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Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty (0)

PinkPanther (0) 11-30-20  09:17pm
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Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: Variety of models - I look at the updates of some of the other top glamour sites and I feel like I've got highway hynosis - one after another model that look almost identical - maybe one has blonde hair and one has dark hair, but other than that - jeeeeeezzzz!! Watch 4 beauty is not that way. They've got a lot of hot Latin American women that they shoot - they've got some really hot Asian women - some from Thailand, some from Bali. They're not all super-thin like the babes on Hegre's site. And they're all shot really well. Some of their vids, like the "Little Joy" vid they did with Little Caprice in April, are best in class - just scorchingly hot. Maria Melena Ryabushkina - or just Maria, as she goes by here - has tons of great stuff on this site. That's another thing I really like about this site. It's the vision of one guy MarK. so if he likes a model, you're going to see lots more of her on the site. Personality is a big issue with a site - and this 1 has plenty.
Cons: There are less choices of downloads in this site than in sites run by a bigger company - you want the photos, go ahead and download the zip at the 1 size offered. You want the videos, you download them as 4K or HD. The titling of videos and photo zip files could also be more informative. As it is, it's just the date. You really need to download the zip files of photos in order to scroll through them. The site will let you open them one at a time, but there's really no scroll function - that would be my #1 fix-it wish for the site. #2 would be a way to sort models by name, popularity, etc. I'm really not sure how the site currently sorts them. A forum or some way for members to discuss the content amongst themselves & give more feedback would be a 3rd thing on my wish list. I seem to remember that they had something like that before the most recent re-design.
Bottom Line: The bottom line for me is that this is a great collection of really gorgeous women beautifully shot. They keep things fresh with the variety of women. Updates have been steady all through the COVID-19 period. In fact I think they've even stepped up their update schedule as compared to a few years ago. Photos are gorgeous. They currently download at 6000 x 4005 pixels. They're up there with Hegre in terms of the quality of the photography and how well they show off their models without doing a bunch of crappy filtering. The HD vids are 1080 and the 4K are 2160. Some people aren't big fans of the 5 minutes "backstage" vids that accompany most of their photo sets. I really like them. There's a high art quality with a lot of fun strobing and other effects that are creative without taking you away from enjoying the model - just the opposite. They keep you paying attention and the models pay off for doing so. The long form videos, that tend to be in the 25 minute range, are even better. It's kind of amazing how much excellent work this guy MarK produces. The site's been around since 2005, but getting stats on exactly how many sets, or how many films, are on the site is not easy. It's an idiosyncratic site, for sure, and for me that's part of the charm. There's a lot to explore and the site rewards you for exploring. TBP currently has the site listed at $29.99/month. Once you have been a member, like with many sites, you're going to get much better offers than that. If you like photos & vids in the glam/art mode, but are bored with the selection of models in other sites, or just haven't checked out this site, I highly recommend it. It's a site that I believe is only getting better.

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Review Replies (4)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


UMBA8 (0) Nice review PinkPanther.

As a fan of Hegre, this is a site I've had my eye on and been tempted by for a while.

The one thing I like about Hegre is the emphasis they seem to put on the models letting go and enjoying themselves. Sure the vids and pics are very artistic looking - but the enjoyment/reactions/orgasms also come across as genuine. Would you say that Watch4Beauty is similar in that respect, or the emphasis purely on performing for the camera?

12-01-20  03:20am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - UMBA8 :

I would say that there is more of that on this site than there is on Hegre. I've been a member of Hegre, and I'm tempted to join again, but when it comes to their videos, they frustrate the hell out of me. They want to be so many different things that get in the way of enjoying the women - they want to be travelogues, they want to be photography instructional videos, etc. W4B has a high degree of artiness, but they know what they want to be and what they want is to show off the models to the best of their ability. And that's what they do.
12-01-20  05:49pm

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UMBA8 (0) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

Thanks PP - sounds like this will be worth me checking out then!
12-15-20  10:59am

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Wraith0711 (0) Tried this site out a couple months ago (and fell in love with the lovely karen torres!) and loved it! IMO much better than Hegre art.
12-15-20  11:46am

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