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What cc processor have you had the most problems with?

Type: Billing

Inspired by TheViking (0)
CCBill 10% 4 Votes
Verotel 26% 11 Votes
Paycom (Epoch) 17% 7 Votes
SEG Pay 7% 3 Votes
VXS Billing 7% 3 Votes
Other 33% 14 Votes

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42 Votes Total

Nov 29, 2007

Poll Replies (12)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


asmith12 (0) I've put 'Epoch' because of BlacksOnBlondes form with 2 pre-checked "free 1 day trial auto-renewable at $20/month" checkboxes (see my comment on BlacksOnBlondes for details). No other negative experiences with processors (it's funny, but my experiences with non-adult CC processors are MUCH worse than with adult ones).
11-29-07  02:36am

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ace of aces (0) had until now (knock knock) no bad experience with cc processors :)
11-29-07  09:46am

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Denner (0) Only serious fuck-ups in charater of a hassle is with the Verotel-people.
Some problems, but none serious had occured with SegPay and VXS Billing.

As CCBill has maybe 75-80% of the handeling it's seem quite unique that the problem-rate here are Zero. Never had any problems with CCBill myself.

11-29-07  11:21am

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nygiants03 (0) I have had no problems so far.
11-29-07  11:40am

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apoctom (0) Knock on wood...so far, so good.
11-29-07  01:47pm

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pat362 (0) I've used most of these and I have never once had a single problem.
11-29-07  06:03pm

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Jay G (Disabled) No problems (knock wood) like everyone else. I've done maybe 50-60 transactions over the years with all of them and like CC Bill best though the others are similar in features. I do avoid some sites because of unique processors I have never seen before. After I've seen a processor at several sites I try it and so far....I'm lucky.
11-30-07  05:24am

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silver (0) I have had no problems with one of them (touch wood!).
11-30-07  12:35pm

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Monahan (0) Seg Pay 4 or so years ago - tried unsuccessfully to cancel and was billed for another month. Protested thru my M/C issuer and lost on month 1 but won on month 2.

If I see Seg Pay, I won't sign up.

Had nothing but superb experiences with CC Bill and PayCom. Never, ever had any hassle with them on any issues.

There was another back in 2002 or 2003 that was a nightmare to deal with but they are not mentioned in the list. I suspect they are out of biz.

11-30-07  05:38pm

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SnowDude (0) I really haven't had too much trouble with any of them, but did have an issue with Verotel that was quickly resolved. Most experiences have been positive and I count myself lucky.
12-01-07  09:01pm

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uscue (0) My only problem is in their service. I like Epoch (Paycom) because you can truly search for sites and the different prices on their website. CCBill says they have a search feature but no matter what you type, you get this list of 300 sites to sort through and never find the one you're looking for. How hard is it to copy Paycom's model?
12-05-07  04:32am

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Drooler (Disabled) DHD media is the #1 cause of trouble in my experience, due to their online cancellation forms not working on SEVERAL sites (mishaonline, sexycassia, sexyjamie, pinkfever, etc.). And even when one did work (Crystal Klein's site), it did not confirm the cancellation.

Word to the wise, if you sign up with a site with DHD media, either just email your cancellation request and ask for an email back to confirm cancellation, or use the toll-free phone number.

I did get good service from their people on the telephone.

CCbill works well online, but if you have problem, you might not enjoy dealing with their people on the phone. I thought they were stubborn, inept, and rude.

12-08-07  06:21am

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