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Visit Brazzers

Brazzers (0)

avgazn86 (0) 11-09-21  04:44pm
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 12-26-21  09:27am  (Update History)
Reason: New Information Acquired from Full Access Trial Run
Pros: -Massive collection
-Wide range of niches
-HD daily updates (2 per day)
-Top stars in the industry represented
-Production quality

Brazzers simply is one of the best pay multisite company out there. A very large collection of works that is varied over the years of work is guaranteed to satisfy everyone who views them. There literally is a video for everyone to enjoy. Their collection goes way back to the mid-2000s with updates now daily to 2 videos, which is the norm for them before the pandemic.

The quality & production of the videos since 2015 has increased with the exception of the scenes that were available during the pandemic. It may not be a favorite, but Brooklyn Chase's scene, Hot Tub Titty Rub, is a favorite and an example of what I viewed as a start of the current trends of production you currently see today.
Cons: -Recent change to UI is a little tricky at times to navigate
-It's 2021, and still no 4K updates?
-HQ Pics? Or screenshots?

Compared to the previous interfacing and navigation that was in operation a little over a year ago, this new interface is a little tricky and can leave one trekking around that learning curve. Once you get a hang of it, it's not that bad, however the searching feature could be a little better.

Yes. Still no 4k updates... Yet. With how the videos are done, I would hope to see 4k updates in the very near future.

The photosets went from comprehensive, to not so comprehensive, to a inconvenient thing that they had to have, to better quality with a mix of screenshots, to the standard of maybe 200-300 pics per set. Which is a shadow of their former selves with sets as numerous as 700+ in a single set. I do believe that a HQ pic set is complementary to the video and can even enhance it.

Also, they do have many scenes that have gone missing from their library.
Bottom Line: Brazzers will remain the best for the time being, and I will recommend them for any user. However, with how things are moving with some of the newer scenes, and a handful that read this will disagree, but they might have hit a little lull and maybe plateaued. My rating has them on the edge of being top tier, however if I would have done this review a year ago, it would have been top tier. With the current trends, although good for the company, doesn't quiet say progressing excellence in porn. They have merely held consistent in their work and with how they have barred comments, limited photo sets, video downloads and quality aren't at 2021 standards, and large parts of their library have mysteriously gone missing, along with newer scenes randomly gone missing is keeping my rating from going over the top.

***Just an additional note to add and an adjustment to my score in light of additional information***
1.) Is the quality of the content still good enough to consider a membership? Yes. The content alone is still great. In fact, they have a current offer of one free week right now to take advantage of if you are looking at the fence you eventually will be sitting on.

2.) Additional charges for downloads. Yes. You will need to slap down more of your hard earned funds to keep the videos AND downloads. $15 per month or $100 per year. I was lucky to not have this when I originally had my subscription and was grandfathered in... Now I wish I would have kept it this whole time.

3.) You have to be a paying member just to watch the previews. They got rid of that capability some time ago, apparently, for those who were former members.

4.) Even if you don't have downloads paid for and stream only, the videos will have ads shoehorned into the videos promoting the other sites under the MindGeek umbrella of sites. Yeah, you read that right. Ads... Your enjoyment of the content will be hijacked by advertisements.

Hopefully, the additional information provided here will help with your purchase decision. Best to know what you are getting into before being surprised and frustrated with what you get.

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Review Replies (16)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Wraith0711 (0) Big con for me is the billing processor: probiller. Plus you have to pay extra for downloads. FYI mindgeek is notorious for randomly deleting content. Personally I would never score any mindgeek site higher than 75, the scene deletions, probiller, and extra for downloads are big minuses for me.

A bit of advice: cancel now because they will dick you around and play stupid. Also save your cancellation confirmation, you might need it if your cancelation doesn't go through, AND BE SURE TO CANCEL ALL UPGRADES OR THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BILL YOU FOR DOWNLOADS TO A SITE YOU ARE NO LONGER A MEMBER OF!!!

11-20-21  01:33pm

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Wraith0711 :

The extra charges for downloads is a new thing. I first bought a membership to them on a yearly deal at $60 which then incrementally went up year after year for the duration of the 4 years I had them. I didn't notice the "pay more to download" thing until I started looking around at the other sites that were listed in the portal, and it didn't pop up until somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd year of my membership. At the time, I had Reality Kings, Babes, and Mofos with downloads and without extra payments. That became a thing after I signed up for Twistys, Digital Playground, and FakeHub. I did try to get Reality Gang in that first year, but it became a channel within the first month of doing that and they charged me twice for that.

In short, yes, I agree with you for the latter stages of the site and the price gouging and swindling of funds to get the buyer to dump cash into a site that has so many ways for taking your money.

The rating I gave was purely for the content that was available and not the customer service or pricing, but if I were to do that with more of a focus on those areas, then yes, I would probably give a rating that would be comparable to what you stated. If streaming is your thing, then I would suggest them, but if you must have your downloads, then look elsewhere for all sites that are not under the MindGeek umbrella.

11-21-21  07:55am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #2 - avgazn86 :

I hated when mindgeek took over brazzers as they were a personal favorite of mine and have joined them multiple time through the years. My biggest issue is probiller. They are just downright thieves and will rob you blind. I cancelled a membership and all upgrades to metro. Got the email confirmations and didn't think much more about it as it was a credit card I hardly ever used. I checked the statement 7 months later and find out that they have continued to charge me for the membership. I chat with customer service and he gives me the cs email. I email with everything and attach the subscription cancelation confirmation, they answer back literarily seconds later: NO REFUNDS! They wouldn't even listen to me on the phone, just kept blurting out absolutely no refunds, it's company policy. Almost $200! I tried chatting again and got the guy I first chatted with and he said he looked up my account and it was a glitch on their side and that I did everything I was told to do and he didn't see any reason to deny the refund and issued it right there. never again!
11-21-21  01:36pm

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Wraith0711 :

That's the biggest problem I see with all these third party discreet billing companies the sites go through is the no refunds policy. Every single site I have had has this as a thing, which is ridiculous. It's basically an implied statement saying that any purchase that happen is never at the fault of the supplier even though, like in your case, it was on customer services end by not completing the transaction or forgetting to click a button.

They seriously should reconsider revising that policy, especially if there is clear and obvious evidence to support customer claims.

I have had similar experiences to what you have had Wraith with other sites, and, in fact, this has had happened recently where they bounce my charges between two different billing services where I had confirmation on one and then switched the billing to another service and charged me again for the site after I confirmed cancellation.

11-22-21  05:13am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #4 - avgazn86 :

I don't see how they legally could get away with that as it is outright fraud. Who did that to you if you don't mind my asking? Glad you got it taken care of.

I try to stick with Epoch as they are the most reliable as well as CCBill. I have never had a problem with Vendo either.

Hope all is well with you, stay safe and have a very happy Thanksgiving!

11-22-21  05:42am

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

It was one of the "premium" sites (Family Strokes) through TeamSkeet. The charge came through as marked: ECHST.NET, this was the first charge. Went to cancel through them since there wasn't a link through TeamSkeet. I was able to get a confirmation of cancellation on this. Next thing I know, I was receiving a charge from EPOCH for the site and the previous charges were never coming from there. Now, I will say that I do like EPOCH and the ease of being able to take care of billing independently, however this whole ordeal was a little absurd. Never was charged from the site previously under the billing label until the last one.

Overall, the site is unsure of what their identity is since the height of the pandemic. The usual sites under the basic subscription plan are all of sudden not updating as frequently since the focus seemed to have shift towards the "premium" sites, and most of those aren't updating regularly, or at all like some of the regular sites are. Also, they are becoming dependent on their partners to get them scenes to fill in the gaps where the normal sites would have gone. Not sure what is going on over there, but they need to figure some things out and get back to what made them a decent site.

11-23-21  04:14am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #6 - avgazn86 :

I would think it’s all sites now, I’m a member to about eight sites at the moment LOL. Covid is rearing its ugly head again and it is running rampant once again. My niece is an RN at the local hospital and she’s saying it’s crazy, the five deaths one of them have been vaccinated.
11-23-21  02:55pm

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #7 - Wraith0711 :

That's scary.

Hope your niece stays safe!

Have a great holiday!

11-23-21  03:10pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #8 - avgazn86 :

They are now posting 4k videos, stated a couple months ago.
05-31-22  07:48am

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #9 - Wraith0711 :

Thanks for letting me and all those who see this reply Wraith. Much appreciated my friend. However, with the company changing their stance on how content is used and the pricing changes, I'm not sure that having 4K videos will be enough to get me to become a member again. I probably should have kept my yearly renewal rate when I had it at the end of February 2021.

I wrote the update after an offer that was given at the time, and I was shocked to see what changes they had made. Needless to say, in my honest opinion, I was very disappointed in their approach.

05-31-22  05:10pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #10 - avgazn86 :

You are very welcome sir. I decided against my better judgement to try them again as they signed a all time favorite model to be a contract star, the luscious Lulu Chu. Plus I love the goofier comedy scenes.

Sidenote: I noticed that a few sites are saying they are switching to a new file type that is smaller in size and lower bit rate but loses no quality at all. Going to have to read up on that.

06-01-22  05:48am

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #11 - Wraith0711 :

The goofy stuff they seem to have in spades, quite frankly.

Certainly nothing bad about having that characteristic in their videos. One thing that had been a displeasing item for me is the lack of care and the decline in their photosets. That was one aspect that helped enhance the scenes for me, but that has been on a slippery, downhill slop for the past few years in my opinion. There have been a handful of sites that are on this trend which is disappointing in my view.

I hope that I am not alone in this thought, but I probably am in the minority on this one.

With the file size changes, is this to all videos or just the new ones? Have there been even more scenes that have mysteriously disappeared due to this?

06-06-22  08:49am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #12 - avgazn86 :

I completely agree on pictures, I love when they add the glamour shots.

As for the file sizes, for example: Gauge's dirty masseur scene. The 1080p version old/4.25gb vs new/2.11gb.

I collect scenes of favorite models and so far there has only one scene that is missing, I can't remember which model.

06-07-22  07:42am

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #13 - Wraith0711 :

I'm glad at least one person agrees with me on the pictorials. lol

Looks like they compressed the files down by 50%? But that won't be the same for all files, so let's say the compression range is 45% to 55%? How is the quality? Is there that much of a difference? Same? Can you see a frame rate change? Coloring?

I will say from my own preferences for the older models, Lichelle Marie is one of mine. There are 3 scenes missing from her. Topanga Fox has a scene missing, and from the newer side of things Athena Palomino has one that is missing.

06-07-22  08:07am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #14 - avgazn86 :

Sorry about the delay in answering sir. Just recently changed jobs so it's been pretty hectic. From what I've been reading it is not file compression but re-encoding the videos. It reduces the file size with very little to no loss of quality. I can not find that dam article for the life of me. Another comment on the brazzers review stated that the video count suddenly jumped by almost 2000 in a couple months. So they seem to be uploading some of the "purged" videos so keep a look out for those videos you mentioned.
07-02-22  08:09am

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avgazn86 (0) REPLY TO #15 - Wraith0711 :

Okay, thanks for the update.

I won't be holding my breath, if I'm completely honest, but I will be on the lookout for some of those "classic" scenes. There are two in particular that I would like to have back: the shower scene with Lichelle Marie, and "The Return of the Mooch" with Topanga Fox. They aren't exactly "new" scenes by any stretch of the imagination, but they are rememberable for me and would like to have back.

09-11-22  05:45am

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