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Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw (0)

Trump2020 (0) 05-26-20  11:58pm
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Avoid this site until they lift this ridiculous download limit. To the people managing vixen media group now after greg left, nobody cares about streaming! Sure there a few that might like streaming, but very few I bet. I know you’re trying to keep people subscribed for longer by limiting downloads and making them stay subscribed, but there are lots like me that arent even going to touch your sites now with that limit. Mindgeek isnt improving ANY of the sites they manage and this just gives me that same vibe. I wont touch a mindthief site until they change their ways and now I wont touch any of yours either, what a shame.

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) What's the download limit?
05-28-20  05:25am

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Trump2020 (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

This applies to all of the Vixen Media Group sites... Blacked/Tushy/Vixen/Deeper/BlackedRaw/TushyRaw, the limit is 25 videos per week, starting when you download that first video. Under the terms it's the last sentence under the "Authorization of Use" section. A 25 video limit per week is the same as 3 videos per day, that is crazy. Especially since when you think about this "network" and how they sell memberships separately for all their sites at that standard 30 per month rate. If you wanted to sub to the whole "network" of sites you would have to spend hundreds! They do offer some of the best material on the internet but dang, that is a lot. And then now to put a limit on every site?! These practices are why I stay away from mindgeek sites now. Not that VMG is run by mindgeek just saying that they are starting to resemble the mindgeek practices. I wouldn't mind if VMG raised prices by charging an extra 15 for downloads, making it 45 for a month, but lift any download limits. And they used to do those $9.99 specials a few times a year, which was always such an amazing deal and I bet lots of people signed up for those. Now this lates Memorial Day sale of $14.99/month (with the ridiculous download limit) they said was their lowest deal of the year. So now since Greg left no more $9.99 deals coming I guess, and now these download limits, what a shame. The only good news is that I did email support about a week ago and they said this was a limit while this whole pandemic thing was happening, and that they "hoped" to lift the download restrictions once it was over. I just challenge people to avoid this network of sites until they make changes, a lot like people did with that whole Naughty America ordeal, now NA is back and I am currently an annual subscriber to NA, good move on their part.
05-28-20  02:22pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - Trump2020 :

05-29-20  04:15am

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Wraith0711 (0) Wow thank you for the heads up. This used to be a site group I checked in on every few months. no more.
06-06-20  02:03pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

It seems the download limit is 25 scenes instead of 25 downloads. I've been downloading the 2160p, 1080p, 720p, and the large pic zip on each scene I want and I'm way over a 25 total downloads so in this instance the 25 limit isn't so bad at all. Also I when I joined tushy raw after logging in the first time I was given the opportunity to join all sites for $59, I did this and received an instant refund of the $24.99 I paid for the first membership which breaks down to $10 a site.
06-07-20  02:14pm

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Trump2020 (0) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

That’s not bad. I’ve emailed them twice asking about the 25 scene limit and if you download the 1080 and 4k version of the same scene if that counts as 1 or 2 towards the limit, and also if there is a download limit on their photo sets, still haven’t gotten an answer to those 2 quedtions from them. Let me know if you encounter any limit on photo sets and if downloading different versions of the same scene count as more than 1 diwnload to the limit. Also, i wonder if you’re subscribed to all their sites if thats 25/week/site, or 25 scenes across all their sites together.
06-07-20  09:25pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Trump2020 :

Yeah I don't even know why they bother to reply with non answers, It's super frustrating. I doubt the downloads stretch across all sites but will report back my findings. I download the pic zip, plus the 720, 1080, and the 2160 of all the scenes I download, haven't hit any limit on anything yet, pics or video. Good day to you sir.
06-08-20  05:02am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

Thanks for sharing this. The $59 subscription for all the related sites is a good deal. And the fact that they refunded the original fee you paid before upgrading is something I wouldn't have expected.
06-08-20  07:38am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Trump2020 :

Oh boy let me tell you about my ongoing experience with these freaking idiots! Ok, I hit the download limit last week and got a red pop-up saying I had reached the weekly download limit, The pop-up said try downloading again in two days, now after seeing this message wouldn't everyone here assume that after the two days you would get your next 25 videos??!!. No problem so I log out and wait the two days and login and download ONE VIDEO and get another red pop-up on the next video saying I had hit the limit to try again after four Days! I emailed customer support and explained the problem and received a generic reply saying yes there is a limit and it's on a 7 day sliding scale depending on what day you start downloading. I reply back you didn't answer my question, I waited the two days the site told me and should've had another 25 downloads. Reply: Yes I did answer your question and again explains the sliding seven day download limit rules. I guess he then closes the ticket as the next day I get a email from customer service asking if I was happy with their service, ah that's a negative ghostrider! After clicking no a new page opened up in my browser where I again laid out the problem and I also replied to the email too.
06-20-20  10:46am

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Trump2020 (0) REPLY TO #9 - Wraith0711 :

Sorry to hear this man, I’ve sorta had the same problem with support as well. They won’t answer your question and just give what feels like automated responses. They know what they are doing regarding the downloads is shady and I’ve pretty much lost all respect for this ‘network’. I am so curious why Greg left so suddenly, I wonder if he was forced out. I feel like maybe Greg cared about his content and now these guys only care about money, such a shame, it’s why I challenge people to just stay away until they make changes, idk what else to do. I’m definitely not giving them any money right now.
06-20-20  03:33pm

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