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ALS Scan (0)

PinkPanther (0) 05-24-21  08:48pm
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Site Needs a New Payment Processor

Their current payment processor isn't letting me join using either of my current credit cards - no sign that the credit cards are declining.

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Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) I'd email customer service for Metart.
They usually respond to emails within a few hours or sooner.
And they've been friendly and helpful with any problems I've had.

05-25-21  01:57am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Yeah, I got a response, which I consider to be completely bizarre. They said that ALS Scan only allows any individual to take advantage of a promotion 1 time, so if they have in your records that you have ever redeemed a promotion to ALS Scan and then you try to redeem a promotion for the same price, they'll block you. I've never encountered that for any site in my life. I've redeemed promotions to MetArt a dozen times or more with no problem, so why is ALS Scan being handled differently? I dunno. Oh, well - Ridiculous Business Practices #711.
05-25-21  07:47am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

A work-around might be:
Clear cookies from your computer.
Use a different (or new) email address.
Then try the promotion to see if it works.

I've used that to join sites with a reduced price, that at first denied me the reduced price because I was a former member.

These were non-porn sites, like Hulu and Starz and a few other sites.
It depends on whether you think such an approach is ethical.

Businesses often think a new subscriber is entitled to a lower rate than a returning or current subscriber.

That's very different from the old-time approach of rewarding customer loyalty.

But both porn and non-porn businesses favor new subscribers over returning subscribers. Cable, newspapers, porn sites, internet, offer lower rates to new members versus old members.

05-25-21  08:29am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #3 - LKLK :

I'll try that if I feel like it's worth the time. My view is "You want people to stick around? Give me product that makes me want to stick around!"
05-25-21  08:19pm

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SelenaMetArt (0)

I'm sorry that you weren't happy with the response that you received from our team. Without knowing the specifics of the situation, I can tell you that if a price is considered a trial price that those are limited offers. There are free trials and trials with a charge and in both instances, the intent of the offer is for someone to sample the site and see if they are interested in joining. The intent is not for them to be repeated multiple times by the same user.

If you'd like me to look into your exact situation, I'd be glad to. :) Just reach out to selena@metart.com .

06-03-21  05:10pm

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