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Evil Angel (0)

Buckhead (0) 01-12-21  08:42pm
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Add-On Question

Long story short: I got a good annual deal for Evil Angel that renews at the same cost. They are offering a "lifetime" membership (as long as I subscribe to EA) for Adulttime as a one-time fee. I like both networks and the price is good, but want to know if anyone has any experience with the add-ons either with these sites or others.

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LKLK (0) There are many sites that give you free access to the Adult Time network as an add-on.
Normally, an Evil Angel membership does not include Adult Time, as far as I know.
Although Evil Angel and Adult Time are both Gamma Entertainment properties.

But what prices are you getting quoted?
The annual fee to Evil Angel?
The one-time charge for Adult Time?

Also, can you end your membership to Evil Angel, then re-subscribe, and would you still get the Adult Time access for free? Or would you have to pay extra for Adult Time?

Basically, since you like both networks, it comes down to whether you think the discounted annual price to Evil Angel is a good deal.

I personally think Adult Time is one of the best bargains in porn today.

So if you think the Evil Angel price is a bargain, I'd go for it.
Except I'm wondering how much they are charging you (the one-time fee) to access Adult Time?
If the one-time fee is low, it seems like a good offer.
But if the one-time fee is high (and what is high?), maybe the offer isn't that great.

Another side note: I joined 21 Sextury a couple of years ago, and was given Adult Time access as a free add-on. I kept the 21 Sextury membership, and the Adult Time access has continued.
So, on that issue, I don't think Gamma Entertainment is playing games: They're not trying to trick you by giving you Adult Time, and then try to take it away. Or charge you again for it.

I was given Adult Time access, but I don't know if I'm really a member of Adult Time.

Technically, these can be tricky issues: I recently joined the Wow sites on a special offer, and was given access to Ultra Films as a bonus. For one year.
But when I wrote to their support, stating I did not get a confirmation email that I was a member of Ultra Films, I was told that I was not a member of Ultra Films.
I have access to Ultra Films for one year, but I am not a member.
Seems like sites can slice and dice access and memberships any way they want to.

01-13-21  02:25am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

I'm sure I won't be answering all your questions, but I've got a lot of experience with add-on sites. They can be a good deal, but only if you have a good enough deal on the main site - the one that you're adding onto - that you plan on staying there for a long period of time.

Add-on's only last as long as your membership to the main site - the one that you added onto - continues. So if you add onto Evil Angel, and then let your EA membership lapse, that's it for the add-on(s), they're gone. if you resubscribe to EA a month later, that's going to be a completely new membership and will not retrieve the add-on that you lost by having your EA membership lapse.

Adult Time is NOT part of the basic EA membership, though they went in together on that I Am Riley Reid DVD, and there are a few EA scenes on Adult Time. As the OP wrote, Adult Time is available as an add-on and as I wrote, the add-on would ONLY continue to be available so long as your membership to EA continued.

01-13-21  09:33pm

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Buckhead (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Thank you for the reply. EA is $62/year (recurring) and Adult Time is a $90 one-time. Once EA expires, so does the Add-On.

The way I figure it, I am getting a huge variety for a fairly small amount, especially since the best Adult Time deals seem to be $90 for a year. They have presented this offer for a lot of other Gamma sites, so I am guessing it is a way to keep things in the family, so to speak

01-13-21  10:58pm

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #3 - Buckhead :

I'd jump on the offer.
$62/year for EA is a great offer.
I joined 21 Sextury over 2 years ago, for $62.95/year, and they threw in Adult Time access for free. And I've kept that membership because of the Adult Time access.
But you're getting EA, which is treated as a separate network.
21 Sextury is now part of the Adult Time network.
So you are saving $0.95 per year, as well as getting a separate network.
A better offer than what I'm getting.
Except I have 0 interest in joining EA.
Tastes differ.
That's what makes the world go round.

The only thing sticking in my throat is the $90 one-time fee.
Would it be worth your time to email or live chat their support, and try to get that $90 fee reduced?


Their support is supposed to be 24/7.
The link I gave you includes live chat, email and phone support.
Live chat is best, it's the fastest way to connect and get answers.

It's worth a shot.
If you're a persuasive guy, maybe you can get that one-time fee down, telling them you've a big fan of Evil Angel, but the price for Adult Time seems very high.

Just a suggestion. Some people can talk and work miracles. Others (like me), have to take what's offered.

01-14-21  05:57am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #3 - Buckhead :

And the great thing is that if your EA membership extends into a 2nd or 3rd year, you won't be paying any additional to continue to be a member of AdultTime under that deal.
01-15-21  07:38pm

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Buckhead (0) REPLY TO #4 - LKLK :

Thanks for the feedback. I liked EA the first time (not so much this time) and primarily bought it for the deal. Adult Time was always my preferred network, but I could not find a deal I liked. $62 per year for both seemed too good to be true, so I am glad to year your (and PinkPanther's) experience and get the network I really want.

I would love to negotiate, but it is simply a banner click and acknowledgement.

01-16-21  02:15pm

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Eric66 (0) Got the same offer as you Buckhead but the link didn't work (didn't go anywhere), and Famesupport couldn't help

Guess I lucked out :( - damn, was a pretty good deal

Unless there's a rep here who might be able to help out?


09-05-21  09:40pm

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PinkPanther (0) Be VERY VERY wary of purchasing add-ons from this company - their system can't figure out what is going on and you'll be having your memberships deactivated for abuse constantly. I purchased a 30-day add-on of zero tolerance and it's been nothing but problems. Here is an email that I am just about to send:

This is the THIRD time you imbeciles have deactivated my account for some supposed abuse. The real problem - I took you up on an offer to join another one of your sites - Zero Tolerance - and every time I log into that site, you imbeciles deactivate my Evil Angel membership for the "abuse" of having given your stupid company MORE MONEY!

What the fuck? I will never ever ever ever make this mistake again.

01-07-22  05:13pm

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