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Digital Playground (0)

Jay G (0) 11-02-20  11:34pm
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Sites I will never join: Digital Playground

Digital Playground is another site reviewed here that I will never join because I long ago learned not to buy packages without seeing what's inside. When you click "visit site" it shows 1 page which only has links to the purchase page...... no examples of what it's latest scenes have been, who its models are, or anything else for that matter. A worthless waste of my time.

As someone who has been buying memberships for dozens of years in scores of websites I've learned long ago that buying into a website which hides its scenes and models is a "pig in a poke" which almost always leads the buyer to disappointment. Please don't bother to link to such website here.

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Msg # User Message Date


Wraith0711 (0) I'll never join them simply because they use probiller. They stole over a $140 from me (I cancelled a membership and they still billed me for seven months) and when I went through customer service they said strictly no refunds whatsoever even when I sent them the subscription cancellation confirmation email they sent me. A customer service rep finally acknowledged the cancellation email and refunded the entire amount. They are flat out thieves.
11-03-20  06:15am

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
I previously replied to your similar comment on the most recent Porn User review, so I'll just do a brief recap here.

Discounted sites often give us links that go directly to their join pages.

Manually typing or copying the base portion of the URL into your browser - https://www.digitalplaygroundnetwork.com/ - will show more tour pages.

Just be sure to join through our link if you want to take advantage of the discounts we've listed.

11-05-20  06:54am

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
REPLY TO #1 - Wraith0711 :

I won't make any attempt to change your mind on ProBiller - they are a recurring source of complaints. But I do want to share a detail that a reviewer noticed on their support page - the cancelation form states:

"If you want to cancel Downloads, Bundles or any other Add-On subscriptions at this time, please contact us by Phone, Live Chat or Email to assist you."

This means that you could cancel your recurring plan and no longer have access to the content on the site you initially joined, but continue to be charged various add-ons. Even though, they might be pretty useless without access to the main site - which doesn't make much sense.

So I would say, not just with ProBiller, but also in general, people seem to have better luck canceling via online chat or over the phone when these options are available. Email can sometimes be effective, but it can also have issues with reliability like some cancelation forms.

One thing's for sure - you need to proceed with caution and even then, you might have to go through quite a bit of back and forth if you need a refund. It's always harder to get money back, even when you're not at fault.

11-05-20  08:02am

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Tom D Admin :

Thanks... good information..... I tend to use Porn Users a lot to find possible sites to join ...... so clicking on the link from Porn Users is a habit I will have to change until I know I really want to join....thanks!

If you ever change and add a second link for "site tour" of discounts that would be awesome! I've only been burned a few times, but those few times made me cautious about using new sites. The reviews are very helpful but I really want to SEE what's available. Thanks!

11-05-20  08:17am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Tom D Admin :

I canceled via chat and made sure EVERYTHING was canceled, I always keep my cancellation emails just in case something like this happens. Per their request I forwarded that email to their customer service. They STILL TRIED TO CLAIM NO REFUND! I spoke to a customer service representative on the phone and he pulled up my cancellation email and said that I had done everything I was supposed to do and it was just a glitch in the system and then refunded everything.
11-05-20  01:47pm

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

Listen, I have no doubt that you did what you were supposed to do and I didn't intend to imply otherwise. You've got the experience and serious street cred (or whatever we should call it here).

And it was your sheer persistence that got your money back. Though they have told us that they're working on improving their system, clearly, they've admitted to you there are still glitches.

Plus that disclaimer about not everything being canceled through the online form might indicate that they anticipate having to cover their butts (a loophole for their poophole).

It also suggests that even if you cancel your main membership with an agent, you probably need to spell out quite clearly that they should also cancel any add-ons.

11-09-20  06:53am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Tom D Admin :

I am sorry if I came off as a jerk to you Sir as that was not my intension at all. It's just that I was told by the chat agent (who immediately refunded one month as that is all he could authorize himself) to email customer service and forward the cancellation confirmation that they sent me. I did just that and got a reply 15 minutes later from an agent that clearly did not take the time to read the email before responding to it, he saw refund and replied NO REFUNDS. I replied and again explained the situation and again attached the email pleading for the agent to please READ the email clear through, Within a couple minutes a reply with again denied, no refunds with a boilerplate explanation that showed that he clearly wasn't reading the email. I then called and spoke to an agent who listened to what I was trying to explain and pulled up the email conversation and proceeded to apologize profusely and refunded the remainder of what they took. He admitted that they are very strict with refunds and have a ironclad policy against them. He said on their end I was still subscribed to a site and he even tried to login into it with my info and said it said expired membership. He said that saved email was the only reason they were refunding me so save your membership emails people!!

So my advice to anyone using probiller: DO NOT EMAIL, DO NOT CHAT, CALL THEM AND REQUEST CANCELLATION CONFIRMATION EMAILS TO YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND ALSO DOWNLOAD ADDONS. If you cancel your sub they WILL leave your downloads active and continue to charge you for them even though you no longer have access to the site. Tom, again I do apologize if I came off as a jerk. Thank you for all that you and your staff do for us!

Here are their customer service numbers:

Argentina +54-800-345-1150
Australia +61-1800-631-189
Austria +43-800-802-398
Belgium +32-800-266-78
Canada +1-855-232-9550
Cyprus +357-800-773-44
Czech Republic +420-800-088-442
Finland +358-800-552-050
France +33-805-080-554
Germany +49-800-723-4932
Greece +30-800-848-1101
Ireland +353-1800-817-134
Italy +39-800-596-816
Japan +81-800-100-0005
Netherlands +31-800-580-2501
New Zealand +64-800-001-175
Norway +47-800-246-53
Portugal +351-800-180-263
Slovakia +421-800-601-135
Spain +34-900-839-033
Sweden +46-20-889-251
Switzerland +41-800-009-944
United Kingdom +44-800-088-5629
United States +1-855-232-9550

11-10-20  05:32am

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
REPLY TO #7 - Wraith0711 :

LOL - I was worried I sounded like a jerk...

I am just glad you took the time to go into so much detail and explain just exactly what you had to go through to get things sorted out because it will be extremely helpful to others.

Thanks for the invaluable advice and rest assured I think you're anything but a jerk for being so candid about your experience!

11-11-20  05:13am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #8 - Tom D Admin :

Your very welcome Sir. After all the advice and help I've got from this site it's a good feeling to pay it forward. Also the intentional decline trick taught to me by Rearadmiral works here too, it took two tries but it did switch to Epoch. This is done by entering your card info correctly WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE 3 DIGIT SECURITY CODE, enter 000 for that and it will decline.
11-11-20  06:34am

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