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Visit X-Art

X-Art (0)

DanielTheManiel (0) 08-16-22  01:10pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 08-16-22  05:07pm  (Update History)
Reason: Added more opinions
Pros: -Old content (2015 and before) is some of the best porn ever created
Cons: -Current crop of models are all Eastern European.
-No tags or advanced search/filter options
-Updates were starting to slow before the pandemic but really slowed down during 2020, with no new updates for almost one whole year as of August 2022
Bottom Line: When it was founded, X-Art was hands-down one of the best porn sites on the internet. The couples were really into it, because oftentimes they were actual couples. The videos were well-produced and cinematic. In fact, they were so 'artistic' that they often wouldn't even show the man cumming inside the woman.

The current site is absolutely nothing like this. The videos are indistinguishable from mainstream, over-produced porn. The sex is mechanical and emotionless, and the creampies are often obviously fakes. The actual quality in performance, lighting, camerawork, etc., was way better *ten years ago* than the current videos being put out. This can only be explained by massive cuts in production budget and a lack of passion both behind and in front of the camera.

The site used to have a wide array of models to choose from. As of the last 7 or 8 years, however, they have been hiring mostly barely-legal Eastern Europeans with no tits. They're probably paid a fraction of what a US model would be paid and I bet STI testing regulations are way looser. For some reason they also have not been crediting models lately, which seems suspicious.

Even when this site was new, navigation has always been primitive, with a very rudimentary search function, no tags, and no filtering besides choosing solo, couples, or group sex.

They appear to have been deleting negative comments on videos, which is the lowest sign of desperation.

It's easy to blame the pandemic for the decline of this site but the quality has been decreasing since the middle of last decade, and the updates were decreasing in quantity long before anyone had heard of COVID.

It's sad to see a site that was so great and unique die such a slow death.

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) Nice review of a site that was once great.
It still has plenty of videos and photo sets from years earlier that are worth downloading.

It's a shame the site no longer updates.
And who knows how long this site will still be around?

08-16-22  04:31pm

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DanielTheManiel (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Yeah, I re-subscribed one last time to download everything I had saved to my favorites. No surprise they were almost all from 2015 or before
08-17-22  06:53am

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avgazn86 (0) This site may go by the wayside like some others like Reality Gang. Could have its light snuffed out altogether in the near future.

Kind of a shame that things have fell through the cracks and doesn't resemble anything of its former self.

09-11-22  05:54am

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