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asmith12 (0) 11-12-09  10:18pm
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If THIS is not CHEATING, what IS?

Brazzers home page at the moment of this post says: "Now in FULL HD", and "Join now and embrace the future with the best HD experience". If you click on "Join now...", you will get to "Join page", with prices. But there is NOTHING to tell you, that when you pay, you will NOT get this HD stuff they were talking about, but will need to pay EVEN MORE to get it.

If THIS is not CHEATING, what IS?

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Msg # User Message Date


TheRizzo (0) Yeah Brazzers is one of the most deceptive sites out there which is why I personally stay away despite them having pretty good content.
11-12-09  11:50pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) I have to ask how you've missed all the comments and reviews about this site - a lot of which deal with the HD issue. They're definitely one of the most underhanded, sneaky and deceptive sites out there. If I had the money, I'd think about taking out billboards to tell people to stay away from here. (Okay - that's a stretch. But I can't seem to yell, "Just say NO!" loud enough!)

There are over 40 active reviews and more than 60 comments up about this site and, unless I missed it, I don't see one webmaster reply to anything that's been said about them, either good or bad. But, from the way the site is run, they obviously don't care what people think. As long as they keep the site cheap, they know people will keep signing up and they'll keep making money. I can easily imagine them sitting around a table, laughing their asses off, as they discuss the next bullshit scheme they're working on to gouge their customers.

11-13-09  12:06am

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #2 - RagingBuddhist :

> I have to ask how you've missed all the comments and reviews about this site...
I didn't really miss them, but there are two reasons why I still wrote this comment:
1. Even after reading reviews, I didn't expect it to be THAT bad.
2. with average PU rating being in 85+ range, I don't think it is yelled loud enough :-).

11-13-09  01:24am

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james4096 (Suspended) I do hate what they do. I believe that over the years the total number of monthly subscriptions must be over one million. They should just offer HD vids for everybody on day one just like every other big site is doing today. They can afford it.
11-13-09  01:59am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - asmith12 :

Even though you didn't seem to take offense at my little charge of ignoring all the comments on here, I'll still apologize for it. Knowing that such blatantly shady business practices should continue to reward these people really plucks my nerves, and I just spoke off the top of my head.

If I could use BBCode or html here, the following would be in a 72 point, bold, italicized, underlined and red font:


The rant is done for now. I'll now go back to more a more Buddhist pursuit. Time to feed my fish and sit back to watch them eat.

11-13-09  02:18am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #5 - RagingBuddhist :

Are you raising piranha in your fish tank? Maybe you should drop some of the Brazzers folk into the tank to see who eats who?
11-13-09  07:45am

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mr smut (0) REPLY TO #6 - lk2fireone :

Hey, even fish like Piranhas have pride and refuse to eat what they don't like or what would maybe poison them ;-)
11-13-09  08:08am

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pat362 (0) I agree that this is one of those sites that should simply state that HD is a reward for long term members. It would take next to no place and would avoid disapinting paying memebers. I truly do not care for HD so the fact that they don't offer it upfront would not affect my review.
11-14-09  09:24am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #8 - pat362 :

Yeah - and this is the problem that I've been railing about every chance I get everywhere I can - It's dishonest bait-and-switch BS that has gone on for many months.

It's not a mistake. It's not an oversight. I posted numerous times on their forum, which I would never post to again, since it is so completely packed with Brazzers employees posing as members attacking anybody that criticizes the site.

They are the kings of BS.

Want to check out a site that actually likes their members, has a real forum, will do things such as booking members' fave porn babes for live shows on the members' birthdays? Check out Naughty America.

They impress me more and more. Their scenes are not great - many of their live shows are fucking awesome - and they get them up on archives as soon as they can.

Did Brazzers ever put up their live $5/minute show to watch in archives? Hell, no!

11-14-09  09:35am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #9 - PinkPanther :

I don't understand why a site like this just doesn't bother to say on
the preview page that HD is reserved exclusively to their long term members. Ie those with a 6 month or meore membership or those that
have renewed for 5+ months. I don't think they will lose money and
might avoid pissing some customers off. I do not want HD in my porn.
If my faborite sites all go HD tomorrow, then I will be unable to join many of them. Those HD videos would eat my alloted download far too quickly.

I joined Naughty America not long after Brazzer. I also like that site. I have to do a review some time. I find that their content is very similar.

11-15-09  10:36am

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #4 - james4096 :

I've been commenting that while I do think it is fair to charge extra, particularly for the 1080p, they should definitely let people know up front, even if they have to fine print it.

What they should do is simply allow new member to download the lower quality 720p up front, since this is what is made available on just about every other site now with no wait.

As far as the 1080p stuff though, I can somewhat understand them charging the premium. I think it may well be of a higher quality than any HD on the net; certainly it's the best I've seen and I've been around. Even some other sites that advertise 1080p don't really compare to the kind that Brazzers is putting out right now. I know that's a bold statement and I could be wrong since I haven't seen every site, but you'd have to see it to know what I'm talking about. In addition to the fact they are putting out 2-3 of these per day.

We are also talking about massive file sizes for the 1080p, like between 4-5 GBs for a 30 minute scene. They can't be expected to make that available to everyone right off that bat. They've got so many members it would quickly overload the servers; even guys trying to download regular wmv files would be impacted. This would cause them to institute some kind of download limitation which would turn off many long time members such as myself. (luckily I'm still only paying the $9.99 loyalty discount).

11-15-09  01:39pm

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO # - :

Thanks for warning.
12-12-09  08:34am

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