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Visit NS Romance

NS Romance (0)

LKLK (0) 04-30-22  03:26am
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Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -This is one of the New Sensations sites. Membership in any one of the New Sensations sites gives you access to the entire network. There are no premium sites you have to pay extra for.
-I like the selection of models at the site and network. Obviously I don't like all of them, but there are some that are really appealing. Personal preferences play a large part in what each person enjoys, but the models and some of the stories are very enjoyable.
-The videos (and the photosets) are professionally shot. Nice sets, good lighting and focus, good colors, good sound control.
-Content is exclusive.
-The site (and network) features interviews with the models. Many people think the interviews are boring and a waste of space, but I like to listen to them, especially the interviews with models that I like: it gives you added information about the models. It can also give you an insight in how these people think, which is rare: mostly, you get canned speeches that don't tell you much of anything
except how well they can speak into a camera.
-A lot of the models at the site (and network) are early into their porn career. Actually, many models seem to have a porn career of 3 to 4 years or less. So maybe I'm stating the obvious.
-Years ago there was a sameness to many of the videos. But the quality and variety of the plots and other technical factors have improved over time, and I think the network is more of a bargain than it used to be, because the content is more appealing. Especially if you can join with a discounted price during a holiday special.

-The main con is the site is no longer updating. A shame, because this is one of the better sites in the network. I like the idea of romance between two people, it gives meaning to the sex. Especially if it's done well. And the site (and most of the network) does use writers that can create simple plots that add value to the videos.
Many of the models can act well enough that the videos aren't ridiculous or cringe-worthy.
-Other than the main con that there are no updates, I think most other complaints are minor.
-There is a daily download limit of 300 GB. Which is trivial, for most people.
-Videos have a watermark which shows "New Sensations", which is the network, not the site name. So the only way to know a video belongs to the site is when you click on the Romance hot link and search through those videos. You can't tell from the video itself that a video belongs to the site.

I think the content at the New Sensations network has improved over the years. It's much more appealing. The stories or plots are more believable than the plots at many porn sites, which is refreshing. The acting by the models is more believable, partly based on better plots, but also by the models trying to act better instead of trying to act stupid.

The New Sensations Romance site stopped updating years ago. On 2018-10-13 they posted the "Welcome to my World" video starring Kenna James, which was the last update.

Whether you call Romance a site or a series at the New Sensations network can be elastic.
On some pages at New Sensations, it's listed as a site.
On some other pages at New Sensations, it's listed as a series.
The Romance videos are actually taken from DVDs, that the New Sensations owner/operator/studio/whatever-you-call-it people put out.

The site and network are user-friendly.
You get a short text description of the video, that is accurate and tells you what the video is about. Good tags that help you if you like searching a site or network.
You get multiples choices in streaming and downloads for definition and bit rate.
You get a listing of the porn stars in the video/photoset.

You get good quality (or what I consider high quality) videos of attractive young models who put on a good sex show. The sex is basically bread-and-butter, not over-the-top calisthenics.
Prime young flesh on view, nice scripts with a bit of romance and meaning, fine visuals, nice sets, gives you a quality product.

For a low membership price, I think the site (and network) is a bargain if you can join for $60/year during a holiday special. The regular price, with a PU discount, is $95.40/year.

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