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elephant (0) 01-19-08  03:13pm
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Does this sound like I've been had

I've just registered with this site and used my mastercard , I've never heard of the billing company localbillinglimited.com , Has anyone here heard of them. Its sounds fishy does this, the page after I got accepted came up without a subscription number like you get with all the others and said it had sent a confirmation email, only no email and it also had a link to the members area but when I enter and it is the correct username and password cause it says what they are on the acceptance page but they don't work and just return back the login box again blank.

Whats should I do, do you think its fraud, should I contact my creditcard company ?

Never had any trouble with any other site in the past.

update its working fine now, don't get why I had to wait 50 mins to access. Still haven't received the confirmation email though, I've sent a ticket to the customer support at the billing company, which to be fair does look very professional, it just had me worried a little when I couldn't get access.

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Drooler (Disabled) I can see why one would be tempted. The visitor's pages look pretty good! Looked around at the other sites with this deal, too. FreaksOfCock looked really funny, if not exactly erotic; looked at the reviews next. The cum (or is that Hollandaise sauce?) is copious to the extreme.

Glad your snafu is getting resolved. I might give this one a try sometime.

01-19-08  04:03pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #1 - Drooler :

I've just downloaded this video of this uber cute Sandy Sweet, who in my eyes is adorable, sure she does a little too over the top moaning but top smile which I love and eyes and great body, she's very petite though, she reckons she's only 4ft 11, she is hot though

currently doing the Kacy Jordan one which looks good too, sadly they are in 8 bits though

Do you know if mpgs high are better quality than wmv high, I've never known that, they have both options with mpgs been of slightly more meg

Also don't suppose you know of any free software that joins wmvs or mpgs.

yeah the freaks of cock looks quite funnt, yeah totally unbelievable but still different and will download the ones with the pretty women in.

the euro one looks quite good too, seen a couple of real cuties in the preview

01-19-08  04:34pm

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polacrilex (0) Billing co is out of Amsterdam and IE does not list it as a phishing site. You should be OK- I usually skip sites that do not use CCBill or other known billing sites. Its a good idea to check out independent billing sites before signing up. Maybe TBP should include a list of known reputable billing companies.
01-19-08  07:36pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #3 - polacrilex :

Wise words and I don't either usually, it did say they used ccbill on thebestporn site but must of changed. I just I guess took the gamble cause the billing company site looks professional and could see any bad reports on google by them. It would be good to have a list of reputable companies though that are legit to check before signing up, maybe on thebestporn site.
01-20-08  12:24am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - polacrilex :

Nice idea having a list of known reputable billing companies, although as with so many things, there can be no absolute guarantees.

Ibill is an example. They were as ubiquitous as ccbill is today. Then several sites were actually complaining that ibill was stiffing them. ClubSandy was one, and if memory serves me, they told potential subscribers not to use them even though they were still officially one of their billing providers.

I myself was having trouble with ibill, though I can't definitely prove anything. Somehow my accesses to sites though them were getting into other hands. To be on the safe side, I'd decided to quit ibill even before the above the content sites started to complain. The problem went away. Coincidence? A series of them?

01-20-08  02:18am

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jd1961 (0) That billing company wasn't there when I was a member last year.
01-20-08  02:25am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #4 - elephant :

If you use the Opera browser, it has a function called "fraud check" which will tell you if a site is reputable, unknown, or on the blacklist.
01-20-08  02:27am

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jd1961 (0) I did a fraud check of the billing site, and it came up "unknown". That could mean it is very new though.
01-20-08  02:28am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #6 - jd1961 :

Yeah must be their new one and to be fair to them I did get a reply this morning from them saying all is working which it was 50 minutes later after I joined. So I should learn to be more patient I guess
01-20-08  02:28am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - elephant :

If you're on a Mac (always possible), then I'm kind of inexperienced. I use them, but not for making movies.

I use MovieMaker, which came with XP. I've made gobs of "shorts" with it, and it will do wmv of course and mpegs. I've never tried mixing formats into one clip, if that's what you meant, but worth looking into.

MovieMaker isn't perfect. Sometimes things will jerk for a moment in the final result. And maybe it's my video card. I dunno.

I've also been using DivX Author, recently purchased for $20. It's not as easy to use as MovieMaker, and it has some annoying quirks, especially when it comes to selecting parts to move or delete. Actually, I can't say I even recommend it.

Sometimes mpgs do look better or as good as wmv. I had that curious experience with clips from a site.

Thanks for the heads up on some of the content. Are the vids 640x480 or another size?

01-20-08  02:29am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #9 - elephant :

I just did a mock sign up, and it took me to the Epoch page, which was the billing company when i was a member.
01-20-08  02:31am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #7 - jd1961 :

Oh right cheers for doing that, yeah it must be new , I've never come across them yet, I guess they all have to start somewhere. Pretty fast response back of them with a ticket support customer service system. Didn't receive my confirmation email though , and it was a yahoo address checked my bulk too but nothing, the ticket support came through though ok so thats a little weird
01-20-08  02:33am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #11 - jd1961 :

Thanks, jd. Maybe it's the time of day? Location of client? Billing roulette? Good to know epoch is still there.
01-20-08  02:34am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #11 - jd1961 :

Really, now that is odd, I tried twice last night to see if it would give me another on both firefox and explorer. I'm from the UK maybe thats why I dunno, I have heard of some having two billing companies but it is strange.
01-20-08  02:36am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #12 - elephant :

The Yahell addy might explain the delay! I use Gmail for all my porn billing.
01-20-08  02:38am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #14 - elephant :

I did a google search on the new billing company, and i haven't found anything negative about it.
01-20-08  02:39am

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jd1961 (0) I checked it out, and this billing company comes out of MALTA!
01-20-08  02:44am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #13 - Drooler :

Local Billing Solutions LTD
48 sqaq
Pieta, MSD08
Malta ????

01-20-08  02:47am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #10 - Drooler :

Cheers for that Drooler and yeah thats what I meant joining them up to make it one file as it gets annoying opening them all, I know you can make a windows media playlist out of them dropping them into the media player which works but is a little hassle.

About the quality , well its not hd quality. I got it coming up as 512 x 288 when I hover above the file with my mouse in dimensions, is that the quality size or is there some other way to find out what it is. I've downloaded both mpg and wmv and to be honest there isn't much different.

Oh the Kacy vid is good, she looks great doggy style like the preview. Just wish the format was more mixed up, it seems to be the same sort of thing for each one, showing the girl outside or something being met then each 8 bits do the kind of same part, like the second she strips. they would be better to mix it up and maybe do a lesbian scene or two girls and a guy. add a bit more spice.

Its not overly expensive so thats a plus.

Will warn you though that theres loads of adverts to adultfriendfinder which is very annoying and fake, it has girls supposivly from the closest town to me all over and most of the pics if not all which they probably are are fakes as seen them on porn sites some of them, they are all of good looking women too and its only a small town, no way does it have all them stunners wanting sex lol. It is annoying though cause they are scattered all over the site.

01-20-08  02:54am

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jd1961 (0) On google, I found a sign up page for Playboy Cyber Club with this billing company. I found it on a search. When I did a mock sign up with PCC, I didn't get this billing company. However, when I did a fraud check on the local billing Playboy sign up page, it did show it as "trusted" and secure. Well...good night !!
01-20-08  02:56am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #17 - jd1961 :

Oh right cheers, is that a good thing. yeah theres nothing I found negative so hope its ok.

yeah probably the yahoo address thats done it, I wonder what other mail I don't get, maybe I'll switch to gmail. cheers for the tip

01-20-08  02:58am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #20 - jd1961 :

cheers JD, your a star, thanks for the info
01-20-08  02:59am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #19 - elephant :

Thanks for the add'l info. The info you get on hovering are the dimensions of the vids and the bitrate. Those dimensions are small and certainly not up to current baseline standards, IMHO. 640x480 or near that is as small as I can take.
01-20-08  03:22am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #23 - Drooler :

yeah mate it does sound small I agree, all I can say is they are not unwatchable quality and does say bitrate 1343kbps too when I hover over if that means anything.

Going from comparing the ones I've seen they appear to be like the quality of lezcuties vids even though they are probably higher dimensions, I don't get it but they are not the worse I've seen but yeah could be a whole lot better quality.

01-20-08  03:33am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #24 - elephant :

I agree, they're not unwatchable, and if the vid really gets to me, the dimensions matter less. I would like sites these days to do at least 640x480, but as Mick Jagger once said ...
01-20-08  03:36am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #25 - Drooler :

I'll just add mate , just watched the Kacy vid again and it in my honest opinion is superb, well should I say she is superb, shes really is something, her pussy is large but very sexy and apparantly tight, so the guy fucking her keeps saying. I wanna see more of her now, got a taste of her with this site, the stuff on alsscans looks interested.
01-20-08  03:53am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #26 - elephant :

Well, you might be interested in her on StuffedPetite, which I just did a review of. It's some of the most prolonged belly flat fucking I've seen anywhere, on a bed, on a couch, and then at the bed edge. There's a good 4 and a half minutes of it, all told, in concentrated form.

Kacey also has a cute face and a sexy mouth.

01-20-08  04:02am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #27 - Drooler :

Cheers mate for that site, looks interesting, just done a little research and found more sites she has appeared on

pure18.com along with the sexy sandy from 18yearold too, I'd join this site in a shot if they did away with the downloading limits.
teenybopperclub.com never heard of it but it doesn't look bad but slow to load for me

busy girl

01-20-08  05:13am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #28 - elephant :

Hey, thanks a bunch! It's nice having the Kacey "buffet" all in one place. Much appreciated!
01-20-08  02:07pm

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