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What do you think of mainstream fashion models?

Type: General

Submitted by mbaya (0)
Would love to see them nude 13% 6 Votes
Would love to see them do porn 29% 14 Votes
They are too thin/unattractive 31% 15 Votes
Not even on my radar 27% 13 Votes

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48 Votes Total

Sep 12, 2008

Poll Replies (13)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


Cybertoad (Disabled) need to see pushin cushin, not bones and viens EWWWW!
09-12-08  12:03am

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mbaya (Disabled) I don't see anything attractive at all
09-12-08  01:39am

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Toadsith (0) The first answer should be "Love seeing them nude" as you can usually find nude photos of popular runway models. Milla Jovovich, Omahyra, et cetera. Not hard to find, I'm glad to say. Fashion models definitely falls within one of my fetish mainstays. Then again, we all know I have quite a few mainstays in the world of porn. So choice two is the way to go - would love to see them in porn.
09-12-08  02:27am

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mr smut (0) I love the sporty mature type of woman with an athletic body most but that means some muscles, a nice round butt and breasts with A type cups.

Those mainstream fashion models are too skinny at all :-(

09-12-08  05:51am

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messmer (Disabled) They are mostly racks to hang clothes on. Once in a while you will see a fashion show that features sheer blouses but all you can see is nipples, there's no sign of breasts. Well, maybe a slight swell. :-)
09-12-08  07:39am

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mr smut (0) REPLY TO #5 - messmer :

Sometimes it really depends on the girl. I'm thinking about Ashley from ALS SCAN who surely is a damn hot girlie and guess what ... no real breasts only nipples :-)
09-12-08  08:55am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - mr smut :

If she's the Ashley I'm thinking of, we're on a different wave length, mr smut. I never did care for her. Long, black hair, parted in the middle?? I'm not a lover of big breasts but would like to see at least a or b cup sized breasts on a model. But that's okay, it would be a boring world if everyone had the same taste.
09-12-08  09:15am

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mr smut (0) REPLY TO #7 - messmer :

I'd say she has brown hair sometimes with a reddish touch but I'm sure that's the girl you are thinking of :-)

Just to let you know she has lots of fans and Alex plans to shoot her again after she's fit again. The poor girl was suffering from cancer.


09-12-08  12:03pm

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pat362 (0) I picked they aren't on my radar, because I can't name a single one right now. I'm sure I could identify a name if I read or heard it.

I wish I could say that I'd love to see them do porn, but having seen a few models make mainstream movies. Lets just say that being beautiful is not
a talent, but acting is. They have one but rarely have the other.

Of course if they did do porn then I'm sure I'd watch it anyway. Hell I've seen almost all the celbrity sex tapes (except mini-me) I'm not going to watch that regardles of how hot the girl might be.

09-12-08  07:07pm

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PinkPanther (0) Ever watch Project Runway? I have a few times. I can't say that I've seen more than a handful of their models in all the episodes I've watched where I was thinking, "Damn, is she hot!" I see more hot babes at the gym I go to.

Like the tall, slender kick-boxing Black woman with the braided hair and the amazingly tight ass and long sexy legs and.....

Fashion models - blecchh!

09-13-08  08:11am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #10 - PinkPanther :

My wife loves that show but I can't handle the bullshit life and death stuff the "reality shows" all use like the way they spend 10 minutes (including commercials to stretch out the "you're fired" part.

There is the occasional babe FMILF (fashion model I'd like to fuck) that will hold my interest for a few seconds but the rest of the time I'm surfing more intellectual stuff on the web like Twistys, Video Box and Brazzers on my laptop.

09-13-08  11:09am

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elephant (0) they are favs, I adore fashion models, well most I wouldn't want to see them do dirty porn, has to be classy nude stuff and beautiful lesbian stuff, make my dreams come true
09-13-08  12:59pm

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nygiants03 (0) I would be curious to see them in porn. Why not, the more woman to choose from the better.
10-06-08  10:04pm

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