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Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings (0)

Indy0603 (0) 12-22-22  08:39am
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Very Good Network with Bad Download Policy

My comments only pertain to the Download policy. For those that dont care about downloads, they can disregard.
I may be a voice in the wilderness or maybe I'm just a relic!?
But I miss the days when you could count on unlimited downloads being included with the advertised price of a porn site.
Now, its become a game where you have to look closely at fine print, figure out what type of membership includes downloads, Standard, full access, Premium, etc.
I consider it a Royal Pain In The Ass! Frankly I view it as a degree of deception by the billing processor. ProBiller in this case.
ANY SITES...and there are MANY.... now associated with ProBiller you should be well aware that those sites will not include downloads unless you pay an additional charge.
I dont know why they just dont put it out there in BOLD TYPE, CLEAR and CONCISE! DOWNLOADS WILL COST EXTRA!!!

There is No question about the quality of the material on Reality Kings or other sites controlled by ProBiller (Brazzers, Twistys, MileHighMedia, Babes, Digital Playground, etc, etc) All these sites are good to great. But they all have that sneaky way of not being clear about the extra $ associated with downloads.

I look frequently but have dug my heels in to the point where I doubt I will ever return to a site controlled by ProBiller.
There are so many other networks out there that offer decent material INCLUDING DOWNLOADS!

For God Sakes, throw a bone or boner once in awhile and give up downloads to annual memberships or something!!

All the "Christmas Deals" look so sweet @ $5.99 but adding the download option jacks it back up to $20 / month.

1 last comment on the topic. For those that dont download, keep in mind that the material changes for reasons I dont know. Maybe servers get corrupted or run out of space? Maybe there is some type of contractual arrangement with the actors & actresses that require them to remove it? But if it were not for the ability to download, material that is removed from the sites is gone forever! That was a collateral perk that I never considered until I realized 1 day that I had archived scenes that are no longer available on the sites.

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Msg # User Message Date


Wraith0711 (0) I'm sorry that you ran into this Sir, but It is widely known that any mindgeek site does not include downloads. It's in all the reviews of their sites here, please check for reviews of any site your thinking about joining here. This place is a goldmine of information. Probiller is just the payment processor (and a very shady one at that!) that they use. If I remember right after paying for the downloads you have to pay AGAIN if you want 4k downloads. WARNING: If you have gotten any of these upgrades you must cancel each one sepretly or you will continue to be billed for them after canceling the site. Click the mindgeek on the best porn review and it will list all their sites.

Also of note is year long memberships do not include downloads, you will have to pay month to month for this add-on.

12-24-22  12:33pm

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Wraith0711 (0) VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER ALSO SIR!!!! AFTER CANCELLING ALL MEMBERSHIPS AND UPGRADES, SAVE ALL EMAIL CONFIRMATIONS. They ripped me off so bad and continued to charge me for a membership that I had canceled seven months prior. I used a credit card that I rarely ever use and finally caught it. I fought with them for almost a week. They flat out refused to refund my $210 stating an iron clad policy against it. I emailed live chatted and finally had to call them and forward my cancellations emails to them and finally got a representative that listened to me without interruption and refunded it.
12-24-22  12:44pm

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Indy0603 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Wraith0711 :

You raise a GREAT Point! Thank you for that.

I have dealt with similar situations in the past and its incredible frustrating. To your point, I take screen grabs of EVERY STEP of the subscription AND cancelation process. I incrementally number each screen capture as I save it, so if I need to reference anything in the future I know exactly which screen appeared and when it appeared. It has actually saved me a few times by either documenting my log in credentials or subscription / cancellation #'s. I also like this to confirm that I have "unchecked" any cross sale add-ons that they try sneaking on top of a subscription.

BTW.. not that I am advertising for this company, but I LOVE the SnagIt screen capture application from TechSmith. It is FANTASTIC for quick, on the fly screen captures among other very useful features. You can even create a video that captures each and every mouse click and save it for reference.

Thanks again for raising this point. Hopefully it will be useful to other readers.

12-26-22  09:58am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Indy0603 :

I'm going to check that out Sir
12-26-22  04:47pm

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