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Visit Fucking Glasses

Fucking Glasses (0)

LKLK (0) 06-21-22  06:59pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Part of the Dirty Flix network of around 12 sites. Join any site, you get access to all the network. There are no premium sites you have to pay extra for.
-Unlimited streaming and downloading.
-No pre-checked cross-sale on the join page. But check to be sure, because it's very unusual for a join page not to have at least one pre-checked cross-sale.
-On videos, they give you both mp4 and wmv file formats. The newer videos have mp4 definition for mobile devices, on up to 4K.
-Navigation is basic but adequate.
-You have tags and category labels to describe the videos, but no plot summary. Except there's not much plot. You have a guy, a girl, and they have sex.
Cons: -The default for the login page and the member pages are not secure. But if you put "https" (without the quotation marks) in front of the login page, or if you go directly to the member page and put that "https" in the address bar, your login and the member pages will be secure.
-The level of attractiveness of the models is sub-par for a hardcore porn site. At least, the porn sites that I subscribe to.
-Regular price is expensive: $30/month, or $120/year. But you can find holiday specials for $60/year. The holiday specials are for the dirty flix network, which includes the Fucking Glasses site. Normally, if you want to save money, search for a discount to the network, not an individual site in the network. It's much easier finding discounts to the network name, instead of a discount to one of the network sites.
-One problem with porn sites are the names. You join enough sites, all the names start to seem the same. I'm a member of Dirty Flix. Also a member of Filth Flix, which are competing sites.
The same people who run (or own?) Dirty Flix also run 18 Videoz, and both Dirty Flix and 18 Videoz share some of the same video content. Both Dirty Flix and 18 Videoz focus on hardcore teen porn.
-Videos have an accompanying photoset, that you can download. But almost all the photosets are made of screencaps, so the quality of the photosets is poor, and they aren't worth collecting.
-The sound track for the video goes in and out. So it doesn't match what the actors are saying. Not a big deal, since the dialog is basically bullshit, but it just adds to the cheap impression of the video.
-Ads for other sites on every member page. Standard for porn sites. But since a lot of the site videos seem boring, you click on the ads of attractive models for other sites, but don't join, since the ads don't offer attractive discounts.
-The site has 123 movies. So it's a small site.
-The update rate is very irregular.
The most recent video was posted Feb 28, 2020.
Before that, you would get 2 or 3 videos in a year.
-The camera focus is often poor. They need a better camera operator to film these videos.

The site theme is a guy who has a camera concealed in his glasses is secretly filming his pickups. So this is supposed to be voyeur sex. Which gives you chills when you realize the girls getting fucked are unaware they are being filmed (Sarcasm. You're supposed to enjoy the video more because the girl supposedly doesn't know the encounter is being filmed.).

I'm giving the site a score of 75.
The cons outweigh the pros.
A small site. Last update was Feb 2020. Before that, you would get 2 or 3 new videos per year.
The models are not very attractive. Even when you have an attractive girl, she isn't presented to her best advantage. The way you photograph or video a model can make a tremendous difference in how appealing she appears. And the models at this site just don't appeal to me.
The network is called dirty flix, and that's what the site videos are: cheap sex videos.
I mean, there are some models at the site that are physically very attractive: Alaina Dawson, Inga Zolva, etc. But the videos don't use that physical beauty to make clear, crisp videos with good lighting, good sound control, nice sets, good camera work.
The videos are just low-grade videos. And the photosets are cheap screen cap collections.
So what's the value of the site?
Look at a few videos, and decide if it's worth your time to watch these videos.
I don't think it's worth my time.
I'd rather watch better videos.

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