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throwawayerror (0) 06-01-22  10:47am
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Oh my...

It looks like they purged the majority of their content recently. Just days after their discounted sale this past Memorial Day too.

Glad I stopped giving them my money.


False alarm. Yeah, it was known some of their content's gone. It looks like I caught them in the middle of a server update or something--since it showed significantly less than what they have now.

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Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) They've actually increased their number of vids significantly. In the last review I did, they had just over 7100 vids. Now they show 9,937.
06-15-22  07:47pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - PinkPanther :

What I think they are doing is re-encoding their video catalog. I just ended a membership here and was going through some of the videos I have and comparing the old file sizes to the the new ones. They were quite a bit smaller but looked the same, so very little to no loss of quality. Don't ask about bit rates as I don't know about all that stuff. THEY STILL LOOK GREAT ON MY 4K 32" MONITOR (not bragging, it's also my TV) is all I know lol. The big old oned look the same as the smaller new ones. I have been looking for an article I read about a new video encryption (don't know if that's the right word, encoder maybe?) that keeps the quality while reducing the size with minimal to no loss. So the mindgeek purges are now explained as they are reposting hundreds of videos.
07-02-22  07:39am

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