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MetArt (0)

oogles (0) 07-07-09  08:30pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: + sets the standard for quality of photos and beautiful women
+ video content
+ frequent updates (a few new sets every day)
+ women are natural: no fake breasts!!!!
+ photos look like a REAL PHOTOGRAPHER took them, not just some creep with a brand new camera
+ models really pose well (no 'deer in headlights')
+ no insertions - personally, I want to see the beautiful women being themselves, not pretending to be turned on with some ridiculous toy
+ MUCH higher quality than typical American porn sites
Cons: + most recent models are completely shaved (might not be seen as a con for all)
+it's not very 'artistic' in terms of model poses. Erotic is more accurate (this could be seen as a pro, but the name of the site implies artistic)
+ navigating is rough although search helps, but it's kind of an outdated search system
+ would like to see a little more ethnic diversity. Yes eastern european woman are hot, but other ethnicities are very much under represented.
Bottom Line: A bit pricey, but worth it. At least for a few months. I have been a member 3 times. After letting my membership lapse for a few months (because I've already been through all the content) I have been going back for more.

If it's your first time, grabbing the year subscription is worth it, but if you've been a member before, take the shorter term or you might be bored.

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Review Replies (10)

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Solid review with nice details and opinions.
But if you were able to get through the massive photo content of this site in three months, you must have been spending a huge amount of time here. And that's if you skipped the video content, which I think is almost all skippable, anyway. :)

07-08-09  07:37am

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littlejoe (0) i agree, ive been disappointed how many women shave completely
07-08-09  03:33pm

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oogles (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - lk2fireone :

Good point; I suppose I need to clairfy.

I have been a member three times, but the first time was for ONE YEAR. That's how I moved through most of the content. Then I returned twice for one month each just to catch up on the new stuff.

That's why in the bottom line section I recommended taking a one year subscription deal if you have never been a member before.

I also agree with you that most of the video is 'skippable.'

07-08-09  07:15pm

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Drooler (Disabled) Nice review. For lovers of softcore, you make important points briefly and well (no fake ta-ta's, no plastic schlongs, and eroticism over "art").

Now, there have been galleries at MetArt with too much "deer in the headlights," or what jd1961 coined as "JC Penny poses," but they're more the exception than the rule.

MetArt, while not perfect, is still tops in my view for erotic softcore. I'm on what's probably my 3rd 365-day membership. I'll spend a little time not subscribed, but then I'm back and at $99 for a year, considering the volume and quality of the content, it's a good deal.

Funny how I've never written a review of it. It's so popular that I really don't have much to add to what others have already said about it.

07-08-09  07:48pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - littlejoe :

The clean shaven aspect doesn't bother me that much but the absence of any heavier eroticism, such as finger insertions and/or labia play reduces the appeal of this site.

That said, perhaps it's me but it seems like the models are getting more busty, are doing a lot more leg spreading than before and are, on average, prettier than in past years.

And I wish they would do something to make their videos watchable. They are usually videos of photo shoot sessions which are not nearly as interesting as the stills.

07-08-09  11:10pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #5 - Monahan :

It continuously surprises me how much personal tastes can differ.
I was thinking the models of the last year were not up the the previous standards of attractiveness. There were a good percentage of lovely young girls in the past, and I've found very few that I really liked this past year.

We agree on the videos, though, but I don't know what they can do, since Met-art is strictly softcore. I find that Femjoy videos are more watchable than Met-art videos, but not by much.

If the videos went very high-definition, that might help a little. Better music background would help a little. But the main problem is the girls don't do much of anything: they walk, they sit, they lay down, stand up. If there was some story to the video, that would help, but these girls are not actresses. And the photo people are not writers that would be able to write a short plot that makes sense and holds interest.

07-09-09  01:52am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #4 - Drooler :

Drooler, I wouldn't mind reading one of your reviews on Met-art. You usually manage to come up with something worthwhile to say.

Mbaya posted a couple of days ago that "The reviewers I respect the most are Exotics and Gcode. I feel their reviews are simply awe inspiring and wish I could write as well. The two reviewers I find most helpful as their tastes are similar to mine are Drooler and Denner."

I would put Drooler and Toadsith at the top of my list for the reviewers I respect the most. Though some other PU members come close.

07-09-09  07:59am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - lk2fireone :

Thanks, man. There seem to be 1-2 reviews of MetArt per month. Good to keep close tabs on things. Maybe I'll crank one out for Caesar Augustus.
07-09-09  01:15pm

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picdude (0) great review just a question on pricing though.
Is it possible to sign-up for just ONE month? ie can you cancel instead of letting it recur?

11-01-09  03:28pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #9 - picdude :

There's no problem if you want to sign up for 1 month. Just sign up for the 1-month recurring membership for $19.99, then cancel your membership before the month is over.
11-02-09  08:40am

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