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Visit Brazzers


Anyone else experiencing a bug with 'open in new tab'?

The last few days I've been experiencing a bug with their site. If I try to open a link in a new tab it gives me a 404 page. It only does this from the new scenes section as far as I know. If I click on the scene or performer I can open anything from there in a new tab even if it is the exact same destination. ie, If I middle-clicked Angel Dark on her recent scene it goes to a 404 page. If I left-click on the scene it opens fine and I can then middle-click on Angel Dark and it won't give a 404, it will open Angel Dark's page. So it seems certain pages don't open links in new tabs anymore but others do.

08-19-23  06:05pm

Replies (2)
Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel

Recent color change makes some things hard to discern

I noticed recently that the thumbs up/down, favorite, hide and comment icons, which are all next to each other, has been changed.

Previously it was black and red and the colors would invert when selected (black becomes red, red becomes black).

Now it is white and red. When selected it becomes... a slightly brighter red and white. I have a hard time telling the difference.

Hopefully this is changed back soon

04-23-23  03:31pm

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Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of LKLK's Reply

Seems they fixed it in the last day or so. It had B to K on a single page then went back to the A's.

12-14-20  06:42pm

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time

Sorting actors alphabetically seems to be broken

When looking through the actresses alphabetically I found that it eventually starts skipping a few, then many, actresses. When I went through it several months before the A's were a massive chunk, the B's slightly less. Now I find that after April the A's are all but done and the next page has B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J, and K all in one page. Fortunately after a few pages it goes back to the A's and it seems to be ordered properly after that but it would be nice if they would fix that.

I've tried this on various browsers and it's the same for all so I guess they screwed things up at some point.

12-12-20  02:10am

Replies (2)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of bigboi97's Review

Brazzers, Reality Kings and Mofos are part of the same network, hence the similar look. Or at least they're all available through PornPortal so I assume they're the same organization.

Recently I've noticed that after Brazzers changed their look (slightly) they removed the favorites and thumbs up/down, then added it back and just recently took it away again.

09-03-20  03:18pm

N/A Reply of FreddieAdmin's Poll

I'm assuming JessA Jane is JessE Jane? Otherwise Jessa Rhodes.

07-25-20  12:54pm

N/A Reply of FreddieAdmin's Poll

They're both great and it being 50-50 right now seems right. I like Asa's looks a bit better but maybe Tori wins in performance/enthusiasm.

07-25-20  12:52pm

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

Wow. Is this indicative of the age of this site's users? I'm in the 45-54 range and thought I was in the minority, not 50% of the people here (atm)

07-25-20  12:51pm

N/A Reply of Wraith0711's Poll

You could also say, does it bother you that pornstars get older and don't look as good. Not the same, of course, but neither will stop me from appreciating that they made porn during the time that they did.

07-25-20  12:49pm

N/A Reply of Shen's Poll

Abella's just a little outside my preference-zone atm, but I think Emily would still be my favorite. I can definitely see why Abella's so popular, though. Good fortune to both.

07-25-20  12:46pm

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

This is one where being able to select multiple options would be great. For me it's the bottom 4. Partly a visual thing, but also a carry-over of my squeamishness with lint ("ew ew ew! Get it off! Get it off!" Yeah, manly).

07-25-20  12:43pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of BubbaGump's Reply

The entire network that Brazzers is on (PornPortal) is unclear about which sites are streaming-only and which have downloads. Some of them don't have downloads even for an extra fee.

07-25-20  12:33pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of etsuchi's Comment

When they 'updated' the website's looks they temporarily lost the thumbs up/down section. I see comments on videos is still there (I can't remember if that was down for a bit or not as I don't look that often) but it's back now. I don't recall if they had comments on the performer's pages but I know they don't have it now.

They are releasing compilations every two or three days, and remastering some scenes (one per week, perhaps). So less new scenes, and the remasters seem to tweak the brightness but also cuts part of the scene and are significantly smaller byte-wise.

Old scenes that were present but couldn't be streamed or downloaded are now there as 480p videos, so that's good. What used to be 480p is now magically 1080p, but I haven't done a comparison to see if it's actually worse quality or not (I've seen 480p that were better than 1080p before, but I don't recall if it was Brazzers).

07-25-20  12:30pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Oddly, I have to see that their stomach before I'll want to download. I like toned abs.

08-22-19  08:36pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

While I usually like slapping, choking and spitting there was a site I regretted joining that gave me the feeling that if these guys weren't in porn they'd be rapists. They just seemed to really hate the girls and liked to scare them and probably drove more than a few girls out of the business. I think it was facial abuse.

08-22-19  08:33pm

Visit Brazzers


My renewal experience

I won a membership to Brazzers and a month before I expected it to expire I logged in and saw a page telling me to renew because my membership was expired. Unfortunately it didn't tell me how to renew. Somehow or other I got to another page that told me to call, email or chat with them but still no link.

The chat option didn't work in 4 browsers (the pop-up immediately closed or it opened, I gave the information and nothing happened. All in all a very strange experience.

I eventually called and got things sorted out, but learned a few things:

-those sites you buy through their PornPortal page may last as long as your Brazzers membership at no extra charge (one-time fee) but not all of them offer downloads. Apparently a third are stream only, another third are stream-only with an upgrade available to allow downloading ($16/month), and the rest include downloading. They aren't really clear about which is which in the portal

-the people you talk to offer 10-year, 25-year, and I think it was either 15 or 20 year options. The rationale being that the PornPortal sites are 'lifetime' so if you buy the long-term membership you won't have to worry about what the price is then. You also won't have to worry that even more of the sites will change from download to streaming with an upgrade available to allow downloading

-If you get a free membership, remember to immediately ask them to change your email as my account was forthe website I won the membership from (this one)

08-17-19  10:40am

Replies (1)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of insomniacxxx's Reply

Roughly 2010 and earlier are just placeholders and neither downloadable nor viewable. The fact that it hasn't always been the case (judging by old comments under videos) and that it's been going on since 2010 is really annoying. Glad my membership was a free prize.

11-17-18  09:27pm

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

Depends, aka don't care

11-03-18  04:35pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel

Downloads not all using meaningful names

Anyone else having getting numbers for filenames on about a third of their downloads?

I use Waterfox, which is an offshoot of Firefox from before they killed extensions. I use it so I can continue to use the extension Downthemall which doesn't work on the new versions of Firefox.

The names I'm getting are similar to what they used to use for filenames a couple of years ago before they changed things to have meaningful names.

I'll try a different browser and/or download manager, but I'm hoping it's temporary.

05-09-18  09:33pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

If I'm on a paid site I'm a member of I browse by name.

If I'm just looking to fap I'll keyword search and look for good- looking thumbs.

If I'm thinking of joining I look for some favorite stars, check what type of scenes the site does, the amount of videos, the quality, update frequency, reviews, & cost.

08-27-17  05:15pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel

Browsing (not downloading) seems to have gotten slower lately

I'm finding that browsing the site seems slower nowadays than it used to be. Downloads go at about the same rate as they used to, but going from page to page seems to take longer. Maybe it's because I use Firefox or maybe it's something to do with my set-up or location.

Anyone else feel the site is slower for navigating than it used to be?

06-18-17  02:11pm

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Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel
Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

New vids are stream only for something like 3-days. I've no idea why they think that's a good idea. Maybe people see the vid, buy a 3-day pass, then find it's strevm-only and buy the monthly?

I'm not sure but it seems like not all new vids are stream-only either, maybe just certain stars/directors. Or maybe just brand new, just produced are stream, whereas an older vid released digitally for the 1st time will be downloadable?

Anyone else noticed that and have any idea?

06-03-16  06:16pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I waited a day and a half. Famesupport told me it was an Epoch issue, so I cancelled.

Nice to see 21 replying here, though.

06-03-16  06:10pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of 21sextury1's Reply

Thank you for the reply. I cancelled the trial since my support email was essentially "not our problem, talk to epoch", and epoch didn't reply at all. Yes, I should have been more vigilant, and I guess = will in the future, but I've never had problems with epoch or fame in the past.

Well, nevermind all that. I've had 21 on my must-try list for awhile now, so I'll try the code. Thanks.

06-03-16  06:07pm

Visit 21Sextury.com


Beware the $69 annual offer

If you get the $69 offer for a full year (one-time payment) you may get screwed.

I went to the website, selected that offer, put in my information and it spat me out to the billing section. Lo and behold, after filling that out I find myself the proud new bearer of a 3-day access that recurs at $40 per month on the fourth day.

So far famesupport has disavowed any responsibility for this and sent me to epoch, who'll probably say, "well, you agreed to it"

Oh, I should mention that yes, I did uncheck the 3-day offer to some-site-or-other.

06-01-16  02:26pm

Replies (5)

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