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snickelb (0) 08-19-23  06:05pm
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Anyone else experiencing a bug with 'open in new tab'?

The last few days I've been experiencing a bug with their site. If I try to open a link in a new tab it gives me a 404 page. It only does this from the new scenes section as far as I know. If I click on the scene or performer I can open anything from there in a new tab even if it is the exact same destination. ie, If I middle-clicked Angel Dark on her recent scene it goes to a 404 page. If I left-click on the scene it opens fine and I can then middle-click on Angel Dark and it won't give a 404, it will open Angel Dark's page. So it seems certain pages don't open links in new tabs anymore but others do.

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Msg # User Message Date


SavvySatisfied (0) Yep - 404
08-27-23  11:15pm

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redcham (0) Not just new scene section, 404 if you right click and open in a new tab or window for videos in recommended, legendary, upcoming. 404 even for model page.

You can see on their members homepage the URL code for links is a function call

While if you click on a model page that lists videos of the model hover your mouse over and you see the actual link instead of the function call, for example,

Never used the right click option so it doesn't affect me.

09-01-23  12:39am

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