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Visit Big Tits At Work

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SnowDude (0) 12-03-07  12:25pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Site offers nearly 80 episodes updated over the last year resulting in an average well over 1 new per week
-Numerous options with mutiple formats (WMV & MPEG) for downloading or streaming as well as offering clips in various lengths (1 or 5 min, and complete)
-Vid and pic quality is very good (1 mbps) and the latter are offered as zips
-Along with your membership you get full access to the Brazzers Pass netowrk featuring 16 additional sites and hundreds of vids all for under $25 a month
Cons: -The girls featured on the site are well known pornstars who by and large have fake tits like balloons, so amateur seekers needn't bother
-The plots (or lackthereof) are just awful, many times implying these girls can't get dates, which fell short of the eroticism I was seeking
-Many of the other network sites are updated infrequently or not at all and older content lacks in quality
-There is little variation between network sites, which could be taken as "Yay, more!" or "Crap, there's more."
Bottom Line: Having now reviewed the majority of the Brazzers Pass netowrk sites, I can honestly say that it just hasn't been a very enjoyable experience for me, but admittedly there is much to like here for the majority of folks who will read this review. So if you are looking for amateur newbies you can stop reading now, but for big boob snthusiasts who care little about augmentation, keep going. :)

As is always the case with this network's sites, navigation is very simple and the only possible slight is that the amount of content and options can make it feel cluttered, but that's a good problem to have. Vids ara excellent in quality however and pic lovers will also find much to love with hi res photo shoots downloadable in zip files.

Much like buying a beautiful sports car with very little to brag about under the hood, the high quality was lost on me since the scenes themselves featured very standard sex without any kink or passion to be found. Other networks are far superior in terms of what's being filmed, but even so the quantity of material and quality of the presentation shouldn't be minimized even if it wasn't my taste.

By now it's clear where I stand on this site so it shouldn't be difficult to decide from here if this site is for you. One final plus was that I was offered a deep dicount to maintain my membership ($10) which I only took because I hadn't seen everything yet. I won't be reupping even for $10, but I suspect that many will find what they get well worth it.

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