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Visit Erotic Beauty

Erotic Beauty (0)

LKLK (0) 02-09-21  05:45am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Site is part of the MetArt network. So you can expect a premium setup:
Easy navigation, lots of attractive models, all the bells and whistles you find at the other MetArt sites: multiple definitions for photosets, unlimited downloads, numerous contributing phototographers, easy navigation, etc.
Cons: -Slow update rate. You get 2 photosets per week. Since photosets are the only content offered, that is a major fault.
-There are no bonus features at the site. Or maybe you can call the cam shows a bonus feature, but that is the same standard pay cam show featured at all the Metart sites.
-The are no videos at the site. A minor fault, since most Metart videos tend to be boring, in spite of the lovely models.
-At least some of the photoset updates were probably shot years ago. By models who apparently retired years ago. This includes Camilla A, Caramel, etc. Actually, many sites in the Metart network are running out of sets photographed recently due to the covid epidemic, and are using old content as updates.
-I think the Erotic Beauty online slideshow player is clunky: you have a choice of a large thumbnail which only takes a small portion of your monitor, or an enlarged photo that expands beyond the limits of your monitor. The enlarged photo is meant for detailed viewing.
I want a simple slideshow player that fits the image onto the monitor, which is what most other sites offer.
-The photosets offer fewer tags (descriptors) than most Metart sites.

Erotic Beauty is not a poor site. But when you compare it to Metart, it suffers.
Metart updates with 4 new photosets or videos per day, except on the first of each month, it has 6 updates.
Erotic Beauty updates with 2 photosets per week.
Metart has far more contributing photographers, so you get a wider range of styles.
Metart photographers: 289 Erotic Beauty photographers: 189
The catalog of Metart is massive: 22,234 photosets versus 5,243 at Erotic Beauty.
The number of models at Metart: 3,811. Models at Erotic Beauty: 2,184.
Number of videos at Metart: 1,781. Erotic Beauty videos: 0
(Except most videos at Metart are boring and a waste of space. Not worth collecting, no matter how lovely the models are in real life.)

The membership price for Erotic Beauty is the same as the price for Metart.
So if you're going to join one of the Metart glamour sites for the photosets, choose Metart.
Erotic Beauty comes in a distant second.

Note: if you're wondering why I've been a member for over 12 months, years ago I found a special offer of $1/month membership.
So for $1 a month, I'm still a member.

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Msg # User Message Date


tangub (0) I remember having that $1 membership, must have been 2014 as that is the date on my Erotic Beauty folder but even at that price I got bored and cancelled it after 3 or 4 months. This site has fallen a long way considering it was updating two photo sets per day back in 2012. At two updates per week it's a site I would now only join for $10 once every 5 to 10 years so even $1 a month seems expensive now for this site. I guess I could justify a membership soon as I now have nearly 7 years of content to catch up on.
02-10-21  01:31am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

You are more efficient than me.
Which is one reason I admire your reviews.
Brevity, conciseness, clarity, are parts of why I think your reviews deserve a premium over average reviews, and you're not getting paid what your reviews should earn.
I suggested awarding outstanding reviews with a better prize in the past, but no action was taken on the idea.
Which is one reason I would willing to share part of any prize I win in the future.
Shen also submitted outstanding reviews.
But unfortunately his participation and reviews have been limited for a while.
I believe that outstanding contributions should be rewarded, to encourage active participation from some members.
That's my opinion, for what it's worth.

02-10-21  03:02am

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sonofzog (0) Counterpoint: If you've never been a member of the site but have collections of MetArt models from other MA sites, there are a lot of terrific galleries here to add in to what you have. Currently running a $9.95 special but even the standard discounted rate is now $9.95, recurring at $29.95. You can easily harvest everything worth finding in one month. Two galleries of Jenya D isn't much, unless you add it to 127 galleries from the mothership.
11-21-21  03:09pm

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #3 - sonofzog :

If you've never been a member of the site, it's worth a one-month join for $9.95, and downloading everything that you can find and think worthwhile.
But I'm very lazy. Just the thought of all the time spent looking for photo sets of my favorite models tires me out.
Maybe old age is creeping up on me.
Or---has it already arrived?

Best wishes for the holiday season.

11-22-21  07:00am

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