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Killergram (0)

JBDICK (0) 04-09-08  11:28am
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Okay...I've had to cum home because I have Delta Fever

I lost count today...the number was 7324 times...the number of times I thought about Killergram, and Delta White...

This has to be my last comment now otherwise I'm going to get into trouble, and if Khan (PU webmaster) tells me off, I'm sorry...I am no longer in control of my senses...

I have had a Delta Labotomy...and it was LOVELY.

She says she wants to be bigger than Jenna Jameson and Tera Patrick...

Listen Delta. Do What You Do Now...although I would be happy to provide any guidance on Wardrobe or storylines and dialogue...

You are in a different league to these girls and others...

If I were worthy of rating you...you'd be in my top 5...

to TBP and PU users, seriously guys, this site is the standard to use as a benchmark for future websites...Yes it has flaws but that's expected...If it didn't have some things to fix it would go stale...look at other sites like HegreArt which were setting the standard, well move over guys cos Killergram just rewrote the standard and it's HIGH....

Get em Girl...and Delta Rocks...

Have to go now. I have to make more room on my hard drive to download some more vids.

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