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perversecult (0) 09-26-20  07:33pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: ATK sites has a wide range of models that range in body shape. There are not much sites that does this most sites features the typical thin to average model. To some people that is there thing and that's no problem. For me I like variety and I lean towards curvy. For the sites that cater to chubby chases like myself they do not have the pic gallery that ATK does.

Second Pro: ATK has a HUGE selection of models on top of the variety so there is no shortage of models to choose from.

Third Pro: I really love there search feature. This is a bit double sided, however ill discus that in the cons. The advanced search criteria has various ways you can search for models. You can search by body type, height, hair color. You can search by photographer, by model, etc.
Cons: First con: Various features are broken. One of the things I loved about ATK was the custom zip selection. This made it easy to choose your favorite photos without having to download the photos you would normally skip over. This feature is now inoperable and has been for quite some time.

Second Third Con: The video downloads are not working for me at the time. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing your download nearing completion and then come to a dead stop.

Third Con: Don't even bother contacting customer service they are worthless and could give two shits about the site being broken. I reached out and was basically told, "Well use the other option" they never even addressed the video downloads.

Forth Con: The search feature results do not always cover everything you searched for. For instance, In my case I tend to like the bigger models. The results do not include good amount of what I searched for thus I have to go through the alphabet section to find them all.
Bottom Line: If you like variety in models and a large amount to choose from ATK is a great place. With that being said there a lot of features that are not working for this site and by the attitude of customer service its not likely that this site will be fully operational again. Proceed with caution!!!

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


tangub (0) Thanks for your review and for highlighting the technical problems. On my last membership at another of their sites ATK Galleria my overriding impression of the site was that they seem to suffer from more technical problems than any other site I've ever joined. It also seems that when they have problems it affects all their sites as I remember another user describing the same problems at ATK Hairy site around the same time.

I would really like to join ATK Exotics again but I'm reluctant to spend the money on a site that's just going to piss me off with technical problems.

09-27-20  04:06am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

Last time I joined this site a few months ago I contacted customer service about a few glitches I experienced and they got back within 8 hours or so. They said they were having a lot of site problems and missing files because they had just switched over to a different server host. Not a new server platform in the same place but an completely different company. So you can imagine the complexity of moving all that data. The download problem though honestly sounds like it's on your end, not theirs. I had that problem and started using a download manager and haven't had a problem ever since.
09-27-20  08:06am

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rinto (0) It is now 01/29/2021. Here are the most recent updates:
11/05/20 2X

8 updates in three months. Two of these are videos, the rest are pic sets.

Nothing has been posted so far in January and we only have two days left in the month. So there's this massive decline in recent output, even though this is an archival site: it's not like they're unable to shoot new material because of Covid.

Make of this what you will.

01-29-21  05:04am

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