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Visit Curry Creampie

Curry Creampie (0)

lk2fireone (0) 07-30-09  06:51am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Niche: Indian models (from India).
-$14.95/month special price thru PU/TBP.
-No DRM.
-No download limits.
-Small watermark bottom right corner on videos.
-Can search by series, title of DVD, actor, etc.
-Can view videos streaming in high or low quality.
-Can download videos in high or low quality.
-Screenshots illustrate the video action.
Cons: -mbaya pointed out in a comment dated 08-26-08 that some of the "Indian". models are non-Indians dressed up to look like Indians.
-WMV format only for downloads.
-No photos except for screenshots.
Bottom Line: Site stats:
Movies: 92
Hours: 45
Site size: 41 GB
General category: Indian/Hindu (92 movies)
-Anal (7)
-Big Breast (14)
-Cream pie (49)
-Cum swallow (3)

-Stats for videos:
-Bit rate: 2115 kbps
-Dimensions: 720x480

Videos are nice-quality, average about 30 minutes each.

This is a niche site, small-sized content, for Indian models.
The first video I saw at the site, the model spoke English with an American accent, like she grew up in the United States. No Indian accent at all. Had a jewel in her forehead, some necklace that might have been Indian, but no sense of being Indian at all, just a hardcore porn model with brownish skin-tone. So with the stream of "hot, dirty" talk out her mouth, there was no illusion of an Indian girl having sex. Instead, get a porn clip of a standard porn model-slut giving a bj and getting fucked, with a lot of fake moans, groans, dirty-talk, fake-excitement sex.
Is it better to watch a video with so much fake bullshit with the sound turned off? Since I didn't think the model was attractive, I thought it better to turn off the clip entirely, and watch a different clip in hopes of finding something better.

2nd clip I watched, same thing: A girl from United States claiming she was from Bombay, speaking American English, no accent, a lot of dirty sex talk before and during the sex coming out of her mouth, sort of like verbal diarrhea.

3rd clip I watched, a different girl with US English, no accent. This girl didn't bother with the dirty talk; her moans and groans, while still fake, were softer and less annoying than the first two girls. So she was a big improvement over the first two girls, though not Indian either.

Attractiveness of the models: Not gorgeous, not by a mile, but ok looking.

With a fast connection, you could download the entire site in a few days.
If you're into Indian women, or want a change from the Euro models of many sites, you can look through the site contents in a few days (with a fast connection and a lot of free time). Does it make a difference that many of the models aren't really Indian, but dressed up to look like Indian? That depends on your own mind-set. My problem is that many of the models act like standard porn sluts, especially with the dirty talk and the fake moans of passion, and that detracts from the sex. And the sex is straight bj, screwing vaginal, anal, whatever. No storyline, no buildup, no tenderness or anything to add to the fuck-fuck-fuck action.
If you enjoy straight fucking (with bj, vaginal and anal) with no bells or whistles, you might find the site worthwhile.

The videos are professionally shot of good quality and are decent to watch visually. My problem is the sex is straight hardcore sex with nothing to make it interesting to me.
Curry Creampie is part of the netFameSolutions network of 19 sites. Membership in any one of the sites allows full access to all the sites, with a large mixture of good quality broad and niche content.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) Sites with real Indians are rare and virtually nonexistent. Some of the girls here are actually Latinas. In contrast, there are plenty of sites that feature them. It is close to impossible that Indian girls from big cities would not understand, let alone speak English. By the way, most of the Indian women that do porn are from either the US or the UK.
07-30-09  08:58am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

I'm no expert, but I believe at least some of the models are from India or a near-by area, because of their accents. I believe, because England once controlled India, many Indians acquired a British-type accent, and some Indians (the wealthy ones) even went to England for some of their formal education. The accent can be a British-sounding accent, or a different type of accent that is different from the British accent. But there are definitely some models at the site that I believe are native Indians, even if they moved to where-ever it was that they made these porn videos. I doubt they made any of these videos in India, simply because it would have been too dangerous (against the law).

But there are a lot of fake "Indian" models at this site that are just Americans, from the United States, based on their "American accent".

07-30-09  09:29am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

In honor of the Indian review I wrote, and the interests of accuracy, I went to an Indian restaurant today that I sometimes go to, for lunch, to hear how the waiters talk. The owner was born in the Indian state of Punjab. But there is also a Punjab province of Pakistan with a lot of Punjabi people. Anyway, the owner and the waiter both spoke English with an Indian (not British) accent. I'm calling how they spoke an "Indian accent", just like I'm calling what Americans in the United States speak with as an American accent, even though both terms are probably not correct from a technical standpoint, but I'm not a linguist, just trying to get the idea across that you can sometimes tell where a person is from the way he/she speaks.

The point is, there are some models at this site that are Indian, but there are also some models that are not Indian, based on the way they speak English. The models all dress up like they are Indians from India, but that is part of the fantasy. It's supposed to make the video more exotic and erotic if the model is from India, no matter where the model really is from.

Am I allowed to charge my lunch to PU, because of the research I was doing?

07-30-09  04:36pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - lk2fireone :

I agree that a few girls on the site are genuinely Indian and never meant to imply otherwise. I actually do have training in linguistics and have had many college students in my classes who were born in India. I teach English to native speakers, as well as ESL at the college level. Indian English is considered a variety, along with American, British, Irish, Scottish, West Indian, Australian, and Canadian. Indian English is derived from British, but has many distinctive features besides vocabulary. The sets on the site appear to be in California and are shot in a style that is all too familiar as American. Basically gonzo is just gonzo and American gonzo is still the same no matter who the models are. It is true that there isn't much, if any, porn shot in India as it is illegal, as well as socially unacceptable. There is an active interest in porn in the UK and there are many Indian expats who perform, as well as those born there. That is also a further reason for Indian models having a British accent. They speak a bit differently from Indians who never left India though. The site features many models who do not act in a way representing Indian culture. To some extent, you can see culture. You probably have noticed this in looking at Americans vs. Europeans, or American Black people as compared to West Indians. I am glad you share my interest in Indian food.
07-30-09  06:17pm

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