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In your view, is professionalism in porn sites on the way up or down generally?

Type: General

Submitted by PinkPanther (0)
Definitely on the way up 28% 16 Votes
Definitely on the way down 16% 9 Votes
Mixed - lots of good and bad 54% 31 Votes
Nothing's changed over years 2% 1 Votes
Other (see reply) 0% 0 Votes

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57 Votes Total

Dec 11, 2007

Poll Replies (16)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


Drooler (Disabled) I'll err on the side of "mixed," because I sure wouldn't jump to "definitely" moving up. When dishonesty, deception, and especially incompetence become the exception, that's when it will definitely be more professional. There is a ways to go yet. No doubt.

That being said, I've got praise for 1byday and 1bynight. They're planning, starting April next year, to reissue all of their old sets in higher resolutions (and better videos, too). They even know the exact date when a favorite of mine (which I requested) will go up.

THAT'S professionalism.

12-11-07  02:07am

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jd1961 (0) Well, considering that TBP just reviewed a site named "Taste My Own Ass", I would say it's on the way down!
12-11-07  04:32am

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kkman112 (0) I think that there are some professional sites out there, but is sadly offset by all the bad ones. There are definitely a million and one poorly done sites for every good one. I don't measure professionalism by the content, I am measuring professionalism by how well a site keeps up with the times and listens to it's customers. Even through there are a lot of bad sites, they ratio seems to have remained pretty much the same (luckily), so I will say mixed.
12-11-07  06:11am

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User (0) I believe with prices generally coming down (exclude European sites here) and quality going up, that sites in general are going up. I know there are still a lot of rip-off websites out there, but since they tend to be pretty noticeable, I stay away. For the sites I gravitate towards, they are definitely on the way up. If the known good sites keep feeding us Hi-res videos with continuous updates, then other sites will have to follow suit to be able to vie for our money.
12-11-07  06:13am

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nygiants03 (0) I put mixed, there seems to be more great sites and poor sites then ever right now. Lots of these poor sites are just in it to make a few bucks, not really having the site as the persons profession but rather something on the side. Lots of these better sites like ftvgirls, 1byday, realitykings are truly in a business for life and continue to improve usually yearly if not monthly.
12-11-07  08:54am

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DivBZero (Suspended) If we mean better web design then this has definitely gone up. If we look at image and video quality then this has also gone up.

If we take into account lighting and posing, then this has generally gone down but with some sites its getting better. The number of models has gone up and digital photography has lowered the bar for site content creation.

Do we mean professionalism in terms of customer care and satisfaction? If we do then I rather peeved with sites that subdivide themselves into ever smaller niches and then charge per niche. We seem to live in a world where everything is a revenue opportunity!

PU of course is a good platform for customer comment. Social networking does change things for the better so high hopes for this industry.

12-11-07  09:40am

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Toadsith (0) There will always be crappy sites trying to make a quick buck, and as I recall there always has been. However there are so many sites with exclusive content - granted not every one has a unique idea and presentation but I think the fact that their dozens upon dozens of respectable sites that care about their customers, care about their models and care about their image - is a great sign that internet porn is no longer the seedy back-alley business it used to be and has matured in to a big business, with all its pluses and minuses.

Sure, it is tougher for small site to get a big following when you've got these name-brand mega-sites out there, but you also know these big sites have too much invested to try and get a quick buck by stealing your credit card. And yes - there are still sites out there that might do that - but there are still used car dealerships selling stolen cars - just in both cases you'll find the majority are legit.

Internet porn seems to be thriving on the "Long Tail" business style - selling less of more. The industry is expanding to cater to every taste be it an ATM site that offends some people or a classy glamor site that is too tame for others. This ongoing expansion is a plus for porn users in general as they are more and more likely to find exactly what they are looking for. Plus, the big business nature of it all is making it safer for the models, safer for the customers and a longer lasting enterprise for the producers.

12-11-07  09:49am

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ace of aces (0) if i take only a look at the quality of videos, it`s a way up
12-11-07  09:52am

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idoneas (Suspended) Porn it's addictive so can't quit it and if you thing not, why are you here?
12-11-07  10:03am

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SnowDude (0) I'd say it's definitely on the way up, but of course that isn't true of every site and network. I think there is an ideal that some porn sites are trying to reach which is something I don't think was happening before. However, there are some pretty crappy ones out there.
12-11-07  11:11am

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PinkPanther (0) I'm voting for mixed myself. When I look at how well run some sites are: ALS Scan, Met Art, Twisty's, SexyBabes.TV, Nubiles, KarupsPC, ATK Galleria, for example, it's kind of amazing that there are so many slipshod sites that do so much less for their members and keep operating.

But there's a lot of sites that seem to rely on suckers - they haven't updated in a whole helluva long time, they don't respond to their customers, they grab your cash for your first sign-up with no intention of having anybody stick around.

And then there's the ones that act like they're giving a lot when they're really not - at least as compared to the truly great sites out there.

Oh, well - I'm glad that there is the ability with sites such as this one, for fans to help other fans make good choices and avoid the ratholes.

12-11-07  06:12pm

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creampiefan (Suspended) I have mixed feelings about it. Certainly there are some very good porn websites out there. But there are a huge number of new sites which are just pitiful, and they want you to PAY THEM to be a part of it. Sure, porn is big business, both here in the USA & worldwide. And the only way it can be "regulated" (I really dislike that term but can think of nothing better at the moment) if for people to "vote with their money". And this fine review site helps keep 'em honest as well.
12-11-07  06:18pm

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pat362 (0) The fact of the matter is that there are tons of clone or fly by night sites, and most offer leased or crappy content. What is encouraging is that many newer and established sites are improving the quality, frequency, download possibilities of their content. I think the best rule is if you haven't seen a review or they are less than stellar. Than just stay away, because the odds are you will be disapointed.
12-11-07  07:12pm

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Pinche Kankun (Disabled) I will answer that question by imposing another: Do you think that the professionals that are making general porn and porn websites pay attention to what we discuss @ PU?

In my opinion, I feel that any form of porn would do a whole lot better in any catagory if they gave opportunity to how we (The Customer) would feel about whatever production of porn currently created.
Now in some cases, I could be speaking for myself, but observe what these women have to do in order to make it to professional porn now-a-days! Just to appear professional, they have to seriously get humiliated and do way out stunts. And I bet you, using the example of Ass To Mouth, After these girls have accomplished tasting their own stool for almost an entire scene, no telling what negative side effects they go through behind the scenes and you know what... Most of those guys don't give a phuck what is happening to those girls!!

I could be wrong, be how can I be wrong? Because think about it, I know for a fact and by morals that it is not right for me as a porn producer to make a girl eat ass or I am not going to pay her... Knowing that I will never do something like that my myself!! For this reason, it is on the way down!!

I am grateful to even get to see all of these women naked!! Why? Because they didn't have to entertain us men with their naked body, but they were nice enough to do it for us. So why would we want to humiliate them by means of gangbanbs, ATM, and gaging instead of making them glamour, respectable, and arousing!!

12-11-07  11:35pm

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silver (0) I've voted for mixed because all is not gold that glitters and all is not porn (by the highest standards) where we can see a big round ass.
12-12-07  12:50pm

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Pornjackker (0) Professional means different things to different people. I voted mixed. I wish more sites would offer non-recurring membership options.
12-12-07  09:44pm

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