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Visit BaDoink VR

BaDoink VR (0)

whowell (0) 01-18-24  04:47am
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Rip off!

I have been overcharged by BadoinkVR.
I wanted to renew my membership for 1 month and I'm sure that that is what I selected.
They charged me for a whole year.
They also overcharged me: the receipt says $119.40 but I was actually charged $199.95.
I have cancelled my membership after less than a week but they are refusing to give me any kind of refund

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Wraith0711 (0) Most often the most expensive choice is pre-selected. I looked and that is the super bundle full year price. I don't understand why would you renew your membership as it will automatically renew on it's own until you cancel. Most of these card processors have iron clad no refund policies and it is them and not the actual site that denies the refund. This is why I will only join sites with a very trusted billing company like epoch or cc bill.

You have to be hyper alert when joining these sites, MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW EVERYTHING BEFORE HITTING ENTER.

I'm sorry you got hit with that.

01-26-24  07:26am

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IcyHot (0) Wraith0711's comment was really good.
Be careful when signing up.
If you want to join it says in the small print
"Prepaid card users and existing members are not eligible for discounted offers or trials; they will be charged $199.95 for a 1 Year subscription.".
And the yearly subscription would renew for 199.95 too.
I read that you wanted to get one month, I don't know why that wasn't accepted.

01-29-24  04:48pm

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