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Visit VideoBox

VideoBox (0)

2Cigars1Woman (0) 12-12-23  09:52pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: A hidden (to me) treasure trove of hardcore porn
Over 15,000 full DVDs
13,000 female models
Nearly 100,000 scenes total
Some of my forgotten favorite models have dozens of scenes I have never seen
Navigation is pretty good
They list nearly 100 niches/categories
Cons: It’s obviously an older site with way too much content on it
Some of the older videos are lucky if they’re 360p
Trying to figure out how I forgot the name of this site when I first heard of it about 15 years ago
Bottom Line: I remember a co-worker having a Videobox membership back around 2010 and he had an iPhone he watched it on. I was so blown away by the technology that I guess my brain decided not to remember the simple name of Videobox. I even vividly remember thinking it was FurryBox. It seems my own fetishes took over my vocabularic reasoning ability.

But here I am, 15 years late and though the blown away feeling is more like tipped over, it’s still a site I can say I am happy to be a member of. One of the pros that I don’t think was very clear to me until now is the number of DVDs. When I am a member of a porn site, I regularly call each individual video a DVD or a movie. Doing that on Videobox, sells their vast collection way short. It really does have over 15,000 DVDs. But if you’re too young to remember DVDs, that number is representative of the full DVD. There are 4-6 scenes on each of those DVDs. I can only imagine how overwhelmed I would have been as a member back in 2010.

Navigating Videobox is relatively easy. I have favorite porn studios and can search through their 500+ studios. You can scan through the long list and pages of studio names or you can alphabetically search through the studios. I don’t have the time or patience to go through and see just how accurate the studio listings are, but I will say the advertised numbers look right. You also can search through the 13,000 female models and can do that by scrolling through all those models, each with a thumbnail of the model or alphabetically. Furthermore, you can select from the nearly 100 niches/categories. I am sure there are some mistakes in their numbers and in accuracy, but I would be more worried if they were 100% right.

I found searching directly for a specific model to be the best way for me to find scenes I’m interested in and I use Down Them All successfully on Videobox. I do think a site like this one adds a very high probability of causing the user to download more scenes than they will ever watch. It is happening to me. Using this “model” name way of searching has shown me at least a few inaccuracies Videobox likely can’t fix. They have multiple versions of certain scenes. This is from a studio licensing a scene to another studio and the other studio changes the name of the scene to match whatever DVD they release the scene on. If only it was as simple as the same scene being released with 2 different names. It’s not that simple. Sometimes, one of the scenes will be let’s say 23 minutes and 18 seconds. What is the same scene with a different name may be 36 minutes and 12 seconds. You get firsthand experience in understanding video editing when that happens.

The video quality has to be one of the most important parts of a site like this one. I have found hundreds of scenes in HD quality that I’ve downloaded, but that’s not to say there’s not some poor video quality scenes. I have a couple that are under 360p. My thinking is it’s probably a bigger deal to remove those from the site than it is to just leave them.

I am very happy to have found this site and do believe content has been removed and possibly recycled, but since it was my first time as a member, I didn’t have anything to go by or draw a baseline. For the cheap price, you will have a hard time finding this much porn and they have made the site easy enough to use that it’s fun being a member of it.

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


Wraith0711 (0) Having been a member of this site many times over the years, This site has just stagnated horribly. I'm accually surprised their still online. If joining for the first time then yeah, I'm sure you'd be completely stoked with it. It is a treasure trove of older scenes. But if you have been a member before then there is literally nothing new that they can offer you. I joined again after 3-4 years and there wasn't anything I already Had. They have pulled so much from this site (over a third but less than half) and then just slowly add them back in as "new" updates. This process is repeated regularly. The vast majority is compilation dvds which just have the same dam scenes over and over. Virtually no update is less than 10 years old. Also the channels offer up only butchered scenes from their networks. I don't think these channels are even updating anymore. I'm happy you finally found the site because as I freely admit it is truly a treasure trove for a first time member. But do yourself a favor and don't waste your money joining it again. If I reviewed this site Today I wouldn't give it more than 70.
01-05-24  06:36am

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benmar51 (0) "I can only imagine how overwhelmed I would have been as a member back in 2010." . . No need to imagine, 2cigars, those 2010 releases are appearing as we speak on VB, LOL.
03-15-24  07:35pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #2 - benmar51 :

Like many sites, there was a whole different level of engagement with fans on VB in 2010. They had a blog updated multiple times a week where they would discuss which studios they were making new licensing deals, they would solicit feedback from members, they would promote "coming soon" DVDs, etc. Now they have very little to brag about so no blog, no talk of new deals, no coming soon, just plop, here are today's updates.
07-14-24  06:28am

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