1080. Pat was right, this does feel more like early 2000s. But they are a specific niche and they probably do it as well as anybody.
05-30-20  06:11pm

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Wraith0711 (0) You might be interested to know they have a sister site by the name of MidwestFreaks.com. I had no idea of it's existence and just stumbled on it in a Ziggy Star scene listing. Private society has been on my check out list for a while now, I think your review just convinced me to check it out.
06-28-20  02:44pm

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Wraith0711 (0) I commented about the sister site midwest freaks, save your money and stick with this site, every video there is here plus a hundred or so more.more.
11-01-20  03:15pm

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